According to the love horoscope, in this world everyone can find their soul mate. Even if you have not succeeded yet, believe and immediately read the love horoscope for August 2017 for all signs of the zodiac

August 2017 love horoscope for Aries


Aries needs to remember that best time- it is now. This is especially true for your personal life.
On August 1-2, you need to decide what you need from your life. But on August 5-6, Aries must cope with the old emotional plug. There is every chance to find out!
August 12-13 is the perfect time for romantic encounters (in every sense!) The result is simply enchanting.
The more accurately you determine what you need from your personal life, the better August 17-18 will go.
August 22-23 Aries' communication skills are at their best. Enjoy. But on August 28, pay attention to the details. Even the smallest ones.
On August 31, give back as much as you can.

August 2017 love horoscope for Taurus

On August 1-2, Taurus will go all out on the romantic front. So do it. Only with a smile on your face.
And more importantly, keep it simple. And people will come to you. Herds.

Feel free to show your true face. But don't go overboard with spending. On August 7-8, it is better to knock out a debit with a credit. And on July 12-13, make romance with discipline. And then you are a fan of not fulfilling your promises.
August 19-21 Taurus is a real sex machine. August 26-27 in amorous affairs it is better to be nice than truthful. If you've already made a decision about your relationship, make it happen on August 31st. Change is always for the better.

August 2017 love horoscope for Gemini

Even if on August 1-2, Gemini and a partner are not on the same wavelength, you should not get too excited. You understand each other perfectly. And you have to be prepared to make mistakes.

Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.
On August 5-6, you need to sort something out. This is a very long walk.
On August 10-11, you need to learn how to switch from work to cupids and back.
On August 17-18, very unexpected meetings await you. The main thing is not to sit at home.
On August 22-23, the twins feel on horseback. And those who want to sit on one mkones with you - three regiments. Why not discuss it in a romantic setting on August 28-29?
Expect unusual surprises from Amur on August 30-31!

Love horoscope for August 2017 for Cancers

On August 1-2, cupids are clearly favorable to Cancers. Would you like to take a step? You can't think of a better time.
August 7-8 Cancer feels out of sorts. You need to rest more. That's what. Slow down and appreciate everything that happens in your relationship. Maybe you need to change something? A lot can be seen. If you look.
On August 12-13, Cancer's intellect will leap. And that means attraction to the opposite sex.
A close friend wants you to date someone August 19-21. Why not? The main thing is to be ready for everything7 Well, there are candles, flowers, wine, everything.
And how is Cancer going to spend mega-romantic days on August 24-25? On August 30-31, it is better to free your companion from household chores. He/she will be very grateful to you.

Love horoscope for August 2017 for Leo

Cupids are all cool. But you have to deal with finances. At least August 1st. Once this is sorted out, re-read the insurance policy. Then put things in order at home. And only then you can dream (well, if it hurts). But not before.

You can do cupids. But not before August 7-8.
Don't let trifles ruin your August 12-13 mega date.

On August 17-18, you can try something new. And on August 24-25, philosophize7 Be sure to record all your wisest thoughts. And then share. Enjoy the company of your couple on August 26-27. And on August 31, anyone will fall for Leo.

Love horoscope for August 2017 for Virgo

Looking for romance this month, precious Virgos? You will receive everything. Starting from August 1, you are, purely, on top.

Is it covering you? Well, congratulations: you're in love. Great! So enjoy the moment!
By August 5-6, the inquisitive mind of the Virgin will increase to heaven. You are more than capable of anything.
August 9-11 will be a chance to understand how Virgo and her couple fit together. Here we go.
August 15-16 is a chance to make a great impression. Just hold your tongue! On August 20-21, try something new. Your couple will love it. On August 25, we need to communicate more. Do nothing on August 28-29. This beautiful days! On August 31, Cupids prepared something cool for the Virgins. And close to home!

Love horoscope for August 2017 for Libra

What is the way to the heart of your passion, huh, Libra? Maybe a song or a poem, or a cool photo. Do not miss the chance on August 1-2 to cut a couple of kilometers. Remember, something out of the ordinary is expected of you.
The more creativity, the easier it is to succeed in love affairs August 7-8.
Express yourself August 7-8. Your mate, obviously. will appreciate.
On August 12-13, do not leave for a minute.,
If Libra is lonely, then August 19-20 will change everything.
On August 26-27, remember: love is small things too. You need to see every leaf. Not only the forest.
August 30-31 are perfect for a romantic picnic. Do not miss!

August 2017 love horoscope for Scorpio

Yes, the stars know: Scorpio (like everyone else!) Needs wild round-the-clock romance. But this is no reason to merge the wonderful atmosphere of August 1-2.

Look around and appreciate: well, very well. Your soul mate in Scorpio is at tea. Especially on August 5-6.
On August 10-11, Scorpio cares about work more than romance. But it is romance that can hit back on August 12-13.
Try to explain yourself so that there are no problems. And on August 17-18, speak openly about everything. Follow your heart on August 24-25. First you need to get to know the person, and then make decisions on August 31.
It's better to change path better. Please note!

