It is important to know how to break the energy connection with a man, because such a connection negatively affects the life and health of a woman. It is believed that the mark that remains after sexual contact exists for seven years. Let's figure out how to eliminate traces of energy binding and get rid of it forever.

It happens that a woman is married for a long time, raises children and is happy. But the echoes of old connections with former lovers are always present in her life: for seven years, there is an attachment with every man with whom she had a sexual relationship.

It is impossible to close from this - even after parting, a man continues to feed on female energy at a subtle level. That is why in any religion special attention is paid to female chastity.

IN modern world rare girls throughout life they meet only one man - traces of old ties continue to exist, former partners draw energy from a woman. That is why it is necessary to apply techniques for getting rid of old connections in order to leave the past in the past and not waste energy in vain.

Cleansing Methods for Breaking Old Ties

Many girls are interested in how to cut off if you cannot forget it yourself. Let's say right away: if feelings and memories of him still live in your heart, technology will not help to remove emotions. But they will bring a sense of relief, cut off energy channel- thanks to this, the chances of meeting a new love will increase.

If you don’t have feelings for a man, it will be very simple to perform the techniques, and the connection will stop quickly.

  • Take a piece of paper and write down the names of all the men you have had sexual intercourse with in the last seven years. Even if it was casual sex or a relationship that means nothing to you
  • You can also include in the list those men with whom you did not have sexual relations, but for whom you experienced any feelings.
  • It is best to carry out techniques for getting rid of old ties on the 19th lunar day - this period of time is most suitable for parting with everything superfluous and unnecessary
  • After you complete the techniques, clean up the house, take a shower. Purity should be not only in your soul, but also around

Letter of grievances

Use this method in relation to men who offended you. If you have not forgiven, feel anger, resentment or other negative emotions that haunt you, use this method.

Proceed like this:

  1. Get a pen and blank paper ready
  2. First, describe all the negative feelings you have for the man. Do not be shy in expressions, write harshly and clearly about what you are offended, angry about, what actions he caused you pain
  3. When all the negativity is on paper, proceed to the next step. Thank the man for all the good times that were between you, list his attractive character traits. Feel Gratitude Sincerely
  4. Ask for forgiveness for your actions, which could be unpleasant for a man
  5. In the end, acknowledge that this person came into your life for a purpose. He brought you experience, taught you something, played an important role in the development of your personality.
  6. Do not spare words - write about your feelings as detailed and sincere as possible. As soon as you feel that you have "written out", mentally release the man and thank him. Burn the letter - immediately after that you will feel tremendous relief.
  7. Then you can take a bath, put on clean clothes, drink water, believers - to pray.

Very often, after such a practice, a man may reappear in your life - call, insist on a meeting. You need to talk to him politely, thank him and let him go without continuing the conversation.

If the letter did not help 100% the first time, repeat the technique a few more times.

Meditation "Burning ties"

Fire energy is incredibly powerful. It is she who is often used in various practices to get rid of old ties.

  1. Pick a time when you can be quiet and alone. Set yourself up in the mindset of goodness, be calm and relaxed
  2. Mentally imagine a man with whom you had a sexual relationship. "Put" his image strictly in front of you
  3. Then imagine that your bodies are connected by multi-colored threads that come out of each chakra (seven in total)
  4. Pick up a lighter or matches, light a fire and start burning through these threads that unite you. Feel completely how you let go of this man - you must be really ready to say goodbye to him.
  5. In the end, take a look at yourself and the man as if from the outside - see that there is not a single connection left between you. On this technique is considered finished.

A similar meditation is worth doing for every man with whom you have had an affair over the past seven years. It is very easy to check which one is still feeding on your energy - in the near future it will appear in your life.

Also, as in the previous case, after meditation, you need to do a general cleaning, throw away all the old rubbish and especially memorabilia reminiscent of former men.

Watch a video about a popular way to get rid of old ties using the Larisa Renard method:

And remember: every person who comes into your life is there for a reason. Everyone taught something, gave experience, helped you open up. Therefore, try to get rid of negative emotions and take any situation as a lesson necessary for the healing of your soul.

