Holy Trinity 2018 is celebrated on May 27, the 50th day after Easter. What kind of holiday it is, how to celebrate it, read the material Pravda-TV.

Trinity in 2018: what date?

The great feast of the Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, which is why it is also called Pentecost. In 2018, it falls on May 27th. This is one of the most important church holidays of the year.

The official church name of the Trinity on May 27, 2018 is Holy Trinity Day. This holiday is dedicated to the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Virgin Mary, which took place on the fiftieth day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is why the Trinity is otherwise called Pentecost.

The descent of the Holy Spirit took place in Jerusalem, in the Upper Room of Zion. It was there that the Virgin Mary and the apostles were at the time of this miracle. At three o'clock in the afternoon they first heard a loud noise, and then a blessed fire. After which the apostles acquired the gift of speaking different languages which enabled them to preach the teachings of Christ to the nations of the world. This unique event is described in the Acts of the Holy Apostles.

Orthodox Christians will traditionally begin celebrating the Trinity in 2018 on May 26. An all-night vigil will begin on Saturday evening. On the day of the celebration of the Trinity, the Gospel of John is read, a festive liturgy is performed. The third day of Trinity is called the day of the Holy Spirit. In 2018, it falls on May 28. On this day, water is blessed in temples. Also, people take birch branches and grass, which decorated the temples for the Trinity, and carry them home. They dry them at home and carefully store them all year, considering them to be their amulet.

Traditions and folk signs

Trinity May 27, 2018- This is a holiday that personifies the unity of the Holy Spirit, God the Father and God the Son.

The Trinity holiday is celebrated for three days, and the housewives carefully prepare for it - put things in order, decorate the home with fresh branches of maple, birch, willow, linden, flowers and herbs as a sign of prosperity and a new life cycle.

Saturday before Trinity is a memorial day. On this day, people light candles for the repose of deceased relatives. They especially pray for those who died an untimely death.

By the Day of the Holy Trinity, women bake pies, prepare meat and fish snacks. In some regions, eggs are dyed green on this day.

The first day of the Trinity - Green Sunday - is considered by the people as a day of activity and deceit of mermaids and other mythical evil spirits. Especially to protect against them, houses are decorated with green branches. On Sunday morning, festive services are held in churches. People also visit each other. Mass celebrations, fairs begin.

The second day of the holiday is called Klechalny Monday: after the service, the priests went to the fields to read prayers asking God for a blessing on the future harvest.

The third - the day of the Spirit of God - was intended for the guys to choose their brides.

Prohibitions and signs on the Trinity

The people considered bad omen play weddings on Trinity, but this day is suitable for matchmaking and "collusions". It was considered. that the family conspired to the Trinity is waiting for a long and happy life together.

On this day, you can not work in the field, in the yard and garden. Women are not recommended to sew and cook. Also, they did not swim on Trinity, since this was considered a mermaid time.

The dew that fell on the Trinity is considered very beneficial for health. Girls are advised to wash her face in order to preserve youth and beauty. Rain on this day promises a good harvest, a warm and mushroom summer.

Trinity in 2018: fortune telling

Trinity was divined from Thursday to Sunday. The most common fortune-telling was associated with weaving and throwing wreaths on the water, but other common fortune-telling was also suitable - with rings, chains, Christmas, etc.

Thinking about the betrothed, the girls wove wreaths of greenery, flowers or birch branches and went to the river. There they bowed their heads and dropped the wreath into the water. According to the movement of the wreath, they made plans for the future and for the betrothed. It was believed that if the wreath floats well and calmly, everything will be fine with its owner this year. If the wreath floats under water or drowns, the girl should have been afraid of illness, death of loved ones or other troubles. If the wreath unraveled, it promised parting with your loved one. The wreath quickly sailed away - which means that the groom will be from distant lands, and if the wreath got stuck near the shore, the matchmakers could not wait until the next Trinity.

Spirits Day: when in 2018

The day after Trinity is called Spirit Day. It is dedicated to the holy spirit. Today in Rus' they tried not to work, and all the prohibitions that apply to the Trinity were preserved. People believed that on Spirits Day the Earth celebrates a name day, so it was impossible to touch it, but this time is suitable for looking for treasures. The people believed that the Earth would give wealth to those who liked it.

When is Trinity in 2018

Many Orthodox believers are interested in what date is the Trinity in 2018? This year we will honor her on May 27th. Usually the weather is perfect for this holiday. Even if there is a little rain, it will not be able to spoil the high spirits. Christians on this day go to church in the morning for a festive service in honor of the Holy Trinity. It marks the unity of God the Father, Sleep and the Holy Spirit.

History of the Holy Trinity

This holiday is remembered in the wake of a biblical event. Before suffering on the Cross and dying, Jesus Christ promised the apostles that he would send them the Holy Spirit. He will invisibly teach them everything and they will be able to preach the gospel and good news that God incarnated on earth and lived throughout the world. And on the 50th day, which was later called Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on them and they began to understand different languages ​​and were filled with other spiritual gifts. After that, the apostles decided that it was necessary to continue preaching throughout the world, and so in our days Orthodoxy is known in many countries on other continents.

