Each person is closely connected with his Family. Kind karma affects the quality of life. By working with your family, praying for your ancestors, connecting with energies of a higher order, you can remove blocks, get rid of diseases and radically change your destiny.

How are we related to our Family?

Coming to our Kin¹, we get a unique experience that advances us on the path to our destiny and self-development. We take energy from our ancestors and work off their karmic debts.

It is no coincidence that each person falls into one or another clan, family, has just such a father and mother. It is this Rod that the soul chooses for its next incarnation, because it the best way will help the soul to fulfill its tasks, gain the necessary experience, understand its shortcomings and correct them.

With all our thoughts and actions, we influence not only our own destiny, but also our ancestors, our entire Family.

The ancient Slavs believed that all events in the life of a person and his relatives are determined by the goddess Karna, intertwining vital threads into a single canvas of the Family and the World. It was from her name that the word "karma²" came about.

How do actions affect the karma of the Family?

We have not only the features of our ancestors, mothers, fathers, grandparents, but also a common destiny with them, in other words, karma. For example, some act of a grandfather is a heavy or, conversely, a light burden on the life and fate of a grandson.

It happens that we commit misdeeds, from which, as the people say, "ancestors turn over in their graves." And it happens - we do something such that "ancestors from heaven look at us and smile."

So, we are all connected to each other in our ancestral system.

Each stumbler provides an opportunity for his descendants to "receive a reward", to learn lessons for themselves and their ancestors, to change, to the best of their ability, ancestral karma, behavioral scenarios.

Having passed the tests, realizing its lessons, the Soul enters a new level of development.

How can you change the karma of your Family?

Sometimes people give up, stop fighting fate, saying doomedly: “So it’s not fate ...” or “Karma is such, what to do ...” But, knowing the laws of development of the tribal system, we can change it - changing ourselves. The Russian miracle worker Seraphim of Sarov said: "Save yourself and thousands around you will be saved."

By adopting the strength and experience of our Family, we, in turn, can also influence the state of those souls that came to our Family before us - our ancestors. We can change them and our further destiny - karma. One of the ways available to everyone is the practice of connecting with your Family and repentance.

When is the best time to practice connecting with your Family?

It's good to do it in one of the generic-karmic lunar days: 4, 10, 12, 13, 28. .

Practice "Connecting with your Family":

  1. Early in the morning, at dawn, light a wax candle, put it in front of you at a distance of one and a half meters.
  2. Sit on your knees facing east and pray. Prayer can be any - one that is remembered at that moment, or simply an appeal to the Almighty with gratitude and a request for blessing.
  3. Imagine yourself as a big tree with very strong roots. They are divided into two branches. One is the maternal branch of the Family, the second is the paternal. At the source of each root, stands the Forefather and Foremother - the Guardians of the Family. The branches of the roots are all your ancestors, up to the seventh generation.
  4. Feel like a part of this family, and that all members of the Family, all the ancestors are part of you.
  5. Meditate, imagining yourself as a big tree with strong roots, feel your unity with the Family - as much as necessary.
  6. Speak from your heart:
  • "I love myself" - 3 times.
  • "I forgive myself" - 3 times.
  • "Mom, forgive me" - 3 times.
  • “I love you, mom, and I forgive you” - 3 times.
  • "Father, forgive me" - 3 times.
  • "I love you, father, and I forgive you" - 3 times.
  • “All the ancestors of my family, forgive me, Guardians of the family on the maternal side, forgive me. Guardians of the paternal lineage, forgive me.” - 3 times.
  • “We are of the same blood. You are me, I am you. I can see you. Do I know you. I always remember about you. You are in death, I am in life. You are in the past, I am in the present." - 3 times.
  • "I love you all. I forgive you all. I show you my respect. I show you my devotion. I pray to God for all of us. Lord, save and save my family. Lord, increase my family like the stars in the sky, stretch out your hand over it, save it from curses, reveal your mercy to it, Lord. Glory to you Lord, glory to you!” - 3 times.

Let the candle burn out to the end. Feel how your soul is changing and the karma of the clan is being cleared.

You will find another powerful method for clearing the karma of the family

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Genus is one of the forms of social organization. It is a group of people who trace their origin to a common ancestor - the founder of the clan or the ancestor - along one (maternal or paternal) line (Wikipedia).

² Karma, kamma - one of the central concepts in Indian religions and philosophy, the universal law of cause and effect, according to which the righteous or sinful actions of a person determine his fate, the suffering or pleasure he experiences (

...many of my friends frankly confused in the meaning of the words "karma" and "destiny". And often I hear something like this: life in marriage did not work out, they got divorced, probably such karma. Now it has somehow become fashionable, or something, to repeat about karma. Everywhere they write about it, they say ...

In fact, in order not to get confused, you can understand this with a simple example. Everyone, probably, was a student, studied somewhere. Well, in any case, everyone is familiar with learning in one way or another. So, the grade book and the
tests, exams - this is Karma. And the learning process itself with successes, failures, relationships with classmates and teachers is Fate.

Here you should not confuse the very purpose of studying (that is, our Purpose) - getting an education, a profession directly with Karma. Karma is an exam every time, and Destiny is the very purpose of studying.

Many people ask, is it possible to improve karma? It is possible, in fact, as
worsen. Same example. If you start to study better, try to get better results, strengthen relationships with others, you improve the quality of your studies. Consequently, the grades will be higher, that is, Karma is improving.