Love horoscope for August 2017 for Sagittarius

Someone, but Sagittarius is definitely not ready to start novels on August 1-2. Yes, forces are elementary to zero.
You should not resort to a date in sportswear. Best to call them and reschedule.
Do not force yourself and do not squeeze out more romance than it really is. You won't pretend not to know what - wonderful days await you on August 7-8. And by the way, you are on top these days. Everyone will fall in love. Right everyone.
August 12-13 Sagittarians need to communicate more. Blow into the hall (regardless of the types of bed joys on August 19-21). Look for something new on August 26-27. And don't let your friends doubt that you are single on August 30-31.

August 2017 love horoscope for Capricorns

Recently, Capricorn was not up to romance and not up to cupids. But August 1-2 will put everything in its place. Someone has plans for you. Here you will see. You can also make plans for yourself.
On August 3-4, it’s better not to spur everything on and let it go by itself.
On August 9-11, expect changes for the better.
On August 15-16, Capricorn is better off pushing the creativity pedal to the floor. Your couple will love it. Speak everything in detail on August 22 and 23.
On August 28, something like that might come to your mind. And on August 31, Capricorn will be captured by new ideas. And everyone around you thinks you are damn attractive and very cute. very straight!

August 2017 love horoscope for Aquarius

Before craving emotional intimacy, Aquarius needs to learn emotional independence. So devote August 1-2 to this. You don't know how to let another person inside. Learn!
On August 5-6, Aquarians' career aspirations will come to the fore. Do not forget to convey to your couple the idea that it is no less important than a career.
Discipline (emotional, physical and mental) is the key to your success on August 10-11.
Don't get involved in emotional blackmail, skipping sports, etc. Don't overdo it. On August 12-13, changes for the better are observed in your life.
August 19-20 enjoy the routine.
On August 24-25, it is better to control emotional outbursts.
August 30-31 - the time of maximum rapprochement with a partner. Don't miss out!

Love horoscope for August 2017 for Pisces

Pisces should start every day of August as the best day of their lives.
Think August 1-2, how to improve each day. Don't push anything or anyone away on August 5-6. Learn empathy. But don't let anyone wash their feet in the lake of your inner strength.
August 10-11 should be devoted to work (and only work!).
Learn to visualize your dreams on August 15-16. On August 19-21, feel free to look for emotional and other caresses from your soul mate. August 24-25 are very filled with romance. Straight bug.
On August 31, it’s better to check if you have enough dough for expensive ideas about dates.


The last month of summer will be rich in pleasant events, according to the horoscope. At the beginning of the month, a trip abroad is possible, during which single representatives of the sign can start a romance, and those who are in a relationship will experience a second honeymoon. It is possible to start interesting creative projects. In the second half of August, you should not allow quarrels between parents and partner.


In the first half of August, Taurus will be busy solving household and family issues. Mutual understanding will finally be established between a loved one and the parents of representatives of this sign. He may decide to move to the house of Taurus. The second half of the month will be devoted to work. The load will become a little more than usual, but those born under this sign will benefit.


A lot of new acquaintances and communication awaits Gemini in early August. Warmer relations with brothers and sisters, if any. It is also possible to improve financial position. In the middle of the month, a mysterious person will enter the life of Gemini, with whom they will fall passionately in love. But the horoscope advises not to lose vigilance, a catch is possible. In a relationship with a partner, you should also beware of his manipulations.


The beginning of August will please the representatives of this sign with well-deserved financial success. A large gift from relatives or the help of friends in finding a profitable part-time job is possible. In the second half of the month, an increase in wages at official work is also likely. At the end of August, you need to be more careful when communicating with parents. You may quarrel over different views on nepotism.

a lion

In the first decade of August, Leos will feel filled with energy and confidence. Their charisma will become even brighter. At this time, it is good to plan various meetings where it is important to make a good impression. Perhaps a pleasant event related to the house, for example, buying a property. And towards the end of the month, on the contrary, it is worth refraining from large expenses.


At the beginning of the month, Virgos will be immersed in themselves. Perhaps a passion for mysticism, magic. Intuition will go off scale now, so the horoscope advises paying attention to various signs and dreams. In the second half of August, Virgos will feel the need to revise their image and try themselves in a completely new way. But the implementation of this plan is better to be postponed until September.


The first half of the month will be rich in new friendly contacts. The people you meet now can become your lifelong friends. Some Libras will also try their hand at a new hobby during this time, which they are sure to enjoy. Toward the middle of the month, a rethinking of their principles and worldview is likely. Esotericism will help Libra with this. At the end of August, work responsibilities may come into conflict with your personal values.


In early August, Scorpions have a real career breakthrough. Even their most risky projects can now shoot. Favorable time to start your own business. In the second half of August, past friends can return to the lives of representatives of this sign, and communication with them will make Scorpios rethink a lot. At the end of August, it is better not to plan trips abroad or start studying.


A trip abroad, which may take place in early August, will bring drastic changes to the life of Sagittarius. Someone will start a new romance on vacation, someone will find opportunities there for the implementation of a long-conceived creative project. In the second half of the month, you should be more attentive to the advice of friends. It is they who can lead you to some important insights about your life. Be careful when getting intimate with new people at the end of August.


The first decade of August will be remembered by Capricorns for a long time thanks to new sensory experiences with a partner, various sexual experiments. Open up to new things in love now, and this can change your life, the horoscope advises. In the second decade of the month, you need to carefully plan your spending and not succumb to momentary temptations. Also, try not to spend extra money on a partner, especially if you have recently met.


