Compasses and square(or rather, a steel compass and square joined together) is the most recognizable symbol of Freemasonry. Together, both the compass and the square, as tools of architects, are used in Masonic rituals as an emblem of the teaching of symbolic lessons. Some lodges and rituals explain these symbols as lessons in behavior: for example, that Freemasons should " circle your actions" and learn " to limit and keep oneself within the boundaries towards the whole of humanity» . Since Freemasonry is non-dogmatic, there is no common interpretation these symbols (or any Masonic symbol) that are used by Freemasonry in general.

Like measuring instruments, tools represent judgment and discernment.

Letter "G"

In English jurisdictions, compasses and squares are often said to be depicted with a "G" in the center. This spelling is interpreted to represent different meanings this word in different jurisdictions. Among the most widely accepted interpretations is that: "G" stands for God (eng. G od) and to remind Freemasons that God is at the center of Freemasonry. In this context, he can also be presented as the Great Architect of the Universe. In another context, the spelling represents the letter "G" as a geometry (eng. G geometry), describing it as "the noblest of sciences", and as "the foundation on which the superstructure of Freemasonry is erected".

see also

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  • Curl James Stevens. The Art and Architecture of Freemasonry. - New York: Overlook Press, 1991.
  • Domenico V. Ripa Montesano. Vademecum di Loggia. - Roma Italia: Edizione Gran Loggia Phoenix–, 2009 - ISBN 978-88-905059-0-4.
  • *



  • // Encyclopedia Britannica, 1911 (11th Ed.).
  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

An excerpt characterizing the compass and the square

The general manager expressed great sympathy for Pierre's intentions; but he noticed that in addition to these transformations, it was necessary in general to attend to affairs that were in a bad state.
Despite the enormous wealth of Count Earless, since Pierre received it and was said to have received 500,000 a year income, he felt much less wealthy than when he received his 10,000 from the late count. IN in general terms he was vaguely aware of the next budget. About 80 thousand were paid to the Soviet for all estates; about 30 thousand was the cost of maintaining a suburban, Moscow house and princesses; about 15 thousand went into retirement, the same number went to charitable institutions; 150 thousand were sent to the countess for living; interest was paid for debts of about 70 thousand; the construction of the begun church cost these two years about 10 thousand; the rest, about 100,000,000 diverged - he himself did not know how, and almost every year he was forced to borrow. In addition, every year the chief executive wrote about fires, then about crop failures, then about the need to rebuild factories and plants. And so, the first thing that presented itself to Pierre was the one for which he had the least ability and inclination - doing business.
Pierre worked with the chief manager every day. But he felt that his studies did not move things forward one step. He felt that his studies took place independently of the case, that they did not cling to the case and did not force him to move. On the one hand, the chief manager put things in the worst possible light, showing Pierre the need to pay debts and undertake new work by the forces of serfs, to which Pierre did not agree; on the other hand, Pierre demanded the commencement of the case of release, to which the manager exposed the need to first pay the debt of the Board of Trustees, and therefore the impossibility of a quick execution.
The manager didn't say it was completely impossible; to achieve this goal, he proposed the sale of the forests of the Kostroma province, the sale of grassroots lands and the Crimean estate. But all these operations in the speeches of the manager were associated with such complexity of processes, the lifting of prohibitions, demands, permits, etc., that Pierre was at a loss and only said to him:
- Yes, yes, do it.
Pierre did not have that practical tenacity that would have given him the opportunity to directly get down to business, and therefore he did not like him and only tried to pretend to the manager that he was busy with business. The manager, however, tried to pretend to the count that he considered these activities very useful for the owner and embarrassing for himself.

Many researchers of Freemasonry believe that their symbolism of Freemasonry originates from the tools of the masons-builders of the Middle Ages, who were the first brothers of the Masonic lodges. The generally accepted view of it in a nutshell looks like this: highly skilled craftsmen, builders of cathedrals, united in trade unions, guilds of free masons, freemasons.

Such, for example, was one of many similar to it - "The Holy Guild and the Brotherhood of Freemasons." Over time, educated progressive people who had nothing to do with construction began to join them. Then, when the fashion for Gothic passed, the role of brotherhoods of real masons gradually faded away, and the Masonic lodges increasingly moved away from their building origins, showing more and more interest in various philosophical ideas and secret knowledge. On the one hand, this is natural, if we remember that many scientists and educated people became members of the lodges. Thus, those Masonic lodges gradually appeared, to which the possession of secret knowledge, and the desire/opportunity to change the world, etc.