One of the amazing gifts of the apostles was that they could understand what language someone was speaking when they came to a new area and most likely answered in the same. This is a great miracle, such spiritual insight, God's gift to his disciples, so that Christianity spread over time throughout the world. The apostles before the conversion by Christ were simple fishermen and people of other working professions, simpletons, as the Bible says. And this is how the Lord exalted them, what spiritual level they reached, thanks to His intervention.

In our time, the feast of the Trinity 2017, what date? The celebration will be celebrated in early summer on June 4th. For the Orthodox, this is a great holiday, which is celebrated on a grand scale. So the church continues to remember Pentecost or the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.

Traditions for Holy Trinity

Consider the traditions of the celebration Orthodox Trinity. In ancient times, the housewives believed that it was necessary to prepare well for the Trinity - to clean the house. They swept, thoroughly washed the floors in all the rooms, cleaned the old cast-iron pots, washed them, beat out the carpets. The owner at this time was cleaning up the yard. He stacked exactly a stack of hay, logs that burned the stove in winter, removed last year's leaves with a rake, bark with twigs.

After the corners in the whole house were cleaned, the hostess and the owner tore willows and birch trees were especially popular, to them and preferably near the swamp - tall beautiful grass, tied such bunches and carried them to church in the morning to consecrate. Consecrated branches with grass were hung in the corners of the whole house, and at the door outside and inside if desired. It was believed that in this way a blessing from God would come to the house faster and there would be prosperity this year, which meant: an excellent harvest of vegetables and the multiple birth of new cattle, birds.

Various traditional treats were placed on the tables. This day was not fasting, therefore, it was possible to cook barley or wheat porridge, delicious soup for the first or borscht. By the second, they boiled the meat and left the liquid like gravy. This brew was poured over porridge and it became rich, they ate vegetable salads and more. Many are interested in when the Trinity is in 2017, the date of the holiday? It will be June 4th.

If some greens grew in the garden in the form of onion feathers, dill, parsley, then they made a salad out of this. In "Spring" add, for example, hard-boiled eggs. They used to do a similar one, only it probably didn’t have such a name. They could bake a whole suckling pig for the holiday, make sausages. At that time they drank healthy kvass, uzvars, compotes and other useful things, which modern man does not, but in vain.

Trinity matchmaking

Young people on the mound arranged festivities. We would meet and sit on a large fallen tree or on benches and talk. They joked, laughed, sang ditties and folk songs. The musicians played the accordion and balalaikas, and the youth led round dances and danced with pleasure.

Romantic relationships began between young boys and girls. If some guy liked a girl, he could ask her if she agreed to become his wife, and if she agreed, the guy asked his parents and they came to his bride's house to ask for a hand. Parents at that time watched how clean the house was, did the girl serve food on the table, was she friendly, with a good disposition? If future relatives did not like the character or neatness in the house, they could advise their son not to take this Marya, Ustinya, etc. as a wife.

Before that, on Trinity, girls who were not yet married asked the Mother of God and God for a good husband. There was also the custom of dressing up as a flower. Cornflower and chamomile were popular images. It was believed that such a connection with nature attracts good luck. Some girls wondered, tried to foresee whether they would meet their betrothed this year or is it too early?

About work on the feast of the Holy Trinity

As for Catholics, their Trinity does not coincide with Pentecost (the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles) and is celebrated a week later. However, in 2018, the Catholic Trinity will be celebrated simultaneously with the Orthodox (since Easter in Roman Catholic Church this year it will be on April 1).

It is considered a great twelfth celebration. It is impossible to work on such days according to the command of the church. Both Orthodox and Catholics must go with the whole family to the morning service. Reverently stand it with green twigs in your hands. Then the priest conducts the rite of their consecration.

If the matter could not be postponed, it was carried out immediately, for example, to feed the cattle in the barn. After all, animals cannot not eat for a whole day - this is a mockery. They were given food and drink. Chickens were fed grain or brew and it was not considered a sin.

Orthodox traditions

For Orthodox birch symbolizes the Trinity. Her branches were torn, and on that day she was in the house of every believer, as on New Year we have trees now. In the church, grass that had just been mowed was thrown on the floor. Similarly, the floor was carpeted at home.

Cut rather long birch branches were placed in a vase near the iconostasis. There are regions in Russia where birch does not grow. There, its branches were replaced with oak or maple, rowan or viburnum. The morning service ended and the whole family hurried home with consecrated branches and grass. There they prepared a festive dinner of several dishes. There was also jelly, no doubt, and it was necessary to bake a loaf, it personified a holiday. Are you going to cook a loaf when the Trinity is in 2018?

Festivities were organized on the street, fervent melodies were played loudly by the accordionists, and old and young began to dance. Then the grandmothers sang Russian folk songs and went home in the evening. If there were leftovers after a family meal, they could be taken to the church in the morning, where beggars traditionally sat. They had fun on this day with all their hearts and glorified God, which is no worse than others, they have a roof over their heads, a large family.

The date of the Catholic Trinity coincides with the Orthodox and the celebration is celebrated on May 28. This is a great Twelfth holiday and very beloved by the people. Every year everything happens in the church at the service more people. Everyone wants to join the faith and traditions of centuries ago.

Trinity: what can and cannot be done on this holiday, signs on the Trinity

The holiday does not have a specific date in church calendar, since it is tied to the day of the celebration of Easter - it is celebrated on the 50th day after the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

Do's and Don'ts

According to folk traditions and signs, on the feast of the Holy Trinity, as on any other Orthodox holiday, you can’t do various work - sewing, washing, washing, cleaning, and so on. All housework and chores must be completed before the holiday.