The beginning of August will be filled with romance and mutual understanding with a partner, the horoscope promises. Lonely representatives of the sign will certainly find their love at this time. This could be an old school friend, a neighbor, or someone close to you. In the second half of the month, conflicts with superiors at work are possible. But if you are tactful enough, they can be avoided.


The first half of the month will be devoted to work. It is possible that there you will be entrusted with new projects, and perhaps even promoted. New job responsibilities will make representatives of this sign more confident. In the second half of the month, past partners can return to the life of Pisces. For those who are already in a relationship, this can provoke conflicts in a couple. Lonely Pisces, too, should not rush into the pool headlong. All rights reserved. Reproduction without compliance with the conditions is prohibited.

The last summer month is conducive to romance and love accomplishments. In order for your feelings to fall into place and be mutual, you need to check the recommendations of a love horoscope. You can express your feelings without fear with the help of a love horoscope. Thanks to astrological knowledge, you can achieve harmony in relationships, strengthen your own union and add a touch of spice to any romantic acquaintance. Aries Your energy opponent Venus will be in a neutral position for the whole month, which will not interfere with love affairs. The beginning of the month will be marked by the positive influence of your Sun patron. The period from August 1 to 21 is the most successful for the development of romantic relationships. This includes both exciting acquaintances and the transition to a new level in an existing relationship. The most important thing for Aries is to maintain stability in love. Respect and appreciate your partner. A union built on loyalty and mutual understanding will become a source of joy and happiness. The most favorable time for an open demonstration of feelings will come during the recession of negative lunar activity: August 1, 4, 5, 6, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28 and 31 August. Taurus Taurus are at risk of starting August with scandals and quarrels. The weakened and neutral positions of Venus and the Moon will test your feelings for strength. Paths to compromise will be closed during the recession positive influence Moons: 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 20th, 21st, 26th, 27th, 28th and 31st. At this time, it is worth abandoning personal initiative and not provoking a partner. Aspects of patron planets on August 10, 18, 23, 24 can increase sensuality in your union. Do not rush when looking for a new relationship. Lonely Taurus should not make decisions on a hot head and start a relationship just to get rid of loneliness. Gemini Gemini throughout the month thoughts can be in past relationships. During the period of the weakened position of the patron-Venus, you should not break off the existing union for the sake of a fleeting affair: the result is unlikely to live up to your expectations. Destructive solar energy can negatively affect the general condition of the representatives of this Sign. From August 1 to 21, the tendency to jealousy, intrigue and flattery will increase. The main thing for Gemini is to make the union more sensual, brighter and more piquant. Lucky aspects of Venus and other planets will help you succeed on August 9, 10, 18 and 24. Use natural charm, wit and do not skimp on compliments. Cancer The situation of the month is conducive to intrigue, doubt, intricate plots and jealousy. It will not be possible to fully rely on the patronage of the moon. Fluctuations may arise in the family representatives of this Sign. It is possible that the union may crack. To protect your relationship will help the lack of drama and exaggeration of problems. Most auspicious days for romantic manifestations, gifts and surprises fall on 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 24 August. , 28, 31 numbers. Suspicion at this time is dangerous, especially if it does not have solid ground under its feet. You should get rid of unfounded claims. Leo August will be indicated for Leo by the positive influence of the patron-Sun. The period from the 1st to the 21st will increase charm, natural magnetism will increase. Representatives of this Sign in love should use good opportunities and choose the right moments for the initiative. August 4, 5, 6, 20, 21 and 31 are the most successful times associated with the decline of lunar energy. Your personal qualities will not lose strength even at the end of the month, which will help you find time for personal accomplishments, new exciting acquaintances and love adventures. However, one should be wary of the negative impact of the planets on the 9th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 18th and 19th. Virgo In general, August promises to pass without incident, but you should not lay much on this month. Your mood and love victories will be inextricably linked with the changeable lunar energy, the patronage of which will be enhanced on the 9th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 19th. In these days of strength, it is best to direct the seething energy to a planned step. Challenge yourself to have a great time with your loved one. In order not to discredit yourself in the eyes of your lover, you need to sensibly assess your own capabilities. The weakened position of the Moon is unfavorable for spontaneous actions and big words. August 1, 4, 5, 6, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28 and 31 are busy days. Libra Bringing novelty into relationships Libra will be hampered by the lack of a positive influence of Venus. Your energy patron will be in a neutral position for the whole month. But the negative impact of solar energy will contribute to the emergence of disagreements and cooling of feelings. The period from August 1 to 21 is not the best time to sort things out: you may encounter an aggressive reaction from your partner. Try to set in motion the mechanisms that worked before. Favorable aspects of Venus and the planets on August 9, 10, 12, 18, 21, 23, 24 will help Libra find the key to any heart. Scorpio For representatives of the constellation Scorpio, August will be a favorable month for the manifestation of feelings. The weakened and neutral positions of the antagonists - the Moon and Venus - will not cause unnecessary trouble. For almost the entire month, you will be surrounded by an atmosphere of love and an abundance of feelings. Bond your union by marriage or take another serious step in a relationship most successfully on the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 20th, 21st, 26th, 27th, 28th, 31st. You will have to fight for the right to love and be loved during the period of increased negative influence of the Moon: August 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19. At this time, it is worth giving the reins of government into the hands of a partner, otherwise there is a risk of incurring the wrath of a loved one. Sagittarius Sagittarius in love will help positive impact your ally, the sun. In a relationship with a loved one in the period from August 1 to 21, a significant rise in feelings is expected. Astrologers advise weakening the levers of self-control during the exchange of views with a partner. In a love union, the mediation of third parties is unsafe, so in August it is advisable not to give too much of great importance advice from friends and relatives. During the period of the strengthened position of your opponent of the Moon, you should prove your feelings with specific actions. Flirting with other people will provoke significant cooling in your couple. Internal tension may rise on August 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19. Capricorn In August, Capricorns should not hesitate to take the necessary and decisive action. Love luck will not accompany throughout the month. The most favorable time for romantic manifestations will be on August 1, 4, 5, 6, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 31. The weakened position of your antagonist of the Moon will not interfere with love victories. A pronounced conflict of interest with a partner can drag on and last for the whole month. It is not recommended to give preference to superficial feelings. New relationships during the period of the negative influence of the planets, August 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, will not bring inner satisfaction. Aquarius Aquarius in love can become a victim of their uncontrollable emotions during the negative impact of the Sun. Your antagonist will gain strength between August 1 and 21, which will increase the tendency to jealousy and suspicion. Too fast and stormy relationships at the beginning of the month run the risk of becoming obsolete. You will not interfere with a friendly and peaceful union. A good time for dates, acquaintances and strengthening relationships will be indicated by the positive aspects of Venus and your patron planets. August 10, 12, 18, 21, 23, 24 are favorable days for starting a serious romance, wedding and moving. Pisces Representatives of the Pisces sign in August should not expect radical changes in relations with a loved one. The coming month is more suitable for gaining trust and mutual understanding in the union. Astrologers advise listening and hearing your partner. Try to find out more personal details from the life of a loved one, on the basis of which you can avoid future mistakes. The weak position of your patron of the Moon will increase the risks of quarrels and internal tension. The paths to harmony in the union will be closed on August 1, 4, 5, 6, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 31. The most successful time for new feelings, acquaintances and proposals will come on the 9th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 18th and 19th. Lonely Pisces this month will be able to arrange a personal life.

