New 2017 will be held under the sign of the Rooster, the color of which is determined by the element that controls the year along with its patron. In 2017 this governing element there will be fire, personifying red, strength, power, energy, movement, renewal and leadership, which, combined with the ambitious disposition of the representative of the sign, will fill the year with great prospects and many life-defining moments.

Red Rooster - red outfits

It is impossible to think of a more suitable color for the meeting of the year. Fire Rooster than red. The color of love, passion, fire - it will help not only to comply with all the traditional rules, but also create a spicy mood. Therefore, if you are planning to celebrate the holiday alone with your loved one, the best choice would be to wear a classic red slinky dress for the New Year 2017.

Fiery shades are perfect for noisy parties, because red attracts attention better than any other. The simplest option (and therefore the most successful) will be a classic red outfit - it looks good in strict sheath dresses, luxurious floor-length dresses, and even elegant trouser suits. On the other hand, you should pay attention to the whole range of warm fiery shades: from bright yellow, cozy ocher and pinkish tones, to burgundy, red and elegant browns.

Marsala-colored dresses - the colors of the outgoing 2016, as well as any other wine shades will look very solemn and elegant. Brown outfits should also be warm and not boring. It is best to choose clothes from shiny fabrics - satin or brocade, the color of a precious metal - bronze, copper or gold. The rooster loves glitter and jewelry, so a chic dress of deep ruby ​​\u200b\u200bcolor will definitely appeal to her. Do not forget about jewelry - earrings and pendants with rubies or garnets will suit both the dress of the “correct” color and the tradition. Gold jewelry with yellow sapphires, citrine and amber will also be successful.

In what colors to meet the new 2017? Trendy colors for the new year 2017

In order for you to be lucky in the New Year, choose the right color for the New Year's dress.

Best colors to celebrate 2017: red, terracotta, pink, black, blue, brown, yellow, green.

The color of the dress will affect what will await you in the New Year. Therefore, before choosing a dress, check out the list of color meanings.

  • Red - love, fertility, power, passion
  • Blue-green - family
  • Yellow, Gold - health, wealth
  • Purple - wealth
  • Black, Blue - career, success in work
  • Terracotta, orange - new knowledge and their successful development
  • White, Silver - changes in life
  • Also colors can be combined. For example, your goal in the new year is the birth of a child. Then it suits you White dress with a red accessory: bag, scarf, large beads.

Aries is a fire sign, so the Rooster is close to him in spirit. How to celebrate 2017 Aries? In an outfit of fiery color, preferably red. Even if you chose a different shade, such as yellow, be sure to complete the look with a scarlet accessory.

If you are wondering how to celebrate 2017 according to the signs of the Zodiac, be sure to pay attention to silk dresses and blouses. It is natural silk that will help you win the favor of the Rooster.


How to celebrate 2017 Taurus is not so important, the main thing in Taurus's outfit is accessories.

Take care of massive jewelry, preferably yellow - gold, amber. Large hoop earrings will be an excellent solution.


How to celebrate 2017 Gemini? There must be something paired in the outfit.

The easiest way is to wear large earrings, but take a closer look at other options, for example, paired bracelets are now in fashion - the same for both hands. Let paired accessories be in red.


Representatives of this sign are recommended by astrologers to choose a mysterious and mysterious image. How to celebrate 2017 Cancers? Of course, in a mask! The mask will successfully replace a luxurious headdress and hide emotions that are not intended for prying eyes.

Cancers can use gray-silver, as well as blue-blue shades for a New Year's outfit, but do not forget about the red detail, it can be a brooch or nail polish.


The lion, as the king of animals, the Rooster will allow in new year's eve flaunt in the crown. How to celebrate 2017 for Leo? Feel free to put on a diadem and wear it with your head held high!

Choose a yellow or orange dress that will definitely appeal to the Rooster.


Considering the colors of the New Year 2017 according to the signs of the Zodiac, we note that Virgos are recommended a beige shade.

How to celebrate 2017 Virgo? Be sure to wear a dress that should be very gentle and romantic. Complement your New Year's look with a shawl or boa made of exotic materials to become truly ethereal.


This season, artificial and natural fur are in fashion. Probably, you have already guessed how to celebrate 2017 Libra.