Especially strictly on the holiday it is forbidden to work on the ground, including digging, planting and mowing grass.

Those who do not follow the old customs and violate the prohibitions, according to beliefs, can suffer significant damage. So, for example, for those who plow - livestock may die, for those who sow - the hail will beat the crops. And for those who spin wool, the sheep will go astray, and so on.

These days you can cook for festive table and feed and water livestock and domestic animals. On a holiday, the whole family decorates the house with branches of various trees, flowers and greenery, consecrated in the church.

The feast of the Holy Trinity always falls on Sunday - on this day, believers try to attend the festive service in the church in the morning, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and devote time to prayer.

Is it possible to work for the Trinity

In the old days, on the days of great holidays, people always tried to put off all things, believing that this was not pleasing to the Lord, since work, as a rule, did not argue and did not bring a positive result.

The clergy explain that by working on the day of the Trinity, we seem to show our disrespect to God, therefore, if possible, on the days of big holidays, such as the Trinity, it is better to postpone all things, including work in the garden.

Of course, there are especially important things that cannot be moved to another day, but it is better to start doing them only after attending a service and praying.

Besides, in modern world there are many works that must be done daily, without breaks and days off, so if a believer cannot visit the temple, he can pray at home or at work.

Is it possible to swim on Trinity

People on the holiday also refrained from swimming in the house - they tried not to come close to the water, even just to wash themselves.

The clergy argue that there is not and cannot be any reason not to allow bathing on the Trinity. You just shouldn't replace going to church and prayer with a beach holiday, which would certainly be a sin.

You can go to nature after the service, especially since the Trinity always falls at the end of May or the beginning of June, when the weather is hot.

What else can not be done

It was forbidden to hold weddings and celebrate weddings on Trinity, but wooing on this holiday was considered an auspicious omen - life together would be long and happy.

On the holiday of the Trinity, it is forbidden to think about the bad, swear with loved ones, be offended by others and wish someone bad.

It was also forbidden to go to the forest on the Holy Trinity. In the old days, it was believed that Leshii and Mavki (evil forest spirits) guarded people there, lured them into the depths of the forest and tickled them to death. But the girls who wanted to know their future, breaking the ban, still ran the forest to tell fortunes about their betrothed.

Customs and signs

The week before Trinity is called Green - during the week the girls weave wreaths for all family members and bring them home. If the wreath has not wilted by the Trinity, then the person will live happily ever after.

On Trinity, it was customary to decorate rooms with flowers, young grass and green branches, which symbolizes prosperity and the continuation of life. To do this, they used branches of birch, mountain ash, maple, mint, lemon balm - people believed that the more greenery there was in the house for the Trinity, the happier the house would become.

In the church, during the service, herbs and bouquets of wild flowers were consecrated, which were dried and stored for a whole year as a talisman against evil eye. After the festive morning service, the plot and the house were consecrated with holy water in order to ward off otherworldly forces in this way.

From ancient times, a fun feast was arranged - close people and relatives were invited to a festive dinner, who were treated to the Trinity loaf, egg dishes, pancakes, pies, jelly. They gave each other funny gifts.

Rusks from the Trinity loaf were kept to be added to the wedding cake for the newlyweds as a sign of happiness and love.

On Trinity, it is useful to walk barefoot on the grass, collect and dry medicinal plants (thyme, mint, lemon balm), which are subsequently used as medicine. Since ancient times, people believed that on this day the earth and greenery have a special healing power.

On Trinity and the following days they always wore their pectoral cross, as a talisman that will protect against otherworldly creatures.

Among girls, it was considered an important custom to float a woven wreath. If the wreath floated far, then you can prepare for the wedding, if it drowns, then it will be trouble, and if it moored to the shore, then she will have to wait a long time for marriage. And in order to see the betrothed in a dream, it was necessary to put birch twigs under the pillow.

On the Trinity, one cannot follow common signs and superstitions, many of which just give advice on what supposedly “not” to do on the Trinity (swim, walk in the forest and in the field, work, etc.).

First of all, you need to live this day in a Christian way - go to the temple, pray, take communion, try to be kind and attentive to your loved ones, spend your free time with them.

For a Christian, there are no prohibitions on certain types of activities on an ordinary or holiday day, if they do not harm his soul. Neither bathing, nor walking, nor work will interfere with a believing person if he remembers God.

On the Trinity, every believer tries to visit the temple, where on this day, after the Liturgy, special kneeling prayers are read for the forgiveness of sins, the mercy of God and the bestowal of the grace of the Holy Spirit. But a Christian can only preserve and multiply this grace in his life, following the Gospel, and not superstitious rules.

And most importantly - not only on the Holy Trinity, but also on any other day, you can’t keep negative thoughts in yourself, don’t wish bad on anyone, forgive all insults to your family and friends, step over them and leave them in the past to find peace morally and physically.

Congratulations in verses on the Trinity

Trinity is one of the main Christian holidays. On this day, the Holy Spirit descended on the holy apostles, followers of Jesus Christ, which symbolizes the trinity of God.

In churches, this celebration is held evening services where they sing prayers and pray for the life good of people.