After the successful completion of the practices, you will feel how you are filled with energy that ceases to be wasted on former men. It is very important not to renew contacts with those who will begin to appear again in your life.

Many women complain that after breaking up they cannot forget the person and feel a certain attraction. People who work with energies explain this by the fact that during intimacy a certain connection is formed between partners, which can naturally disappear only after seven years. If a couple breaks up, and the energy connection between a man and a woman remains, various problems may appear, both on the spiritual and physical levels. That is why it is important to cut off all existing contacts as soon as possible.

How to break the energy connection with former partners?

There is a certain ritual that will allow you to return the lost energy and break contact. It is best to spend it on 19 lunar day V . Make sure in advance that nothing interferes or distracts. After sunset, sit in a dark room and light a candle. Relax and try to remember all the sexual partners in the last seven years.

The scheme of how to break the energy connection:

  1. Connect thumb and index finger right hand to make a ring. Lower it down the abdomen to the area where the uterus is located. The thing is that it is this organ that is responsible for the female energy, and there are threads that connect with the past.
  2. To stop the energy connection with the former, imagine a dial in this place, and put the ring at 12 o'clock. In this case, the dial should look down.
  3. Turn your head to the left, which will symbolize the past. As you breathe in, remember the man with whom you had a sexual relationship. After that, turn your head forward, which symbolizes the present.
  4. In order to break the energy connection between lovers, it is necessary, moving counterclockwise in a spiral towards the center, to collect the thread of the past. Make three such circles.
  5. After that, turn your head to the right side, that is, to the future, and while exhaling, throw out this energy thread.

The ritual must be repeated for each guy with whom there were intimate

Mental connection - at least once in a lifetime, every person noticed that his and his feelings coincide with the thoughts and feelings of loved ones. For example, a loved one has not yet said anything, but there is knowledge of what he is going to say, down to every word in his phrase - this is a mental mental connection.

What does mental connection mean?

Mental telepathic communication has long been of interest to scientists, there are not so many studies on this topic, and the question of whether there is a mental connection between people remains open. Those studies that were conducted using fMRI confirm that there is still a mental connection, and from a scientific point of view, it represents the synchronization of the right and left hemispheres of the participants in the dialogue, if the topic is interesting for them. At the same time, the activity of the listener's brain completely copies those areas of brain activity that are involved in the narrator.

History of mentalities

The mental connection between people on a historical scale can be represented as those discoveries, attitudes, what is included in the general field of the collective unconscious. There are several examples when people in different parts of the globe made the same discoveries at the same time, at some point there was synchronization and at the mental level there was unanimity, although the scientists did not even know each other:

  1. 1839 - L. Dagger in Paris and G. Talbot in London invented and demonstrated cameras.
  2. 1876 ​​- G. Bell registered a patent for a telephone 2 hours before E. Gray also applied for the same patent.
  3. 1993 - R. Roberts and F. Sharp independently made a discovery about the discontinuous structure of the gene.

Signs of a mental connection

Communication at the mental level can be attributed to the psychological and magical. Many scientists believe that telepathy is quackery and do not seriously approach the study of this phenomenon, but it has not ceased to exist because of this, and many things that happen during a mental connection are difficult to explain logically. So, how does the mental connection manifest itself:

  • at some point, there is a knowledge of what a loved one is doing or feeling, even if he is far away;
  • when remembering a friend or girlfriend, a phone call or message is heard from him or her in the near future;
  • when talking with a loved one, such a phenomenon is sometimes observed that at the same time the same phrases are torn off the tongue;
  • understanding and feeling of a friend, spouse, child, parent without further ado.

How is a mental connection formed between people?

The mental connection with a person - how it is formed, is a difficult question to which there is no definite answer, mainly the answers lie in the field of esotericism and are not recognized by scientists. The strongest telepathic connection is formed between close people:

  • relatives;
  • friends;
  • loved ones;
  • between mother and children.