It is not necessary to sit down at the table in a fur coat, just pick up things with fur trim, for example, an original bracelet or shoes with fur trim.


Scorpio for the New Year should emphasize their sexuality. How to celebrate 2017 Scorpio? In high-heeled shoes, in a dress with a deep neckline or with a high slit.

Choose bright colors, colorful prints and non-standard styles that the Rooster likes so much.


How to celebrate 2017 Sagittarius from accessories? A headdress must be present, you can stop at the original hat with a veil. Make sure that the outfit has at least one piece of red.


The owner of the coming year wants to see Capricorns in robes with a floral print. How to celebrate 2017 Capricorn? In a dress with large tropical flowers, with a small floral ornament or in a coupon color - it's up to you.

Capricorns should also take a closer look at light chiffon trouser suits or intricate overalls that will successfully replace an evening dress.


How to celebrate 2017 Aquarius? Draw the attention of the Rooster with shiny fabrics and sparkling accessories.

Sequins and rhinestones, lurex, gems and metals - all this will help you create the right image.


Only Pisces Rooster allows you to refuse red on New Year's Eve. How to celebrate 2017 Pisces? In bright tropical prints or "predatory" ornaments - all this will appeal to the Rooster.

You will not be able to please the Rooster if you do not dress very brightly and modestly. Counting on the favor of the next year's symbol, choose bold and original outfits. Get ready to be the center of attention not only at the holiday, but throughout the next year!


We all love the New Year very much, and we are preparing for its meeting in advance. New Year's holiday always brings a sense of magic, miracle, fairy tale. We make wishes and believe that they will come true. Properly chosen clothes for the celebration of the New Year will enhance the magic of this magical time and bring good luck.

Even those who do not really believe in horoscopes are interested in what to meet and what to wear for the New Year of the Rooster in 2017. In New Year's outfits and decorations, it is recommended to use the colors and symbols of the patron saint of the coming year - the Red Fire Rooster. It is believed that the ruler of the year will like the right colors, and in return he will send success in his personal life, financial well-being and health.

What to wear for the New Year 2017

Since the upcoming 2017 Chinese horoscope considered the year of the Red Fire Rooster, the main colors will be all shades of the flame: red, yellow, orange. You can also include their derivatives: burgundy, coral, cherry, purple. The appearance of the Rooster allows you to expand the color gamut, complementing it with bright shades of rooster feathers: gold, bronze, white.

A red dress or suit is the most suitable option for evening dress for the New Year's holiday in 2017. However, this color is not suitable for everyone. He is very conspicuous, and a woman dressed in red always attracts increased attention. Therefore, she must be 100% sure of herself. Red - for very self-confident women.

Moreover, this color is not for everyone and not everyone likes it. Many prefer more elegant and modest tones. In addition to the classic red, other shades of flames are suitable: orange, burgundy, cherry, yellow, gold, and even brown or black. You can celebrate the New Year in clothes of these colors, and choose accessories and jewelry to match the main color. It can be a red bracelet on a hand, a bag, a belt, shoes, etc. Jewelry with natural stones of fire shades will be harmoniously combined with such outfits: garnet, ruby, pink and red tourmaline, coral, red jasper, amber, etc. A men's suit will decorate a bright red handkerchief protruding from the pocket with a corner or an orange tie.

A gold-colored dress would be an excellent choice, because this is one of the fiery colors. Also this good sign to attract wealth and financial well-being. An outfit in red and gold tones will be complemented by shoes in a neutral color, such as cream or beige. Shoes of such shades visually increase the length of the legs and make them more elegant.

Clothing style for the New Year's holiday

The rooster, the symbol of 2017, is very fond of bright things. A fashionable dress made of satin, silk, brocade, organza is perfect. At the peak of popularity - noble velvet. The style of clothing should be distinguished by grace and beauty; for girls and women, romantic airy dresses are most preferable. Feel free to wear a revealing outfit, because New Year's celebration- the best occasion to demonstrate their charms. You can choose a dress with a seductive neckline or open back, a skirt with a high slit in the front or side. The rooster will also appreciate bright jewelry and shiny accessories. A brooch with a cockerel or feather jewelry will be a great addition to your look.

If there is one thing that needs to be excluded, it is leopard and brindle colors. Any hints of predators are undesirable, because the leopard and tiger are the enemies of the Rooster. Also, shoes and accessories made of snake skin and its imitation will not work.