Horoscope for August 28 - September 3

On Thursday, August 31, Mercury retrograde returns to Leo. This means that until mid-September, issues that appeared in the second decade of July may reappear. Now you will finally have the opportunity to solve them, but only if you are ready to abandon stereotypes and start acting in a new way for yourself. By the way, the beginning of September is the best for this, because ...

September 1-5 - trine retrograde Mercury and Uranus. If you haven’t had bursts of inspiration for a long time, now you will! You can easily change your views, see situations from a different point of view.

On September 1 and 2, retro Mercury will be especially active, which is favorable for contacts, negotiations, especially if you are turning to long-term business partners and old investors.

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Twins
  • Cancer
  • a lion
  • Virgo
  • Scales
  • Scorpion
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Fish



A very interesting Monday awaits many representatives of the element of Fire. Aries will receive an interesting offer (for example, about changing jobs with an increase in salary, but also loads, respectively). Or the other half will suddenly hint, “but don’t you expand square meters or not to buy a house in some cozy village?” And someone in general will suddenly take tickets and go on a small, but very pleasant vacation.


For many Aries, Tuesday will be a real test of strength for feelings. There may be serious conflicts with a partner, unpleasant conversations, a showdown, and so on, so on, so on. Yes, you will be able to smooth out unpleasant moments and get around sharp corners, but you yourself will simply be left without strength.


If you want to do well, do it yourself. This is the slogan Aries will draw for themselves on Wednesday. For some reason, you decide that no one but you can cope with even the simplest tasks and will be ahead of your colleagues in everything. But trust me, it's overkill.


Sometimes such cheerful and active Aries there are recessions, for example, on Thursday. You don't want anything. To run away from everyone for a day, just lie there and do nothing. Of course, you try to portray yourself as active and energetic in order to justify your fieryness, but even those around you can see that something is wrong with you.


The day will begin with being reminded of an old promise that you once made and never kept. Not included in your plans, but you have to repay debts.


On the calendar, Saturday, a day off, and Aries are gloomy as a rainy day. Stop frowning. This stern look and gloomy mood suit anyone, but not you. The main thing is that there are absolutely no reasons for such a mood.


Remember when you arranged pleasant surprises for your loved one? Of course, romantic. Just be honest. Don't remember? Correct the situation immediately! A holiday is expected of you, so organize it, especially someone, and Aries know how to do it better than others.



In vain you tuned in to an impossibly difficult Monday, drew strange pictures for yourself and imagined the beginning of a new working week as something unimaginable. Yes, there will be a lot of cases, but you can handle them with such ease that you will be surprised at yourself.


Tuesday will be a day of incredible stubbornness for most Taurus. Today you will literally surprise your colleagues and loved ones. You cannot be moved, because there are two opinions - one is yours, the other is wrong. And you never want to listen to anything or anyone.


You don't have to take everything so personally. Work failures are temporary. In a few days you will forget about it. So why get on the nerves of yourself and your loved ones? After all, work is not the whole life.


Things don't work out well in the morning. It seems that the prerequisites for bad mood and there is no blues, but something worries you and haunts you. So the stars recommend listening to your feelings and trusting your intuition. She won't let you down today.