To form a connection, it often takes time and a joint pastime, there is a synchronization of rhythms brain activity, and mystics and esotericists believe that energy subtle bodies close people interpenetrate each other, this happens through connecting threads, which clairvoyants see as silver cords entering energy centers.

Mental connection between man and woman

The mental connection between lovers consists of a mutual energy exchange, starting at the physical level, then synchronization occurs at the spiritual, emotional and mental levels. A mental connection with a loved one is among esotericists considered the 4th level of relationships, when mutual understanding comes, the value of each other, the ability to read the thoughts and feelings of a partner. The following actions contribute to a good mental connection between a man and a woman:

  • the ability to listen and hear a partner;
  • and sympathy, support for each other in difficult periods;
  • deep respect.

Mental connection of twins

Numerous studies have proven that there is a special psychological connection between twins, especially between monozygotic twins. Even when twins grow up and live far apart, the mental connection at a distance remains strong, as evidenced by the following examples:

  • American twins Kathy and Karin Schneider, living in different cities, without saying a word, bought winning lottery tickets on the same day;
  • English twins Michael and John skiing in the Alps on different slopes at the same time fell down and broke their legs.

Mental connection - how to establish?

Mental connection - how to develop? Attunement to a loved one more often occurs spontaneously, but if you set a goal, then the mental-telepathic connection can be strengthened, for this there are various energy and esoteric practices, but here it is important to feel the line, crossing which, there is already interference in a person’s personal space and this can feel like psychological pressure.

Mental Link - Exercises

Connection with a person on a mental level can be developed using the following exercises alone or with a partner (you can ask a loved one to participate), they must be performed systematically:

  1. Reception and transmission. Blindfold and walk around the room in different directions, while it is important to say something. The partner at this time also tries to silently move around the room. At some point, you need to say “Stop!”, stop and the partner stops and stands quietly, trying not to breathe. The task at this stage is to feel the partner’s vibrations and indicate with a gesture the direction where he is supposedly standing, describe this place. Then the partner leaves the room and you need to compare the sensations of his presence and absence.
  2. Visualization of a call from a loved one. Sit down, relax, imagine an internal white screen on which you need to project the face of a loved one and ask him to mentally call in the near future, concentrating as much as possible on desire and imagining in great detail how he calls and what emotions arise at the same time. In this exercise, strong faith and a clear thought form are important.
  3. Performing an action. Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes, imagine a white screen with your inner vision and project the face of a loved one onto it. Mentally ask him to perform a simple action: make and bring tea, open or close the window, turn on or off the light, radio, TV. Concentrate on joyful emotions from the fact that the action is completed, then send a clear thought form close person without betraying by behavior that you expect something from him.

Alternatively, this exercise can be used in public transport, you can mentally try to send thought forms to the selected person, for example, so that he turns around, gets up from his seat, smiles, looks out the window. It is important to remember that it is impossible, therefore, thought forms should be simple and not harmful to a person.

How to break the mental connection?

If a mental connection has been formed, then for a very long time it will still be strong, so you need to give yourself this time. It is possible to help yourself go through the breakup stage more painlessly if there is a true desire and there are no illusions that you can still return. How to break the mental connection with a man - the practice of letting go:

  1. Tune in to a state of goodness and peace, the mind is calm, the body is relaxed. Light a candle.
  2. Mentally call up the image of a man with whom you need to break the mental connection, put his image in front of you, thank him for what he was.
  3. Imagine multi-colored threads that connect with a partner at the level of energy centers (chakras).
  4. Pick up a candle and start burning these threads, leading the candle from the bottom up, cutting through the space, while it is important to burn all the threads.
  5. Imagine how the image of a man is removed, a release occurs. Practice is over. You can repeat it for several days.

Reasons for breaking the mental connection

If you look at a person metaphorically as a traveler, then everyone has his own path, during which meetings with different people, other travelers, someone will have to go with another person most of the way together, so the mental connection is getting stronger, and someone goes only a small segment of the way and then turns onto another path. The reason that mental connections are breaking down is that a person has played his part and it is time for him to move on. How to break the mental connection with a man - the answer is simple: let him go with gratitude.