As for men, they can move away from the usual strict suits and relax a bit. A good choice for the stronger sex would be bright shirts or an unusual tie. If an extravagant style seems too bold for a man, then you can choose a shirt that matches the color tone of the lady.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Rooster, the owner of 2017, is a lover of order, he is neat and meticulous in everything. Therefore, before you start decorating your house for the holiday, you need to do a thorough cleaning. The rooster is especially picky about details, so try to create coziness throughout the home.

For home decoration, give preference to red, yellow, orange, cherry, purple flowers. The main condition is brightness and naturalness. The rooster will like fluffy multi-colored garlands, glowing lanterns. IN Christmas decorations let variety reign: snowflakes of various shapes and sizes, shiny tinsel, large balls. The Christmas tree, the main attribute of the holiday, is well dressed up in red colors. The coming 2017 will be a real holiday of needlework. You can make Christmas tree toys and wall decorations with your own hands, crafts made of paper, wood, threads, felt, etc.

Treats and table setting on New Year's Eve

If we talk about the treats of the festive table, then we must remember that the Rooster is a prudent and thrifty bird. Therefore, relevant to holiday table on New Year's Eve there will be inexpensive, but hearty dishes. It’s good if the hostess makes a big cake or pie with her own hands. Treats from fish and seafood, beef, pork will be appropriate, however, in order not to offend the Cockerel, avoid poultry dishes. In addition to the main treat, put fresh vegetable salads and fruits on the table.

Table setting is just the case when a combination of classic style with country style is welcomed: wooden and ceramic dishes, linen tablecloths and napkins, compositions from natural materials. You can set the table with a red or burgundy tablecloth, put candles in elegant gold candlesticks.

The rooster is a homely bird, so the New Year holiday is best celebrated with family, with relatives and friends. Let the New Year 2017 be remembered by you with coziness and comfort.

Read about how to celebrate the New Year of the Dog in 2018 in this article.

Interesting ideas New Year's gifts you will find in the article:

The Year of the Fire Rooster makes special demands on representatives of all zodiac signs. But do not be afraid of a lively bird, believing that all 12 months will be too difficult. Of course, we all will have to try hard, because the Rooster appreciates diligence, but all his requests remain within reason and only call everyone to more serious responsibility. The Rooster is harsh only to those people who act dishonestly, have selfish motives and behave unfairly. Major changes are to be expected throughout the year, as the lively bird is always looking to bring something to the world. 2017 will be especially rich in marriages, and these unions, concluded under the wing of the Rooster, will mostly be happy and lasting. At the same time, a large number of divorces should not be expected: the Rooster is a homely bird and will not allow itself to shake family values ​​​​once again. Nevertheless, this does not mean at all that he will be indulgent towards the emerging couples - the symbol of 2017 is strict with them and will require partners to carefully look at each other before they can form a stable relationship. And by the way, the first and second decades of the coming year will favor these undertakings!

And in order to appease the Rooster, you need to meet him well on December 31st. The expression “As you meet the year, so you will spend it” is not in vain passed from mouth to mouth for more than one generation. It really works!

Where and with whom to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the year of the fiery Rooster

The rooster is a domestic bird, loves warmth and comfort. So it is best to celebrate the New Year at home, in the family circle. The table should be generous, but not luxurious. The rooster is a hospitable bird, prepare a small gift for each guest. After a festive feast, go for fresh air, for a walk.

How to decorate a house for the New Year

To find a common language with the totem of the year, equip the house so that he likes it. Everything is very simple, the main thing is that the rooster feels like a dear and welcome guest.

1. The rooster is a country bird, therefore add rustic paraphernalia, make a decorative nest, and don't forget about grains for the main patron.

2. A rooster is a domestic bird that loves comfort and warmth. So decorate rooms with throws, pillows, tablecloths and napkins, all that, in your opinion, makes your home not only more beautiful, but also warmer, more comfortable.

3. Use rooster figurines(the more there are, the better). However, in no case should you use feathers and eggs for decoration, this can take away your luck for a whole year!