On Friday, representatives of the earth sign may feel a slight malaise. Do not be afraid, tomorrow everything will pass, it's just fatigue that has long accumulated and it's time to say goodbye. So why not think about rest?


Today, Taurus will be at the mercy of a gastronomic fairy who decides to fool around a bit. For example, he will whisper in your ear that you urgently need to bake a huge cake, such that with cream and whipped cream, and then eat it! Don't like sweets? So here's a baking sheet of potatoes with chicken. Don't worry, it won't affect your figure in any way? f Here the nerves shattered will heal.


If you don't like something, speak directly. Why these undertones, offended faces and suffering poses? By such behavior, you will not only not achieve your goal, but also anger your friends or relatives.



Follow the leader and just copy what he does. An honorable second place will be provided to you. Yes, not "gold", but you will not remain a loser either. But if you still decide to take a chance and do it your own way, you will generally finish one of the last.


A difficult day, quarrels and squabbles, misunderstanding of relatives and claims of superiors are possible. Yes, and you are dissatisfied with everything, you absolutely do not like everything. True, unlike others, you will find the strength to remain silent and not spoil the mood of others.


On Wednesday, Gemini can afford an extra glass of wine, a slippery joke or a frank conversation. All this will only benefit you. But it is better not to plan new projects, such as repairs, trips or large purchases.


New stars light up on your financial horizon. Seize the moment while luck smiles at you. You may well expect to receive an inheritance or a salary increase.


On Friday, many representatives of the air sign will have to make a choice. Which one will depend on the situation. But this choice will not be easy. Therefore, the stars urge you to be careful and weigh the pros and cons.


Sometimes Gemini has to remind others about who is the smartest, most talented, interesting and, of course, the main one. This is done not out of harm, simply so that they do not forget to praise and give compliments to that very talented clever Gemini.




It is not always possible and necessary to trust intuition. For example, today you don’t need to listen to your second “I” at all, because it is outrageous and tries to lead you astray. If you have already planned this day, then act strictly according to the intended course and no turns to the side, even if it seems that it is so right.


On Tuesday, work will hit you like a tsunami. It will not be easy to stay afloat, but the right tactics and clear planning will be your saving straw.


Wednesday is a pretty dangerous day for your wallet. Do not lend money to anyone, do not put money in a bank account, keep track of spending and in general, try not to go to the store today.


Education is your passion. You love to educate everyone, from children to your own leadership. The stars warn that today is not your day, hide your pedagogical ambitions and do not imagine yourself as the new Makarenko.



On Saturday, turn your clear eyes to a healthy lifestyle. Follow the regime of the day, start the morning with gymnastics or light jogging (preferably in the park, not on asphalt), try to eat healthy food and drink as much water as possible.


Sunday will be emotionally difficult, but at the same time a very bright and memorable day. Quarrels are not excluded, but there will be much more interesting conversations, meetings and events that will turn your head!

a lion


Leo leaders today more than ever need to make decisions by counting to ten. No abrupt and spontaneous actions, let alone words. Wisdom, tact and attentiveness, these are the three pillars on which all the work of this Monday will rest. And if you say harsh words or flare up - this is a rollback.


You don't have to pretend to be a champion lifter on Tuesday. Don't lift any weights today! Back problems are possible. Keep this in mind throughout the day. It is better to ask someone to help, even if it is not at all your style.


A very interesting environment. Your relationship with your loved one is taken to a whole new level. It is as if you will find yourself in a different plane, from where you can observe what is happening as if from the sidelines, draw conclusions and prevent mistakes.


Today, many representatives of the fire element will have to make a very difficult decision. And although the Lions did their best to drive these thoughts away from themselves, it will not work to constantly run away from them. We need to muster up the courage and cut the difficult knot.


Even if you are invited to visit, and the party promises to be crazy - refuse. The main rule of Friday is to go to bed on time! And no last "only eight" series or twelve chapters should interfere with this. Go to bed early, save your energy.


Don't you think that for a long time you haven't bought anything for yourself and haven't spoiled yourself with anything like that? If you were looking for something special, on Saturday there is every chance to find and get the coveted item.


To prove your case is quite in your spirit. However, remember, truth is not born in a dispute, this is a delusion. Don't fight, be calm. The one who is right must remain calm.



On Monday, Virgos will be a little sad. You suddenly miss someone close, you want warmth, comfort and understanding. Feel free to show this weakness and just hide under the wing of your loved one.


A great time to improve your skills, visit the library, acquire new knowledge. Seize the moment, the knowledge acquired today will be useful to you in the future.


Dear Virgo, the heavenly office informs you that it is time for you to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. And in general, take care of yourself. It is better to preserve health, it is very difficult to restore it.


If you want to spend a large sum, there is no better time. It doesn't matter if you post a mortgage or buy a shoe store. Anyway? this purchase will please you for a long time.


It will be a very, very difficult day, you will need maximum return, although it seems to you that by the end of the week there is almost no strength left. Believe me, are there? and urgently need to scrape the bottom of the barrel! But what a result! It will exceed your expectations, and it is worth sweating for it.


Sometimes you can gossip a little, but only with very close people, otherwise your words will be misinterpreted, and you will not be in the best position.


Sunday recipe: just relax. Try to forget about the worries, problems and things that haunt you. Dedicate the day to small pleasant chores, such as shopping.