On the day of the Trinity bright,
On this day of Sunday
I bring thanks to the Savior
For the blood of His sacrifice, for the mercy of Golgotha,
Because He threw off the fetters from sinners,
For the Spirit of consolation, for the Holy help
For the wonderful and dear truth.
For pure water that flows like a river,
For peace and forgiveness, for the Holy Word,
For the fact that our congregation is so crowded.
For the feat of Christ - disinterested and difficult!


The Holy Trinity will always help
You will overcome adversity with grief.
The Lord will pave the way for the stars,
So that he could always swim to the truth.

On the Day of the Trinity, the Holy One will shed,
Intoxicating, warm, blessed light.
And your happy journey will begin
For many, many bright, good years.


Holy feast on the doorstep.
Let anxiety go away
Let evil and troubles leave us,
Let good not leave.

Today is Holy Trinity.
Heavenly light illuminates us
And give God's grace.
We can't suffer today!

Let everything in the world today
We will be happy as children
And live at least a day
Without evil, without grief and problems!


You open the windows
Today is Trinity!
Look at the sky -
There's an angel praying

To always you
Live only happily
To always be in fate
Everything was sweet!


May the Trinity be with you
Gives his gifts:
Luck in fate
Let love give

the grace of the Lord
Let it spill on you
To live and prosper
Everything in life succeeds!


I wish you the Trinity
I am good from the heart
The soul will be washed with warmth,
And there will be a long life!

May happiness be endless
They promise you
Cheerful, carefree
Let the days come!


The trinity has come
Brought happiness!
And you and me
To all your family

On this holy day
I'll give you a simple advice:
You won't if you sin
Happily you will live!


Happy Trinity Day
I congratulate you all.
Health, kindness and happiness
I wish from the bottom of my heart.

May the Lord always keep
From trouble and fear.
There will be more of your life
Only good signs.


Let's remember on Trinity Day
That the Lord has created us all!
We fill our hearts with love
May each of us be happy!
And you have to wish
Hope and faith - always!
May the sun smile at you
To never be sad again!


May the Holy Trinity
Regardless of sins,
Give us peace, freedom,
virginity of nature,
God's blessing
Joyful mood!

Fortune telling and signs for the Trinity 2017

The Holy Trinity comes on the 50th day after Easter. In 2017, the holiday falls on June 4th. The facts have figured out which signs and fortune-telling are the most popular on the Trinity.

Signs on the Trinity

On the feast of the Trinity, they tried not to schedule a wedding: it was believed that nothing good awaited such a family. However, the matchmaking and acquaintance that day were a good sign and promised happiness to marriage.

In addition, on the Trinity, bad thoughts, envy and anger were a bad sign and did not bode well.

Women tried to finish all household chores before Trinity. It was believed that on this day you can not sew, spin, bleach, bake pies and work in the garden.

In addition, on the feast of the Trinity, many believed that visiting the cemetery and sweeping the graves would help to scare away evil spirits and bring wealth and prosperity to the village.

The heat was a bad sign for the Trinity. She testified to a dry summer and a poor harvest. Rain on the Trinity, on the contrary, promised a good harvest, a lot of mushrooms and excellent weather.

If, three days after the Trinity, the birch branches with which the house was decorated remained fresh and not sluggish, they were waiting for a wet hay.

But the dew collected on the Trinity had a special power that could heal and give strength.

Divination for the Trinity

On the Trinity, the girls guessed at the fate and at the betrothed, and also awaited the matchmakers with trepidation. The most common fortune-telling was the “curling” of a birch and the weaving of wreaths.

On the eve of the Trinity, the girls went into the forest, tilted the tops of young birch trees and “curled” a wreath from twigs. If on a holiday a girl came to her birch tree and saw that she remained the same, this promised a wedding, a beloved betrothed and wealth in the house. If the wreath withered, they expected the worst.

Wreaths for the Trinity girls in the company, but did not let the men. If a guy saw someone's wreath, it was considered a kind of evil eye for the girl. Wicker wreaths were carried to the river and let into the water: wherever you swam, the bridegroom would be from there. If the wreath is left by the shore, marriage does not shine for the girl, and if she drowns, the girl will die this year. Interestingly, the wreaths were not removed from the head with their hands: the girls leaned over the water so that they themselves fell into the water.

In addition, on the feast of the Trinity, the girls put birch twigs under the pillow in the hope that the betrothed would come to them in a dream.

One of the main Christian holidays - Holy Trinity Day in 2018 is celebrated on May 27 - Orthodox Church on this day remembers gospel event- the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, which is described in one of the books of the New Testament.

The holiday does not have a specific date in the church calendar, as it is tied to the day of the celebration of Easter - it is celebrated on the 50th day after the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

Sputnik Georgia asked what signs are associated with the Day of the Holy Trinity, what can and cannot be done on this great holiday, which has one day of prefeast and six days of afterfeast.

Do's and Don'ts

According to folk traditions and signs, on the feast of the Holy Trinity, like on any other Orthodox holiday, you can not do various work - sewing, washing, washing, cleaning, and so on. All housework and chores must be completed before the holiday.

Especially strictly on the holiday it is forbidden to work on the ground, including digging, planting and mowing grass.

© photo: Sputnik / Evgeny Tikhanov

Reproduction of a copy of the Trinity icon. Artist Andrey Rublev.