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How to decorate the table for the New Year

1. Choose a red tablecloth or any other fiery shade.

2. If there is wooden utensils, then be sure to use it.

3. Stick to rustic flair when decorating and setting the table, the rooster will be very pleased.

What dishes should be on the table in the year of the Fire Rooster

1. Refuse extravagant dishes, let the table be generous, but without frills. Everything unusual and expensive you can submit on January 1st.

2. Opt for Vegetarian Meals. If you absolutely cannot do without meat, then there should not be a bird on the table in any case, this will greatly offend the rooster. And is it worth it to eat junk food at night?

3. Roosters are very fond of sweets and pastries., do not be stingy and bribe the rooster.

And most importantly (which we talked about earlier) - there should be a figurine of a rooster or its image on the table, and they will bring you happiness and prosperity.

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How to decorate a Christmas tree

1. The tree should be bright, with a lot of tinsel.

2. Balls and toys should be red and gold. Or, at least, these shades should be predominant.

3. In addition to balls resembling eggs, Christmas tree can be decorated with sweets and tangerines.

4. Required please the rooster with a plate of grain under the tree!

New 2017 will be held under the sign of the Rooster, the color of which is determined by the element that controls the year along with its patron. In 2017, such a controlling element will be fire, which personifies the color red, strength, power, energy, movement, renewal and leadership, which, combined with the ambitious disposition of the representative of the sign, will fill the year with great prospects and many life-defining moments.

Red Rooster - red outfits
It is impossible to think of a more suitable color for the celebration of the year of the Fire Rooster than red. The color of love, passion, fire - it will help not only to comply with all the traditional rules, but also create a spicy mood.
Therefore, if you are planning to celebrate the holiday alone with your loved one, the best choice would be to wear a classic red slinky dress for the New Year 2017.

Fiery shades are perfect for noisy parties, because red attracts attention better than any other.
The simplest option (and therefore the most successful) will be a classic red outfit - strict sheath dresses, luxurious floor-length dresses, and even elegant trouser suits look good in it.
On the other hand, you should pay attention to the whole range of warm fiery shades: from bright yellow, cozy ocher and pinkish tones, to burgundy, red and elegant browns.

Marsala-colored dresses - the colors of the outgoing 2016, as well as any other wine shades will look very solemn and elegant. Brown outfits should also be warm and not boring.
It is best to choose clothes from shiny fabrics - satin or brocade, the color of precious metal - bronze, copper or gold. The rooster loves glitter and jewelry, so a chic dress of deep ruby ​​\u200b\u200bcolor will definitely appeal to her.
Do not forget about jewelry - earrings and pendants with rubies or garnets will suit both the dress of the “correct” color and the tradition. Gold jewelry with yellow sapphires, citrine and amber will also be successful.

Best colors to celebrate 2017: red, terracotta, pink, black, blue, brown, yellow, green.

The color of the dress will affect what will await you in the New Year. Therefore, before choosing a dress, check out the list of color meanings.

Red love, fertility, power, passion

blue green- family

Yellow, Gold- health, wealth

Violet- wealth

Black blue career success at work

Terracotta, orange— new knowledge and its successful development

White, Silver- changes in life

Also colors can be combined. For example, your goal in the new year is the birth of a child. Then a white dress with a red accessory will suit you: a bag, a scarf, large beads.

Aries is a fire sign, so the Rooster is close to him in spirit. How to celebrate 2017 Aries? In an outfit of fiery color, preferably red. Even if you chose a different shade, such as yellow, be sure to complete the look with a scarlet accessory.

If you are wondering how to celebrate 2017 according to the signs of the Zodiac, be sure to pay attention to silk dresses and blouses. It is natural silk that will help you win the favor of the Rooster.

How to celebrate 2017 Taurus is not so important, the main thing in Taurus' outfit is accessories.

Take care of massive jewelry, preferably yellow - gold, amber. Large hoop earrings will be an excellent solution.

How to celebrate 2017 Gemini? There must be something paired in the outfit.

The easiest way is to wear large earrings, but look at other options, for example, now paired bracelets are in fashion - the same for both hands. Let paired accessories be in red.

Representatives of this sign are recommended by astrologers to choose a mysterious and mysterious image. How to celebrate 2017 Cancers? Of course, in a mask! The mask will successfully replace a luxurious headdress and hide emotions that are not intended for prying eyes.