In the above version, everything looks logical, except for one thing. How could ordinary builders, even if they had “secret knowledge” again in construction, be interested in scientists or noble gentlemen who became members of brotherhoods? I am unable to answer this question.

I see another version: the secret Masonic lodges arose by the beginning of the 17th century completely independently and only used the terms (Mason) of the Freemasonic brotherhoods that had already descended into oblivion, who were indeed representatives of the guild of builders-masons. Either joining these "building" brotherhoods served only as a cover for the real secret society of Masons, which in fact had nothing to do with both Freemasons and the construction of temples and castles. By the way, the symbols of the Masons are only outwardly construction tools. They have a completely different meaning.

Compasses and Square in Freemasonry

One of the main symbols in Freemasonry are compasses and (on) a square. They are used to present the moral and ethical system of Freemasonry and designate the universality of the Masonic brotherhood. The significance of these symbols for Freemasons is so great that at the end of the ceremony of initiation into Freemasons, each initiate makes a solemn commitment to the Holy Book, on which they place a compass and (a) square. ( holy book maybe the Bible, Koran, etc. depending on the religion practiced).

According to the explanation of the Masons themselves, the compass depicts the Firmament of Heaven, and the square - the Earth. Earth is the place where man does his work, and Heaven is symbolically connected with the place where the Great Builder of the Universe draws his plan. The square is also seen as a symbol of law and conscience, and the compass is eternity.

Did this symbol come from the Freemason Brotherhood of Stonemasons? Or maybe he came from a much more ancient religion? It turns out that the compass and square played a certain role in ancient Chinese symbolism.

Compass and square in ancient Chinese symbolism

Pictured: Fuxi and Nuwa. Below is the Tai Chi symbol.

In many images of the legendary Chinese rulers Fuxi and Nuwa, who ruled, according to Confucian philosophy, from 2953 to 2852 BC. Fuxi holds a square in his hands, and Nuwa holds a compass. (According to legend, Fuxi and Nuwa were the only survivors of the flood, and the human race descended from them.)

According to ancient Chinese tradition, a compass (sometimes a plumb line instead of a compass) is a symbol of the circle - TAI JI. The Tai Chi symbol, first mentioned in one of the most ancient Chinese books, the Book of Changes, is considered the supreme principle and circle of existence, in which there is an alternation of rest and movement, light and darkness. It denotes the rules by which the system of relationships between the natural and social components of the Universe is built. The term "Tai Chi" is translated as the Great Limit and reflects the cosmic principle that generates the forces of yang (male) and yin (female).

A the square in the ancient Chinese tradition is a symbol of the square - LO SHU. This magic square is a square table filled with numbers in such a way that the sum of the numbers in each row, each column and both diagonals, called the magic constant, is the same. IN Ancient China was widespread Lo Shu, known from 2200 BC. is the only normal (filled with integers from 1 to n) 3×3 magic square. The sum of the numbers in each column, each row and diagonals of Lo Shu is 15, and the result of dividing the number 15 by the number of rows or columns (3) is 5. The number 5 stands in the center of the diagram, representing the principle of the equilibrium middle (Earth). The remaining numbers are organized around it into 9 sectors, which indicate the countries of the world that are under the control of various elements of nature or primary elements. In the Lo Shu square, there are many patterns and relationships with the surrounding space and time, the understanding of which gives the key to understanding the laws of the Universe. Until now, the magical properties of the square are being explored and all its secrets have not been fully disclosed.

partially used materials of the book by A.V. Koltypin "Earth before the Flood - the world of sorcerers and werewolves"
author's website

Freemasons "rule the world" through the "semi-dogma" of the Holy Trinity. Its symbol is a compass. The origin of this symbol is due to the same logic as the Orthodox Star. And it demonstrates the principle of Divine Holy Trinity Love. The folded Asterisk is, as it were, the Father.

Decomposed is the Son born from the Father and the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father. And if we trace this process in dynamics, then as soon as we lay out the Asterisk, on the one hand, the principle of birth and procession is demonstrated, on the other hand, everything returns back to the center, symbolizing the Father.

Consciousness is organized according to this principle. Reason is given to man in order to comprehend the fragmented the world, understand its logic and find a place for every thing in the system of the Divine Logos. In other words, life is given to a person in order to collect in his heart the puzzles of the universe (the fragmented sacrificial Lamb) into one integral Divine Picture - the King of Glory. Then the person himself dresses in the glory of the Lord the Conqueror Jesus Christ. The sacred meaning of the rite of the Eucharist is built on this logic.