Libra today is an example of optimism and good mood. If it's raining outside, the air sign is happy to show off their bright new rubber boots and umbrella to the world. If the sun, then Libra jumps for joy that summer is still going on. And it will show up in everything. By the way, your mood will be transmitted to others. So around the air sign on Monday - joy and smiles.


Sometimes the beginning of the working week can be compared with its end - you are emotionally exhausted and simply exhausted. However, this is only in the morning. Already after lunch, colleagues will note the amazing changes that will occur with your mood.


You need to think about work, business and current problems. And all your thoughts are walking somewhere far away. You have your head in the clouds, and those around you are already whispering, believing that you are having an affair. However, maybe they are right?


Representatives of the air sign are tempted to help someone, help out, give practical advice. Cool down, your help will really be needed, but wait until you are asked for it, do not interfere until you are asked.


It seemed like the end of the work week. And Libra has a real beginning! Because it's time to turn your dreams into reality. Yesterday something seemed impossible to you, but today everything is so simple. And as if behind the wings grew wings. Forward! Go ahead.


A day of extra hustle and bustle. You are busy with a lot, spinning, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, but all in vain. And here's the paradox, the more you fuss, the less time you have on this Saturday ...


It would seem that you didn’t do anything special, but the relationship with your loved one becomes stronger and brighter by itself, you will even remember the period of falling in love and feel that you have reached some other, completely new level.



Today, representatives of the elements of Water simply need physical activity. No self-pity, references to fatigue or bad weather. Jogging, gym, yoga, pool. Yes, you never know what you can think of! The main thing is to definitely do it. Otherwise, you will completely become limp and you will remember Monday as gloomy and sad.


Today, Scorpios will be lucky in various small things. And from them, as you know, everything great is added. So take this opportunity to start making long-term plans and think about a new project.


On this Wednesday, Scorpios will heroically cope with all the difficulties on their own, without complaining to anyone or asking for help. How proud you will be at the end of the day! However, there is something to be proud of and something to be glad about.


Do not trust too simple and sweet promises. Better a tit in the hands, here Golden Rule, which you should not forget this Thursday for a minute. In the afternoon, Scorpios may receive an unexpected gift or hear good news.


Play, read, draw, dazzle, glue, ride bicycles ... but you never know what else you can think of if you are with a child ?! Representatives of the water element today will turn even the banal cleaning of an apartment into an exciting game that the kids will be delighted with.


You seem to be a little overworked, the week was too stormy. Today, many representatives of the element of Water will be haunted by a feeling of fatigue. You may even cry and be sad. Just try not to show your tears to anyone.


The stars promise you an attraction of unheard-of generosity. Today you can safely make claims, talk about what you don't like, demand changes... The most interesting thing is that they will listen to you and do what you want.



Your authoritative opinion will be very useful today in labor disputes. Don't be afraid to speak up. Show initiative. And do not hesitate to prove what you are absolutely sure of. And if at first everything will be difficult, then very soon they will listen to you and agree.


The second day of the working week will make Sagittarians pretty nervous and worried. There may be minor troubles at work that representatives of the fire sign will take too close to their hearts.


The question that has long haunted Sagittarius will finally be resolved. Whatever the outcome of the case, you will simply be glad that this sword of Damocles is no longer hanging over you.


What's amazing about love is the surprise factor. It would seem that everything is smooth, smooth, nothing foreshadowed ... when suddenly - bam, and into the pool with his head. By the way, this also applies to long-established relationships.


A properly developed strategy will help Sagittarius in the implementation of the most difficult plans. Yes, and stop looking into the plans for the next quarter, you will still have time to redo everything, there is no need to work so ahead of schedule.


Saturday is fraught with conflicts with the older generation. True, you will find the strength in yourself to stop in time, but still the mood can be seriously spoiled. Do not eat chocolate problems and do not drink alcohol. Today is not the best day for that.


Take a break. Forget about business and problems. Go outdoors with the whole family. Barbecue, swimming, badminton... you seem to have returned to childhood! You can't imagine a better vacation.



Try to get up early today and complete all the complex planned tasks in the morning, leaving small things for the whole day that will not tire you too much. It is in the morning that Capricorns will have an incredible upsurge and a surge of energy, so the stars strongly recommend not to miss this chance.


Your responsibility is laudable and worthy of an example. But still, try to leave work before the guards start defiantly walking around and rattling keys. Life is not only work, do not forget about it.


Provocations, deliberate conflicts, pushing foreheads. Detractors know a lot about "fun". However, your analytical mind and ability to sort things out before making a decision will help you deal with all the troubles without consequences.


From the very early morning you will not like everything, everywhere you will find shortcomings. Be careful before scolding colleagues for poorly done work, check everything again, maybe you made a mistake and didn’t see it a little?


Keep your mouth shut, do not respond to the barbs and attacks of your loved one, try to smooth out the conflict, be soft and delicate. Perhaps your significant other is just too tired? Be patient and show understanding.


A day of peace and pleasure. Everything is in its place, everything is done and planned ahead, in general, the way Capricorn loves. Representative earth element nothing annoying or disturbing. Just a very good day.


If you have not done something this week, today is the last chance to finish everything, otherwise the upcoming Monday will generously endow you with trouble. So, down with laziness and long live work.



Today, conflicts with technology are possible. Not that there will be an uprising of machines, but iron assistants will be harmful and very active. So be prepared for the fact that the workflow will be delayed due to the slow operation of the computer, and what you usually do around the house in half an hour will have to be done in two.