Those who do not follow the old customs and violate the prohibitions, according to beliefs, can suffer significant damage. So, for example, for those who plow - livestock may die, for those who sow - the hail will beat the crops. And for those who spin wool, the sheep will go astray, and so on.

On these days, you can cook food for the festive table and feed and water livestock and domestic animals. On a holiday, the whole family decorates the house with branches of various trees, flowers and greenery, consecrated in the church.

The feast of the Holy Trinity always falls on Sunday - on this day, believers try to attend the festive service in the church in the morning, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and devote time to prayer.

Is it possible to work for the Trinity

In the old days, on the days of great holidays, people always tried to put off all things, believing that this was not pleasing to the Lord, since work, as a rule, did not argue and did not bring a positive result.

The clergy explain that by working on the day of the Trinity, we seem to show our disrespect to God, therefore, if possible, on the days of big holidays, such as the Trinity, it is better to postpone all things, including work in the garden.

Of course, there are especially important things that cannot be moved to another day, but it is better to start doing them only after attending a service and praying.

In addition, in the modern world there are many works that must be done daily, without breaks and weekends, so if a believer cannot visit the temple, he can pray at home or at work.

Is it possible to swim on Trinity

People on the holiday also refrained from bathing in the house - they tried not to come close to the water, even just to wash themselves.

The clergy argue that there is not and cannot be any reason not to allow bathing on the Trinity. You just shouldn't replace going to church and prayer with a beach holiday, which would certainly be a sin.

You can go to nature after the service, especially since the Trinity always falls at the end of May or the beginning of June, when the weather is hot.

What else can not be done

It was forbidden to hold weddings and celebrate weddings on Trinity, but wooing on this holiday was considered an auspicious omen - life together would be long and happy.

On the holiday of the Trinity, it is forbidden to think about the bad, swear with loved ones, be offended by others and wish someone bad.

© photo: Sputnik / Oleg Lastochkin

It was also forbidden to go to the forest on the Holy Trinity. In the old days, it was believed that Leshii and Mavki (evil forest spirits) guarded people there, lured them into the depths of the forest and tickled them to death. But the girls who wanted to know their future, breaking the ban, still ran the forest to tell fortunes about their betrothed.

Customs and signs

The week before Trinity is called Green - during the week the girls weave wreaths for all family members and bring them home. If the wreath has not wilted by the Trinity, then the person will live happily ever after.

On Trinity, it was customary to decorate rooms with flowers, young grass and green branches, which symbolizes prosperity and the continuation of life. To do this, they used branches of birch, mountain ash, maple, mint, lemon balm - people believed that the more greenery there was in the house for the Trinity, the happier the house would become.

In the church, during the service, herbs and bouquets of wild flowers were consecrated, which were dried and stored for a whole year as a talisman against the evil eye. After the festive morning service, the plot and the house were consecrated with holy water in order to ward off otherworldly forces in this way.

Since ancient times, a fun feast has been arranged - close people and relatives were invited to a festive dinner, who were treated to the Trinity loaf, egg dishes, pancakes, pies, jelly. They gave each other funny gifts.

Rusks from the Trinity loaf were kept to be added to the wedding cake for the newlyweds as a sign of happiness and love.

On Trinity, it is useful to walk barefoot on the grass, collect and dry medicinal plants (thyme, mint, lemon balm), which are subsequently used as medicine. Since ancient times, people believed that on this day the earth and greenery have a special healing power.

On the Trinity and subsequent days, they always wore their pectoral cross, as a talisman that would protect against otherworldly creatures.

Among girls, it was considered an important custom to float a woven wreath. If the wreath floated far, then you can prepare for the wedding, if it drowns, then it will be trouble, and if it moored to the shore, then she will have to wait a long time for marriage. And in order to see the betrothed in a dream, it was necessary to put birch twigs under the pillow.

For a Christian, there are no prohibitions on certain types of activities on an ordinary or holiday day, if they do not harm his soul. Neither bathing, nor walking, nor work will interfere with a believing person if he remembers God.

On the Trinity, every believer tries to visit the temple, where on this day, after the Liturgy, special kneeling prayers are read for the forgiveness of sins, the mercy of God and the bestowal of the grace of the Holy Spirit. But a Christian can only preserve and multiply this grace in his life, following the Gospel, and not superstitious rules.

And most importantly - not only on the Holy Trinity, but also on any other day, you can’t keep negative thoughts in yourself, don’t wish bad on anyone, forgive all insults to your family and friends, step over them and leave them in the past to find peace morally and physically.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

On Sunday, May 27, Orthodox believers celebrate one of the main holidays in Christianity - the Day of the Holy Trinity. This holiday is also called Pentecost because it falls on the 50th day of the celebration of Easter, and the feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is one of the twelve feasts, that is, the twelve most important in Orthodoxy after Christ's Bright Sunday.

Jesus Christ kept his promise

Trinity is an abbreviated name for the Day of the Holy Trinity, the clergy say. The Bible says that Jesus Christ promised the disciples to return after His Ascension and kept his promise on the feast of the Trinity.