If you halve the star, you get a compass. Thus, the Masonic compass is a half-star, a symbol of endless decay, lack of will and emptiness.

Without a holistic understanding of the principles of the life of God, it is impossible to think holistically. Without the Holy Trinity mentality, intellectual activity gives rise to ideas of decay, a relaxed lifestyle leading to to dependence on earthly passions. "G" is a symbol of the force of gravity. A person loses his will, ceases to control his actions, falls into dependence on external factors. Further, the victim becomes entangled in the "devil's nets" and drives himself into a corner. The Masonic square is a symbol of the control of humanity through its own energies of decay (“the theory of controlled chaos”). As the freemason Zbigniew Brzezinski said: "The new world order under the hegemony of the United States is being created against Russia, at the expense of Russia and on the ruins of Russia."

It is noteworthy that on the Lenin mausoleum the corner of the northern side is marked with a characteristic incision.

Mysteries, they have surrounded humanity ever since one group of people realized that the other does not need to know what they are talking about. And the more mysteries around secret societies, the more society thinks that everything is controlled by them. This also reinforces the fact that, for example, the sign of the Masons can be found very often, even while walking around the city.

History of Freemasonry

Many people know that the second name of the order of Freemasons is Freemasons. But few know why they are called so. In ancient times, when grandiose objects of architecture were built, there was such a profession, which was called "mason". If we draw a parallel with the present, then we can say that they were foremen. The idea of ​​founding appeared when people realized that the construction of cathedrals and castles could take not ten or thirty years, but a hundred or even more. There was no construction equipment then. In order for the knowledge of how to build this or that building not to be lost, a method was invented, because, oddly enough, architects, like other people, had the ability to grow old and die. If the architect died, then all the drawings and documents were transferred to the foreman, who completed the construction. Regrettably, the foremen were also not immortal, and the construction was associated with certain dangers to life. Then the principle of teacher-student dualism appeared. As long as the teacher is alive, he teaches the one he has taken under his care. When the death of a teacher comes, the student himself becomes one and takes on an apprentice. Thus, knowledge and secrets are not lost or forgotten. And in order to prevent cunning scammers from stealing them, it was decided to classify all talk about construction outside the circle of Masons. And the name "free" is due to the fact that only masons and artists had the privilege of leaving their lands, moving around the country. After all, construction was carried out not only in a single province. Initially, the sign of the Freemasons was a compass and square - a couple of the main tools of the architect. Later, others were added to it, including the most famous - the radiant delta.

Masonic signs and their meaning

Today, there are many symbols and signs with which it is customary to associate Freemasons. Next, the most popular secret signs of Freemasons will be considered. Only the symbols of the main lodges will be taken into account, almost without touching the signs of the order of the Rosicrucians and the Illuminati. Since neither one nor the other had their beginning as builders. And therefore, let's not take their symbols and interpret them as facts. The most popular will be presented secret signs Freemasons, photos of which will be placed in the article.

Compasses and square

Since it is quite difficult to call Freemasonry an order that uses certain dogmas, the meanings of this symbol vary from lodge to lodge. Most often, the compass is associated with the sky, and the square - with the Earth. The frequently occurring letter G has a dual interpretation. It can be God, from the English God, or geometry, in English, respectively, Geometry. The mutual arrangement of these two objects is also of great importance in various ceremonies and rituals. There are three of these variations:

  • The first degree - both ends of the compass are placed under the square.
  • The second degree - one of the ends is on top.
  • The third degree - both ends are free and are above the triangle.

There is also a variation with a rose placed on top and a cross instead of the letter G, this is the hallmark of the Rosicrucian Order - a third-party branch of Freemasonry, which, unlike the Order of the Illuminati, was not persecuted by the church and society. This one of the two most popular sign of Freemasons, whose photo is known even to those who are completely unfamiliar with this topic, has earned its place in world culture and history.


Two columns with symbolic images of the Earth and space. They are a kind of analogue of Yin and Yang, meaning order and chaos, creation and destruction. They are quite common as elements in Gothic cathedrals. They also participate in ceremonies. Their meaning is to pass between them and receive a warning that human distinctions in the Masonic temple are invalid.

This also applies to material wealth, skin color, religion. A person is a person, and it is not necessary to divide into classes according to certain criteria, because then those who are above others in society will imagine themselves standing above everyone and can begin to decide destinies.