The habit of weighing, double-checking, thinking over every decision many times today can harm you. While you are thinking, trying on and counting, someone nimble and nimble will take your place. So think fast!


Sometimes your conservatism and the requirement to observe traditions can bring others to a white heat. Today is just another day when you can be convinced of this.


You seem to be too tired. Emotions dominate the mind. You don’t like everything, you see a catch and a conspiracy in everything. And most importantly - it is almost impossible to convince you of the wrong. But in fact, you see exactly what you want yourself. And nothing else...


Despite the fact that Aquarius is an air sign, the earth will betray you today. Therefore, dig in the garden, transplant home flowers, sign up for a tour of the botanical garden.


Great day for travel. Let it be a vacation, a business trip, or even a visit to your parents. Be sure to hit the road, because there will be a lot of interesting things along the way. And for lonely Aquarius, the stars promise romantic meetings!


Emotionally difficult, but at the same time a very bright and memorable day. Quarrels are not excluded, but there will be much more interesting conversations, meetings and events that will turn your head!



The week will start with successful financial transactions and investments. That's how money sticks to you. Just remember that this phenomenon is temporary, so do not rush to spend them right away. Better think about how you can increase them, so that later you can get what you have long dreamed of.


On Tuesday, Pisces at a professional height! Colleagues have always known that you are excellent specialists, but today you will once again remind them of this. And, of course, you will receive enthusiastic compliments and listen to eulogies, and this is what ambitious representatives of the element of Water like!


On Wednesday morning, many representatives of the water sign will suffer from drowsiness. It occupies literally all your thoughts. This cool and lazy state will pass only after lunch, when you can fully engage in work. But, alas, much will have already been missed.


Philosophical thoughts, soul-searching, rethinking. You, it seems, were not going to do this, but it turns out by itself. Well, if so - try to look inside your soul. Agree, you have been tormented by a serious question for a long time. Perhaps today you will find the key to solving it.


Friday will be a pretty busy day for most Pisces. It seems to others that the water sign is indecently boring and nitpicking, but in fact you just want to bring everything to perfection. But this desire can ruin everything!


Today, many representatives of the Pisces sign will have to make a choice. Which one will depend on the situation. But this choice will not be easy. Therefore, the stars urge you to be careful and weigh the pros and cons.


Pisces of creative professions will be incredibly lucky - you will be noticed, your talent will be appreciated, and in general, today you will feel on a horse. The rest of the representatives of the sign will just work, but by the evening they will hear praise in their address.

suddenly they also predicted something good ...

Women's magazine has prepared a love horoscope for August 2017 for each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac: Cancer, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Lviv, Taurus, Aries, Scorpio, Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius. And in August the stars say that last month The summer of 2017 will turn out to be a fateful period for many, as its energy will stimulate the renewal of plans and relationships. For those who want to learn star predictions every day, we recommend that you follow our daily updates in the section. See also what's in store for you this year. Fire Rooster V .


According to the monthly horoscope, August 2017 for Aries will be domestic, romantic and productive in the professional field. Finally, many of you will be able to prioritize and get rid of the tension that has been bothering Aries lately. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be full of ideas, they will want and will be able to translate them into reality. You should be proud of your creativity and drive. These qualities will be a source of great success for you, perhaps not this month, but at least very soon.

love horoscope says that the last summer month - August, for Aries women will turn out to be very promising. Whether you're single, married, or somewhere in between, your romantic relationship will bring something more than ever before. In some respects, changes can even be frightening for you, but if Aries will be guided by the mind, and not be led by emotions, then everything will turn out well.


Taurus stars warn that the first ten days of August will not be very favorable for you, since there may be trouble in communication, losses, as well as resentment and unfair accusations. Therefore, many Taurus will not be disposed to communication and entertainment. But the second and third decades of the month will be more harmonious, and already after mid-August, pleasant changes will literally burst into the lives of many Taurus. Also this month, get ready for unplanned expenses related to unfinished business, such as apartment renovation. August 2017 is very good for health promotion.

Unexpected changes this August will shake and romantic life of Taurus. Many will find new friendships that can complicate your social and love life. Taurus, your instincts won't betray you, so be diplomatic and firm. Be sure you are making the best decision, but think carefully before doing so.


For Gemini, August may seem like a very strange period, when everything seems to be fine, but with many pitfalls. You are dealing with unusual circumstances, but will most likely benefit from your own research. The stars recommend at this time not to blindly trust your colleagues and management, but rely only on your own instincts. Be wary of any deal that seems "too good to be true".

Loving and sociable Gemini in August of this year may be captivated by new love desires. You may want something more substantial. In August, Gemini women will have a wonderful chance to establish spiritual intimacy with their chosen ones. Now it is very important to devote yourself to relationships - even the shortest romantic encounters will require you to give back. Despite all the difficulties and obstacles that Saturn creates, you can still find the strength to establish mutual understanding. Of course, if you want it.


According to the stellar forecasts for Cancers in August 2017, a good shake-up awaits, as this month will be a time of both unexpected upheavals and good opportunities. Surely you should not tell Cancers that any stress in your life is almost a disaster. But still, take a deep breath! Every problem has a positive side. You are more than capable of handling it. Movement is a change of scenery, which means a good opportunity for life creativity. The stars strongly recommend thinking about who can provide protection at the right time.