According to legend, on the 50th day after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and 10 days after His Ascension, the disciples of Christ and the mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, gathered in Jerusalem. While praying, a divine flame suddenly descended on them from above. The lights swirled above their heads, and at that moment they felt the ability to communicate in many languages ​​of other peoples. According to the Gospel, on this day the fiery tongues of the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, and they spoke in different languages ​​of the world. Since then, the apostles began to preach Christian faith around the world, so the Trinity is also considered the birthday of the Christian church.

The theological term "trinity" itself reflects the Christian doctrine of the three persons of one God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. On the feast of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are sung, and the dead are also commemorated.

Sunday at Orthodox churches one of the most solemn and beautiful services of the year is performed, and after Divine Liturgy Vespers are celebrated in memory of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus.

On this day, believers go to church with branches of birch, maple, oak, and also with wildflowers. Then they are carried home, dried and kept behind the icons. Also, branches are left at windows and doors so that evil forces do not penetrate.

Bath brooms are dried on Trinity. The people believe that they will have healing power.

A house filled with the aroma of healing herbs

The Trinity is part of a series of days called in the Ukrainian tradition Green Christmas time or Green Sunday. These days, Christian traditions are closely intertwined with all sorts of folk cults and magic.

Before the Trinity, it is advisable to carefully clean your home. You can also cleanse the dwelling of spiritual dirt by going around the room with a candle and crossing the corners three times.

The main tradition is to fill the house with fragrant medicinal herbs. Herbs are placed on the floor and window sills. Bouquets of fragrant herbs are prepared in advance. Mint and thyme with their aroma create a special joyful mood.

On Trinity Eve, Ukrainians gather the iconic plant for Green Sunday - calamus, the stems of which are known for their healing properties and aroma. Birch branches, which are placed on the floor in the house, are considered a good omen for those who want to find a bride or groom for themselves. By the way, 3 days after the holiday, it is recommended to remove all herbs from the house, they are thrown away or burned.

Marriage is better to wait

There are beliefs among the people about what can and cannot be done on the Trinity. It is believed that a wedding should not be scheduled on Trinity - supposedly nothing good will come of such a family.

As on other major Christian holidays, you cannot sew, knit, bake or work in the garden on Trinity. According to folk beliefs, those people who do not rest on this day are waiting for misfortune. For those who plow, the cattle will fall. For those who sow, the hail will destroy the crops. Those who spin wool will lose their sheep.

The day after Trinity is called Spirit Day. On this day, it is forbidden to work on the earth, but you can look for treasure in it. Allegedly, the earth on this day will definitely give good man something valuable.

The people believed that mythical creatures - mavkas and mermaids - come to the Trinity, so it is undesirable to go alone into the forest or into the field. You can not drive into the forest and livestock. You can’t swim on Trinity, otherwise, according to ancient beliefs, mermaids will drag the bather to the bottom.

On the feast of the Trinity, you can’t think about the bad, you can’t envy and be angry with someone, because it won’t end in anything good.

In 2018, the Orthodox will celebrate the feast of the Holy Trinity on May 27. It always falls on the fiftieth day after Easter and is also called Pentecost. The next day after the holiday is no less important - Christian church celebrates his birthday.

What is the Holy Trinity?

The Old Testament story contains information about God the Father, the New Testament story contains information about his son Jesus Christ, and people learned that there is a third hypostasis - the Holy Spirit - just on the 50th day after the crucifixion of the Savior. Trinity is one of the 12 main Christian holidays.

On this day, the apostles, together with the Mother of God, were sitting in the upper room in Zion, and then they were engulfed in flames (the descent of the Holy Spirit). After that, Peter, Paul, Luke, Thomas and others, being not particularly educated and eloquent people, suddenly began to understand different languages ​​and were able to preach the Word of God to everyone and everyone.

Why is the Church celebrating a birthday right now?

This day is considered the birthday of the Holy Church. It was during this period that thousands of people, thanks to the apostolic sermons, were baptized and became Christians.

The next day after the Trinity is also important - this is Spirit Day. Divine services are held in churches, and among the people it is believed that on the day of the holiday it is impossible to work on the earth and in general everything garden work needs to be completed.

What is celebrated on the eve of Trinity?

The feast of the Trinity is preceded by the Trinity parent saturday. It is customary to go to cemeteries and commemorate the dead. On this day, you can even pray for those who are supposedly in hell.

The service in the church is long - during the great Vespers, the priest reads seven prayers, the choir sings glorifying stichera. For the first time after Easter, kneeling prayers are read.

What should be done on Trinity?

On Trinity, churches are decorated with green branches, the floor is covered with grass. In Russia, they usually take birch branches for decoration, make bouquets of spring flowers and put them in churches and at home.

The color of the Trinity is green. The clergy serve in green vestments, women come to worship in green headscarves, men in light clothes. This is a holiday of renewal, spiritual spring and life.

The Trinity has one day of forefeast and six days of afterfeast.

How to set the table for Trinity?

There is no fasting on the Trinity, therefore, there are no special restrictions on food. You can eat meat, fish, vegetables, flour, dairy. The whole next week is also “solid”, without fasting days.

But a week after the Trinity, Peter's fast will begin. In 2018, it will last a month and a half - from June 4 to July 12.