Cancers can use gray-silver, as well as blue-blue shades for a New Year's outfit, but do not forget about the red detail, it can be a brooch or nail polish.

The Rooster will allow the lion, as the king of animals, to flaunt the crown on New Year's Eve. How to celebrate 2017 for Leo? Feel free to put on a diadem and wear it with your head held high!

Choose a yellow or orange dress that will definitely appeal to the Rooster.

Considering the colors of the New Year 2017 according to the signs of the Zodiac, we note that Virgos are recommended a beige shade.

How to celebrate 2017 Virgo? Be sure to wear a dress that should be very gentle and romantic. Complement your New Year's look with a shawl or boa made of exotic materials to become truly ethereal.

This season, artificial and natural fur are in fashion. Probably, you have already guessed how to celebrate 2017 Libra.

It is not necessary to sit down at the table in a fur coat, just pick up things with fur trim, for example, an original bracelet or shoes with fur trim.

Scorpio for the New Year should emphasize their sexuality. How to celebrate 2017 Scorpio? In high-heeled shoes, in a dress with a deep neckline or with a high slit.
Choose bright colors, colorful prints and non-standard styles that the Rooster likes so much.

But Sagittarians, on the contrary, are advised to abandon intricate models and choose a practical outfit in which they will feel free.

How to celebrate 2017 Sagittarius from accessories? A headdress must be present, you can stop at the original hat with a veil. Make sure that the outfit has at least one piece of red.

The owner of the coming year wants to see Capricorns in robes with a floral print. How to celebrate 2017 Capricorn? In a dress with large tropical flowers, with a small floral ornament or in a coupon color - it's up to you.

Capricorns should also take a closer look at light chiffon trouser suits or intricate overalls that will successfully replace an evening dress.

How to celebrate 2017 Aquarius? Draw the attention of the Rooster with shiny fabrics and sparkling accessories.

Sequins and rhinestones, lurex, precious stones and metals - all this will help you create the right look.

Only Pisces Rooster allows you to refuse red on New Year's Eve. How to celebrate 2017 Pisces? In bright tropical prints or "predatory" ornaments - all this will appeal to the Rooster.

You will not be able to please the Rooster if you do not dress very brightly and modestly. Counting on the favor of the next year's symbol, choose bold and original outfits. Get ready to be the center of attention not only at the holiday, but throughout the next year!

How to attract the favor of fortune and how to celebrate the New Year 2017 in order to enlist the support of the Fire Rooster? These pleasant and important questions excite the minds of the beautiful half of humanity long before the onset of winter holidays. Ladies carefully study the advice of fashion stylists and consult horoscopes to find out exactly in what color which signs of the Zodiac are recommended to shine on New Year's Eve. For all the young ladies, we have collected the most complete list of options for suitable holiday dresses. Choose the most successful dress and become the queen of the ball at the main party of the year.

How to meet the New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster for a man and a woman - advice from astrologers

According to information Eastern horoscopes, the coming 2017 is patronized by the wayward, bright and extravagant charismatic - the Fire Rooster. His idols in clothes are ultra-fashionable expensive things, rich, rich colors and external shine. These points must be taken into account when choosing what to celebrate the New Year 2017 in.

Astrologers advise both men and women on a festive night to put on a catchy, spectacular outfit and be sure to complement the image with shiny jewelry. As for the color scheme, all red, yellow-gold and orange shades, traditional for the element of Fire and cock plumage, are indisputable favorites here.

The second place belongs to brown, lilac, blue and green colors, which are also found in the color of the symbolic bird, but in a much smaller volume.

Most of all, smooth, sparkling, richly trimmed fabrics are suitable for New Year's outfits. Chintz, linen and other naturalness are categorically not welcome. Only pan-velvet, rayon, satin, brocade, guipure, crepe-satin and so on. Of the styles, light, romantic silhouettes, tight-fitting long flowing skirts, corsets and deep necklines are preferred.

All sorts of decorative elements are no less relevant: feathers on headdresses, rhinestones, sequins, ruffles, frills, bodices with stones and lush jabots, because the Rooster by its nature is a fanfaron that loves to attract everyone's attention. You should not be afraid to go too far with pretentiousness either. The Fire Rooster appreciates some excess in clothes and will never be offended by someone who, for the sake of her favor, dressed up, as they say, “to the nines”.