Stars in love horoscope crayfish warn that in the last summer month, under the influence of Mars, your activity will increase. However, Cancers can become more irritable, more likely to get involved in quarrels and provoke them themselves. Be more restrained in the manifestation of negative emotions. In such an unstable period, it is better to give preference to confidential conversations with a partner than forays into society.


For Lviv women, this is the most harmonious period of the year, when renewed creative and sexual energies will help them reveal their talents and individuality. The beginning of the month is the perfect time to sort out your finances, pay off your debts, and balance your upcoming plans. If you've already been on vacation, it's time to focus on learning a new skill. Look for opportunities for additional education, as in due time new skills will be very useful to you. Since August is your month, throughout the entire period, be ready to receive hints from the Universe on how to act in order to change your life for the better, as well as avoid troubles and dangerous situations.

The life potential of Lviv women in August 2017 will be very high, which means that you are now simply dazzling, so there is every chance of being out of competition. Spend time in a busy place, enjoying the company of people who are pleasant to you and the atmosphere of celebration and fun reigning around you, do not be afraid to make new acquaintances and flirt. It will be useful for lions who are in a pair to diversify their sex life.


August for Virgo is one of the most difficult periods, as it ends the annual cycle of your sign, energy is being renewed. According to the stellar forecasts of Virgo, in the last month of summer, you will face multitasking, as both professional and personal affairs will be equally priority. However, in August you will enjoy a period of great independence and self-confidence, which will allow you to cope with a series of worries and set new goals. Read also a special one to find out more about your future.

Concerning love sphere, then here Dev is calm. This month, your love horoscope shows that you should not expect anything long in August. However, you can expect to have a lot of small time dice if you want to. Since most of the time Virgos' love life will be relatively bleak this August, it's best to relax, meet interesting new people, and have fun.


Libra stars promise a pleasant and prosperous month. Hard work will pay off financially for you, so there will be opportunities to count on travel and vacations. The sea is calling, but still remain professional and polite in your business. Compromise others less and build more friendships that will be very useful to you in the future. If you are clear and confident in your expectations, you will be able to conclude a successful transaction, correctly determine what you really need now. This success at the end of August will give Libra an opportunity to feel really rested.

Libra love horoscope explains that in August, representatives of this zodiac sign can expect a flat month for romance, but you should still be prepared for a little turbulence. Some misunderstandings in a relationship will stress you out.


August 2017 for Scorpions will be a continuation of a period of dramatic change. Representatives of the sign will want to change their lifestyle, their habits, and possibly their place of residence. For some Scorpios, the changes will not be so bright and significant, but they will still be. Scorpios already clearly see their new happy future, have already made plans, but the most important obstacle to success will be the people around them, who now and then inspire notes of doubt. But you know that the most important thing is to take the first step, because no one knows what will be ahead. Scorpio, in August the stars will help you clearly define your career goals. Your decisive character and autonomy will bring you closer to the goal.

Also in the last month of summer, it will be important for Scorpios to try to find a balance between your personal and professional life. If you focus exclusively on one and neglect the other, you will experience significant stress.


For many Sagittarians, August is a period of travel, unusual meetings, as well as trials, to which many of them will go voluntarily in order to assert themselves and get stronger in spirit. Even those who do not travel will be tested by fate on their ability to defend their opinions and beliefs, especially in the first decade. At this time, Sagittarius can get into situations that entail emotional experiences.

Stars in love horoscope It is said that in August, Sagittarius women may experience higher levels of stress than usual, especially at the beginning of the month. This is a bad time to start a new relationship. Many of you will feel internal stress and will not be able to focus on the main thing.


Capricorn stars promise an exciting August. You have big plans and many of them can be really promising during this period, especially if you take up their implementation in the middle of the month. The favorable placement of the planets in relation to your sign will allow your energy and creativity to increase, giving you a chance to really stand out. Remember, there are good prospects ahead of you. So even if there are obstacles in the way, they will only force you to think outside the limited box. True, the stars warn that many Capricorns may be tempted to get lost in their own heads with your exciting plans and new ideas. So watch out.

Capricorns, remember that many of the best things that happen are unplanned. In August, allow yourself to move away from clear plans and boundaries and let spontaneity into your life. Be open to surprises, such as a new acquaintance or a secret admirer.


The priority of August for will be a career. You are in for some serious re-evaluation and adjustment that your professional life requires. Also, many Aquarians will find that their career has been a major source of frustration and stress in their lives. So it doesn't hurt to think about how your level of independence at work affects your happiness and maybe decide to change jobs.

Aquarius, if you want to have a fulfilling relationship, you first need to create emotional independence. Take the precious minutes of August to be alone with yourself for some time, engage in self-discipline and self-reflection. Once you understand yourself better, you will be better prepared for a more serious relationship.


Very good month for representatives of the Pisces sign. You must be optimistic about your prospects. With the right approach, any day can be your day. To be productive, rely on your working relationships, and to avoid mistakes, it makes sense to resort to analysis and correction every time. Pisces, also be sure to take yourself a vacation. Holidays in August will allow you to focus on yourself so that you can return to work with renewed vigor and energy.

Love horoscope Pisces says that minor adjustments in relation to members of the opposite sex will open up new romantic possibilities for you. But this, of course, does not mean that you have to completely change yourself.