Folk signs on the Trinity:

  • on the day of the holiday and the next day, you can’t work on the ground, because she is a birthday girl;
  • rainy weather on Trinity - to the harvest;
  • hot and dry weather - to small and rare seedlings;
  • you can’t swim on Trinity, but washing with dew was encouraged;
  • on this holiday, you need to try to prepare a “green table”: cover it with a green tablecloth, make a salad of cucumbers with herbs, cook “green cabbage soup”, you can even paint eggs, just like for Easter. But only in green.

Trinity is a very beautiful holiday, and, as you know, one of the main Christian holidays. This day is considered a public holiday, and millions of people celebrate it with joy. But not everyone thinks about the history and origin of this great holiday - the Holy Trinity. The editors of our site will acquaint you with the history of the traditions of this holiday and signs on the day of the Trinity.

  • The history of the Trinity holiday
  • Traditions, signs, what needs to be done on the Trinity
  • How to decorate a house for Trinity?
  • Signs on the Trinity

So, Trinity in 2018 falls on May 27th. And on May 28, on Monday, all Ukrainians will receive an additional day off, because this is the second day of the Trinity. The Day of the Holy Trinity has rich traditions and signs.

It is believed that on this day (May 27) all Orthodox and Greek Catholics around the world will celebrate the Day Holy Trinity. This holiday also has another name “Pentecost”, which indicates that the Trinity is celebrated exactly 50 days after Easter.

On this holiday, the Orthodox Church remembers the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. The Trinity symbolizes the image of God - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

This big religious holiday brings liberation from everything bad and sinful in the human soul. According to the Gospel, it was on the fiftieth day after Easter that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the form of sacred fire, which endowed them with the grace of the Holy Spirit, and they spoke in different languages ​​​​of the world and gave strength to equip the Holy Church on earth in order to convey the Words of God to every person . Therefore, the Trinity is also considered the birthday of the Christian church.

Icon of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles

The history of the Trinity holiday

The Orthodox are very fond of the Trinity, although not everyone knows the reliable history of the holiday.

There are different legends about the origin of this holiday. By one legend, on the Trinity, God created the earth and sowed it with greenery. Another legend says that on this day Jesus, along with the apostles Peter and Paul, sat down to rest under a green tree, hence the three-day holiday appeared. More one version of the emergence of the Trinity Christ rejoiced at the way the poor people in Jerusalem greeted him with green branches.

However, there is also the most main legend, which is considered the main one: the trinity of the holiday is associated with God the Father (Sunday), God the Son (Monday) and God the Holy Spirit (Tuesday).

It was by the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles that the perfecting activity of the third person of the Most Holy Trinity was revealed, and the teaching of Jesus Christ about the Triune God reached perfect clarity and completeness. God the Father creates the world, God the Son redeems people from enslavement to the devil, God the Holy Spirit sanctifies the world through the founding of the Church and the worldwide preaching of faith.

Trinity is the second oldest Christian holiday into which the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles. According to legend, the first christian temple, which survived even during the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70 by Roman legionnaires. One fragment from the writings of Hieromartyr Irenaeus of Lyon contains a mention of the feast of the New Testament Pentecost (end of the 2nd century). In ancient times, it was also called the feast of the descent of the Holy Spirit. On this day the Church was born. Since that time, the Holy Spirit has been gracefully present in the life of the Church and performs all her sacraments.

On Trinity, dead relatives are commemorated for three days. In particular, this is the only day in the whole year when Orthodox traditions it is possible to light a candle in churches and perform prayers for suicides and the unbaptized.

Icon of the Holy Trinity

Church literature says that in the evening before the Trinity, the Holy Spirit descends to Earth. He sanctifies and blesses everything around, he fills the human soul with goodness, love, faith, patience.

Even during His life on earth, the Lord told His disciples many times that He would never leave people and create His large family, which He would call His Church: “I will create My Church, and the gates of hell will never prevail against It.” We are all members of this Church...

Traditions, signs, what needs to be done on the Trinity

long time ago Slavic peoples Trinity was associated with the tradition of meeting summer and called this day Earth Day. On Trinity Day, it is customary to decorate houses and temples with green birch branches, fragrant calamus and flowers. The custom of decorating the temple with branches, flowers and grass dates back to ancient times. The Old Testament Pentecost was the feast of the gathering of the first fruits. In the courtyard of the Temple, people brought the first fruits of the harvest and flowers. In the New Testament time, the trees and plants in the temple symbolize the renewal of people by the power of the descended Holy Spirit.

For example, each region has its own peculiarities of celebrating Green Christmas, but everywhere plants play a key role. So, Ukrainians generously decorate their homes with calamus (this plant is also called calamus root, Tatar potion or flat cake).

How to decorate the house on this bright holiday?

According to tradition, before the celebration of the Trinity, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning in the house. What is important - you need to get rid of trash and especially those items that are associated with negative memories.

The hostesses decorate the rooms with flowers, young grass and green branches, which symbolizes the coming spring, prosperity and the continuation of life. Most often, branches of birch, oak, mountain ash, maple, calamus grass, mint, lemon balm, etc. are used for decoration.

On the day of the Trinity in the morning they attend a festive church service. On this day, very simple bouquets of swamp grass, wild flowers, etc. should be dedicated in the church. After the service in the church, you need to bring them home and decorate the house with them. This can be dried and protected for a whole year as a talisman against the evil eye of an accidental guest.

By the way, on the Trinity in the temples, two festive services rule: in the morning and in the evening.