But the cat, leopard and tiger prints, so loved by many of the fair sex, will have to be completely abandoned. The rooster, like any bird, is always afraid of baleen predators in life and at the time of its holiday does not want to see even a hint of their existence.

Jewelry in the New Year's outfit may be present, but within reasonable limits. For all his daring and love to "splurge", the Rooster does not welcome extravagance. So, it is better to hide necklaces and tiaras made of diamonds, and on New Year's Eve, limit yourself to coral beads, an amber brooch, a garnet bracelet or a discreet gold set with rubies, sapphire or citrine.

A handbag will help to complete the New Year's look elegantly and beautifully. The rooster will like a small, elegant clutch with rhinestones or a small bag decorated with stones. The main thing is that the accessory should be made of natural materials and clearly fit into the overall color of the outfit.

Shoes should combine beauty and convenience, as the Fire Rooster loves active fun, and not every lady can stand dancing the night away in high heels. The best choice in this situation, ballet flats in bright colors with rhinestones and small pebbles, platform sandals or classic pumps with a “glass” heel will become.

Men on New Year's Eve are encouraged to be as smart as the ladies. Bright suits, watches with a gold bracelet and shining cufflinks - this is the perfect costume for meeting the holiday. But if only the most daring fashionistas dare to put on a red jacket and trousers, then just putting on a bright shirt and a catchy tie will be within the power of even the most conservative-minded representatives of the stronger sex.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017 - colors according to the signs of the zodiac for holiday dresses

Professional astrologers say that the right New Year's outfit guarantees the favor of fate for the next 365 days. They advise representatives of all signs of the zodiac in without fail use a rich orange tint in festive clothes. He will definitely like the Fire Rooster and provide his patronage for the whole coming year. The golden gamma in combination with deep blue hues will increase the chances of getting more profit from the business several times, the juicy red palette of colors will provide financial stability, and the turquoise blue color scheme will help maintain family happiness, love and mutual understanding.