Book of sacred law

It is not a set of laws, as the name suggests. This is the main scripture of the religion that the members of the lodge preach. Often this is not only the Bible, because several different religions can be professed in the box at the same time. Therefore, it cannot be said for sure that it is a sign of the Masons. It usually contains a compass and a square. Symbolizes will.

It is quite possible that this symbol was introduced in order not to spoil relations with the clergy, who had and still have significant power in the world.

Plumb and level

Two similar architect's tools. They perform similar tasks - adjusting the degree measure of a vertical and horizontal object for plumb and level, respectively. Like all non-dogmatic signs of Masons, their meanings sometimes differ from each other.

Most often symbolize Truth and Equality for plumb and level, respectively. They are also personal signs of the first and second guardians of the lodge, who monitor the fulfillment of all conditions during rites and sacraments.

Radiant Delta

Here it is, the most popular sign of Freemasons, the most mysteries hover over it. First of all, it should be noted that this Masonic sign, the photo of which is presented in the article, does not have any connotation denoting control. It symbolizes wisdom, the truth that the student learns, the absolute victory of good over evil.

And the reason why everyone considers this Masonic sign to be something like total control over all events in the world is due to the fact that it is found on banknotes and coins of the most different countries peace. And this happened due to the fact that once upon a time, Masons realized that they were surrounded by an aura of mystery and many people wanted to join them. And some of them had a lot of money. And as you know, a lot of money, especially in a large organization, does not happen. Here, not only masons and architects began to join the ranks of Masons, but also those who have impressive material wealth. These are nobles, and entrepreneurs, kings, lords, bank owners. And then they began to place the sign of the Masons - the eye - not only on buildings, as an indicator that it was this order that built it, but also on many other things. Thus showing the vastness of the order.

Marks of Excellence

To the question of what insignia Masons have, an answer cannot be given. It is impossible, because the order is secret. After all, if a member of the order showed everyone that he was a member of it, the sacrament could be violated. In the Middle Ages, it was easy to figure out secrets - torture. And the secrets of the Masons included not just drawings, diagrams, the basics of craftsmanship, but also the designation of secret passages in palaces and cathedrals. And this is already quite weighty information, having which, you can literally make history. This required a high degree of conspiracy. Therefore, one of the rules for joining the order says: "If you want to become a Mason, ask a Mason." And this is at least not easy, because there is no person standing on the street with a banner on which it says “I am a Mason”.

Influence in the world

Sometimes, mainly due to secrecy, people believe that the Order of Freemasons is indirectly or directly related to the situation in the world and historical events. This understanding could have arisen from the marks that Freemasons leave in many places and on many objects.

Significant historical events, participation in which is attributed to the Masons:

  • French Revolution - mainly take into account the influence of one of the Grand Lodges (or Grand Orient) - the Grand Orient of France. Assumptions that the revolution was planned to the nearest day twenty years before the start of the revolution itself.
  • The February Revolution is also believed to have been planned by the Freemasons. However, things did not go beyond the revolution itself - they did not have time to react, and the Bolsheviks received the reins of government, creating a superpower.
  • The society that arose in Russia under Peter I gathered mainly nobles who had nothing to do with construction, and in fact it was a closed club of the upper classes. However, after the French Revolution, they drew attention and began to oppress, fearing this.
  • And many, many more events, including modern wars: in Vietnam and Iraq, the revolution in America, the war between the North and the South. However, this may not be entirely true, because most of the presidents of the United States of America are in a not very secret, because they are regularly reminded of this, the Skull and Bones fraternity, which has nothing to do with the Freemasons.

Do not forget that these facts are mostly guesses of conspiracy theorists and do not have any documentary or verbal confirmation. And the Masonic society itself is shrouded in a dense veil of secrets, which is unlikely to be dispelled. In popular culture, the debate about the influence of Freemasonry on history never subsides.


Undoubtedly, it can be stated that the Masonic order successfully uses the principle "if you want to hide something, put it in front of everyone." And they have been doing this for hundreds of years. You can endlessly build any theories around this secret organization. However, the fact that Masons, signs and symbols have firmly entered into world history, culture and, in particular, into architectural structures, remains a fact. On most great architectural structures, you can see the sign of the Masons, which means their direct participation in the project. You can also say thank you to some extent, because before people who had nothing to do with construction began to join their ranks, the teacher-student principle worked non-stop and thanks to this we have amazing buildings that amaze with their beauty and complexity . Who knows, if everything was as before in their ranks, the Sagrada Familia, which is almost the most complex architectural creation of our time, would be ready, despite the death of Antoni Gaudí y Curnet. Or, for example, many architectural ideas that were not implemented for one reason or another could become a reality.