It was a great sin not to decorate the house. Ancestors believed that on Trinity the souls of dead relatives fly to the living and hide in the branches. All attention was paid to doors, walls of houses and shutters - they were densely covered with linden branches.

For a festive dinner they invite close people and relatives, treat them with a loaf, egg dishes, pancakes, pies, jelly and give each other funny gifts.

You can also get out into nature, organize a picnic - after all, Trinity 2018, like in other years, is celebrated on a day off. The tradition of folk festivals has been preserved to our time. In many cities, cultural mass events, concerts, fairs are held on this day.

There are also signs for Pentecost.

If they marry the Trinity, and marry the Intercession, then the life of these spouses will be long, happy, in love and harmony.

If it rains on Trinity Day, then there will be a lot during the summer.

Rain on Trinity - a lot of mushrooms, to warm weather.

From the Trinity to the Assumption, they don’t dance round dances.

Swim my wreath to that shore, who, catching my wreath, wakes up the groom.

Customs and beliefs for the feast of the Trinity

By tradition, the Trinity (in 2018 it falls on May 27) is celebrated for three days, and preparations for the holiday begin in advance. The houses and the yard are carefully cleaned, and the rooms are decorated with fresh tree branches (linden, willow, birch, maple), the floor is lined with fragrant herbs and flowers.

Such a Trinity ritual means awakening and the beginning of a new life cycle. On this day, people went out into the streets dressed up with songs and dances, danced round dances, the girls guessed at the betrothed and performed certain rituals.

Collected field herbs were brought to the church and consecrated, C-ib.ru reports. This was done so that the summer would be generous with rains and give people a rich harvest.

Saturday before Trinity - memorial. On this day, dead relatives are remembered in churches.

Trinity Day (Green Sunday) is considered the day of the appearance of various mythical evil spirits (mermaids, mermen, goblin). It is to protect against it that the room is decorated with green branches and wild flowers.

They also say that you can’t swim on the Trinity, since mermaids or water ones came out of the reservoirs and, having acquired a human appearance, took men and women away.

After the holiday, the greenery was not thrown away, but was used to treat various diseases, as it had tremendous healing power.

On the second day of the Trinity (Klechalny Monday), the priests went out into the fields to bless the future harvest.

On the third day (Holy Spirit Day) unmarried girl decorated with ribbons, flowers, wreaths of wild flowers and herbs and taken around the yards. To meet her on the street was considered a great success.

Signs and conspiracies on the Trinity

On Trinity, people carefully listened to folk signs, because the future harvest and the upcoming summer depend on the weather for the holiday. Here are the most common ones:

  • According to signs, rain on the Trinity - to a rich harvest and a warm summer;
  • A fine drizzle, after which a bright sun peeped out - also to a rich harvest of berries, cereals and mushrooms;
  • On Trinity the sun - the summer will be dry and very hot;
  • The heat on Trinity was considered a bad omen. She meant a bad harvest year;
  • To see a rainbow on a holiday is a great happiness in the house;
  • If you swim in the rain on the Trinity, then you can get rich;

  • Since ancient times, at dawn, people left their houses for fields, gardens and crumbled bread on the ground, thereby calling on nature to give them a good harvest;
  • In order to have a good hayfield and it rains, birch branches are stuck into the ground;
  • Before the Trinity, it was necessary to finish planting the garden, because then the heat set in and the plants were poorly received due to lack of moisture.

According to popular belief, the dew that fell on the Trinity gave health, youth, beauty

What not to do on Trinity

On one of the biggest twelfth holidays, the land is the birthday girl, so there are many restrictions on work on this day. You can not plow, dig the ground, dig, plant plants and trees, mow the grass. In general, all work that is connected with the land cannot be done.

You can not cut and chop trees

Works related to trees are prohibited on this day, as young plants are used to decorate houses on a holiday. You can not cut trees, saw, chop wood, break branches.

Taboo on any hard work

On this day, it is forbidden to perform any hard work in the garden, since on this day the earth is born again and, like on any birthday, you need to celebrate, not work. Taboo for work in the field and garden.

It has long been believed that if you do not adhere to this sign, any unfavorable situation can happen: weather conditions will destroy the crop, livestock will die out or be destroyed by predators.

These rules do not apply to work in production, because it does not depend on our desire, but is necessary and inevitable.

However, you can collect all kinds of herbs and dry them. You can prepare brooms for a bath, they will be endowed with a special healing power.

The herbs collected for the Trinity have magical healing powers. Tinctures and decoctions are prepared from them to heal from ailments.

You can not sew, bake, do housework

As in others Orthodox holidays, on Trinity you can’t do cleaning, sewing and any other housework. You can only decorate the room, cook food, perform only vital work.

Everyone who works on this day will face various misfortunes. In general, it is better not to take risks, but to celebrate!

Taboo on any work on earth

It is impossible to work on the earth on the Trinity, but you can look for treasures in it. Try it, perhaps the treasure hidden somewhere has already been waiting for you.

no fence repair

You can not build or repair a fence (fence) on this day. Such work can bring trouble and illness to the family.

Tune in to the positive

Observing all the above signs on the Trinity, do not forget about the spiritual side.

It is forbidden to be angry at the Trinity, think about the bad, envy or get angry!

Be friendly and joyful on this day, then nature will reward you in full good harvest and well-being.