Horoscope of outfits - choosing a color according to the signs of the Zodiac

  • For Aries, the ideal option would be things in rich bright yellow shades. However, the ladies of this sign should refrain from very deep and open necklines. In the New Year, this can lead to love tragedies and heartbreak. But the length of dresses and skirts can be chosen according to personal tastes. And a long outfit to the floor, and a cocktail dress above the knee, and an elegant cut to the thigh are quite acceptable and will definitely fall in love with the Rooster.
  • Taurus is recommended to forget about practical earthliness for a while and allow yourself little follies, at least in clothes. Representatives of this sign can, without any hesitation, choose the brightest, unexpected and even extravagant color combinations for their outfits. All this will be approved by the Fire Rooster and will certainly bring good luck. But in the matter of jewelry, it makes sense to observe a reasonable measure and not hang all the gold from the jewelry box on yourself. It is better to limit yourself to one spectacular accessory, for example, catchy, large earrings in the form of thin rings.
  • Gemini, as an air sign of the Zodiac, needs to pick up flying, beautiful outfits in rich, but not too defiant colors. Particular attention should be paid to the hairstyle. Owners of long lush curls need to weave a red satin ribbon into their hair, and young ladies with short haircuts need to decorate themselves with an original hairpin with feathers.
  • For Cancers, there are no restrictions in choosing an outfit for meeting the year of the Rooster, but a real carnival costume would be the most successful option. Accessories will have to be chosen in accordance with the image, but you should not abuse too catchy makeup. It is enough just to use a brighter than usual lipstick or to emphasize the eyes with the help of shiny shadows, arrows and lengthening mascara. Well, it is appropriate for the most daring representatives of the zodiac sign to put on a luxurious carnival mask and create a mysterious and mysterious image on New Year's Eve. Silvery, juicy blue and sky blue shades should prevail in a festive outfit, but it will not be possible to do without some small red detail. It can be a brooch, bracelet, boa, ribbon or nail polish.
  • Lions on New Year's Eve are recommended to shine in bright orange and pearl yellow dresses of any length, puffy, tight or trapezoid. But the most important detail of the toilet should be an elegant diadem, symbolizing the crown of the king of beasts. And it does not matter at all whether it is real gold or good quality jewelry. The only important thing is that this accessory must be on the head. It is better not to wear other jewelry. Envy is not alien to the patron of the year, the Fire Rooster, and he will not tolerate anyone overshadowing his beauty.
  • For Virgo, astrologers recommend delicate, romantic dresses in beige shades, complemented by a catchy accessory made of exotic material. Jewelry should be concise and not distract attention from the dress. Makeup is preferred in soothing nude tones with a slight emphasis on the eyes.
  • Libras are allowed complete freedom of action in the style of outfit, cut and shades. It is best to remember what kind of dress you have been dreaming about for the last couple of months and choose it to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster. Contrast in the outfit is only welcome, as are unusual accessories and jewelry. Shoes, a handbag or a cape with fur trim will also be very relevant.
  • Scorpios need a very sexy outfit that attracts attention at first sight. Juicy colors, flashy prints, non-standard styles, an extra-deep neckline and a slit almost to the waist - all this is not only acceptable, but also mandatory on New Year's Eve. In addition, some very bright and noticeable element is simply needed - a scarf, a tie, a lush frill, a long train, a wide lace frill or catchy cuffs. The more spectacular the festive dress is, the more luck it will bring in the coming year of the Rooster.
  • Advice for Sagittarians is somewhat similar to advice for Scorpios. Representatives of this sign need to wear a catchy outfit made of high-quality expensive fabric in the New Year, the best way emphasizing all the advantages of the figure. For the meeting of the Year of the Rooster, long-legged ladies should choose the most frank mini, and the owners of a luxurious bust should pay attention to low-cut dresses with bare shoulders. Be sure to need some kind of headgear, for example, a flirty hat with a veil or a bright beret. A red detail should also be present, but in such a way as not to stand out from the general ensemble.
  • On the eve of the New Year of the Rooster, Capricorns should focus on spectacular manicure and well-groomed hands. Graceful wrists are emphasized by thin gold bracelets, and thin, delicate rings will draw attention to beautiful fingers. Saturated shades and floral prints (small pattern, coupon, etc.) are suitable for the dress. Also, representatives of this zodiac sign should take a closer look at chiffon trouser suits and elegant overalls, which may well replace the traditional evening dress.
  • From Aquarius on New Year's Eve, you only need to shine, and not in the figurative sense of the word, but literally. Therefore, for outfits, you need to choose flowing fabrics and shining accessories. Sequins, rhinestones, Lurex and Swarovski stones are quite appropriate here. The main thing is just to withstand the measure and not to wear too much jewelry. The rooster may be offended and take this as an attempt to outshine him.
  • Pisces is the only sign of the zodiac that, according to the horoscope, is allowed to refuse red on New Year's Eve. But what to choose then? Of course, catchy outfits with a tropical print or clear predatory ornaments. Such appearance the Rooster will definitely like it and he will never refuse his patronage to the owner of such a bold costume.

Horoscope for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - how to celebrate the holiday

Richly finished, high-quality fabrics, non-trivial cuts, contrasting color combinations and fashionable style - these are the main criteria that you need to focus on when thinking about the question of how to celebrate the New 2017 Year of the Rooster. You need to forget about modest things of a simple cut. They don't belong at a holiday party. You need to stop at catchy, spectacular clothes, tailored to the latest most fashionable trends and directions.

A win-win option for representatives of all zodiac signs is a red range of shades from the brightest and defiant to elegantly muted. Wearing such an outfit, you can, as they say, "kill two birds with one stone" - and please the symbol of the coming year and respect the Fire element.

If there is no desire to dress in red from head to toe to celebrate the year of the Rooster, just add some element of this shade to your outfit, for example, a ribbon, a neckerchief or a handbag for ladies and a tie or belt for men.

It is quite appropriate on New Year's Eve to look outfits in orange, yellow, terracotta, beige, green and blue shades, decorated with sequins, sequins, guipure inserts, lace, feathers and Swarovski stones. The boastful fanfaron-Rooster will appreciate this brilliance and will surely repay his good attitude and patronage.

According to the horoscope, regardless of the color in which it is planned to celebrate the New Year, jewelry should be made of gold with rubies, coral, garnet or amber. In addition, it is very important in this matter to maintain a reasonable sense of proportion and not to put on too much jewelry. The Fire Rooster does not welcome extravagance and categorically does not accept competitors, especially at the time of his holiday.