Many researchers of Freemasonry believe that their symbolism of Freemasonry originates from the tools of the masons-builders of the Middle Ages, who were the first brothers of the Masonic lodges. The generally accepted view of it in a nutshell looks like this: highly skilled craftsmen, builders of cathedrals, united in trade unions, guilds of free masons, freemasons.

Such, for example, was one of many similar to it - "The Holy Guild and the Brotherhood of Freemasons." Over time, educated progressive people who had nothing to do with construction began to join them. Then, when the fashion for Gothic passed, the role of the brotherhoods of real masons gradually faded away, and the Masonic lodges increasingly moved away from their building origins, showing more and more interest in various philosophical ideas and secret knowledge. On the one hand, this is natural, if we remember that many scientists and educated people became members of the lodges. Thus, those Masonic lodges gradually appeared, to which the possession of secret knowledge, and the desire / opportunity to change the world, etc. are attributed today.

In the above version, everything looks logical, except for one thing. How could ordinary builders, even if they had “secret knowledge” again in construction, be interested in scientists or noble gentlemen who became members of brotherhoods? I am unable to answer this question.

I see another version: the secret Masonic lodges arose by the beginning of the 17th century completely independently and only used the terms (Mason) of the Freemasonic brotherhoods that had already descended into oblivion, who were indeed representatives of the guild of builders-masons. Either joining these "building" brotherhoods served only as a cover for the real secret society of Masons, which in fact had nothing to do with both Freemasons and the construction of temples and castles. By the way, the symbols of the Masons are only outwardly construction tools. They have a completely different meaning.

Compasses and Square in Freemasonry

One of the main symbols in Freemasonry are compasses and (on) a square. They are used to present the moral and ethical system of Freemasonry and designate the universality of the Masonic brotherhood. The significance of these symbols for Freemasons is so great that at the end of the ceremony of initiation into Freemasons, each initiate makes a solemn commitment to the Holy Book, on which they place a compass and (a) square. (The holy book may be the Bible, the Koran, etc., depending on the religion practiced).

According to the explanation of the Masons themselves, the compass depicts the Firmament of Heaven, and the square - the Earth. Earth is the place where man does his work, and Heaven is symbolically connected with the place where the Great Builder of the Universe draws his plan. The square is also seen as a symbol of law and conscience, and the compass is eternity.

Did this symbol come from the Freemason Brotherhood of Stonemasons? Or maybe he came from a much more ancient religion? It turns out that the compass and square played a certain role in ancient Chinese symbolism.

Compass and square in ancient Chinese symbolism

Pictured: Fuxi and Nuwa. Below is the Tai Chi symbol.

In many images of the legendary Chinese rulers Fuxi and Nuwa, who ruled, according to Confucian philosophy, from 2953 to 2852 BC. Fuxi holds a square in his hands, and Nuwa holds a compass. (According to legend, Fuxi and Nuwa were the only survivors of the flood, and the human race descended from them.)

According to ancient Chinese tradition, a compass (sometimes a plumb line instead of a compass) is a symbol of the circle - TAI JI. The Tai Chi symbol, first mentioned in one of the most ancient Chinese books, the Book of Changes, is considered the supreme principle and circle of existence, in which there is an alternation of rest and movement, light and darkness. It denotes the rules by which the system of relationships between the natural and social components of the Universe is built. The term "Tai Chi" is translated as the Great Limit and reflects the cosmic principle that generates the forces of yang (male) and yin (female).

A the square in the ancient Chinese tradition is a symbol of the square - LO SHU. This magic square is a square table filled with numbers in such a way that the sum of the numbers in each row, each column and both diagonals, called the magic constant, is the same. In ancient China, Lo Shu was widespread, known since 2200 BC. is the only normal (filled with integers from 1 to n) 3×3 magic square. The sum of the numbers in each column, each row and diagonals of Lo Shu is 15, and the result of dividing the number 15 by the number of rows or columns (3) is 5. The number 5 stands in the center of the diagram, representing the principle of the equilibrium middle (Earth). The remaining numbers are organized around it into 9 sectors, which indicate the countries of the world that are under the control of various elements of nature or primary elements. In the Lo Shu square, there are many patterns and relationships with the surrounding space and time, the understanding of which gives the key to understanding the laws of the Universe. Until now, the magical properties of the square are being explored and all its secrets have not been fully disclosed.

partially used materials of the book by A.V. Koltypin "Earth before the Flood - the world of sorcerers and werewolves"
author's website