This does not mean that you can get rid of karmic tasks automatically. After all, successful study does not exempt us from the need to pass exams. But it will become easier for you to overcome these obstacles on the way to the goal. Conversely, learning
“slipshod”, you can easily worsen your situation, distort Karma, make it impossible to pass exams, which means overcoming karmic tasks.

Of course, I gave a completely simplified diagram, but everything is more or less clear in it. But besides everything else, each person carries the karmic program of his kind, ancestors, parents. Whose program you specifically carry depends on what kind of child you were born to your parents.

The first child in the family carries the energy of the father and automatically takes on those tasks that are transferred to him at birth on the paternal side. This does not mean at all that he will be responsible for everything that his own father has done, for example. But as long as his father is alive, he will in some way share his karmic program. This determines the dependence in childhood, the love-dislike of parents and the quality of relationships in the family.

As a rule, life is arranged in such a way that in adulthood the majority already loses their parents or one of them, and then your karmic program
enters the "finish straight", becomes independent, becomes unambiguous.

The second child carries the energy of the mother and fulfills the program of Karma already on the maternal side. As a rule, if the father was very much in love with the mother, idolized her, then he will love the second child in the family more than other children, even more than the first, carrying the energy of the father. All subsequent incarnations that will occur in your family on the maternal side will occur through this link - the second child.

Often, the mother unconsciously singles out the second child, explaining that she already has experience and age, which gives her the opportunity to reconsider her attitude towards this child. In fact, this is not so and is dictated by the genetic, as well as karmic desire to create an opportunity for the next reincarnations along one's (maternal) line.

But the third child does not carry either the energy of the father or the energy of the mother. He is free directly from the maternal and paternal program. But nevertheless, he is not freed from karmic tasks of his kind. This third child in the family receives some kind of “baggage”, the experience of ancestors, if any, and is called to this world to identify himself without the help of his father and mother, often contrary to their program, with their views on life and family traditions.

Often the third child does not look like anyone, they say about such people "neither in mother, nor in father, but in a visiting fellow." He often finds it harder than other children. If he is lucky and will be loved and understood, he will quickly get used to life and will begin to fulfill his Program and decide karmic tasks.

The main task of the third child is to establish a new family, to lay the program for the future. This is a very heavy burden, and not everyone copes with it ...

Very often, third-born children become outcasts in their family, they are not loved, they are not understood, they are deprived of support. Everything is correct. Everything is according to the laws of nature. And why love him if you don’t rely on him, because it is impossible to continue the program of the family through him. That's the whole story.

Now - how to understand which account you are a child in the family? Aborted conceptions (abortions) are not taken into account here. All children born alive matter, even if they lived only a few minutes after birth.

So, the first child always carries the energy of the father, the second - the mother, the third - independent, the fourth - again the energy of the father, the fifth - the mother, the sixth - by itself (and so on according to the scheme).

If a mother had several marriages, but each father had a child, then no matter how many children are born, each child will carry only the father's energy. To get a child with maternal energy, you need to give birth to two children from one partner.

A child who carries the energy of his father will better find a common language with females, no matter what gender he belongs to. And the second child, who
carries the energy of the mother, it will be better to contact with men. And if this is a female person, it will be easier for her to arrange her personal life.

The third child is the most unpredictable. He is able to find a common language with both those and others. Or completely unadapted to life. It is not uncommon for third children in a family to be said to be terribly spoiled. And this is often true, since that unfamiliar foundation laid in them from birth can become both intimidating and downright attractive to both his parents and other family members.

It is no coincidence that third children account for the negative "baggage" of the family, for example, drug use, alcoholism, mental disorders. This can be called a "karmic reset", but it is accepted by the soul itself voluntarily, since only the third child has the right to choose or refuse the experience of the kind in which he is born.

Marriages are considered the strongest, in which one partner carries the energy of the father, the other - the energy of the mother, when the sequence of subsequent incarnations of the family is predetermined.

Unions are less stable when both partners have the same energy and often do not
can divide the order, although this happens unconsciously. Much in their cohabitation is debatable, much is contradictory. Marriage with a person who was born third is a win-win option if you are ready for an unusual, non-standard union. "Third" will strive to create something new, his own, different. It is often the destroyer of recent traditions and the keeper of very old, forgotten values.

To better understand yourself and your loved ones, try applying this chart to your life. Much to be seen in a new light

A feature of the institution of hereditary power has always been the consideration of two lines: paternal and maternal, and the maternal line has very long and often predominant traditions.
So, if, for example, we turn to the Roman tradition, the one in which women did not have their own names (See Kuzmin A.G. "Old Russian names and their parallels" // Where did the Russian land come from, M., 1986, v1), then it turns out that the Romans were descended from Aeneas the demigod. The divine status of Aeneas came to him from his mother Aphrodite Eneas, after whom Aeneas was named.
Rhea Sylvia - the mother of Romulus and Remus was descended from Long Numetor, a descendant of Aeneas. And that was what made Romulus and Remus legitimate in the eyes of the Latins. Ie origin from the Goddess.
Mstislav-Harald Vladimirovich, the son of Vladimir Monomakh and the Saxon Gita, received the middle name Harald, in honor of his grandfather Harald Godwinson with a clear hint, as a pretender from the Anglo-Saxon dynasty, who could be "called from the outside", if such an opportunity presented itself.

The Anglo-Saxon "conquest" of Britain itself took place when the Rix of the Britons Wrotingern married Rowena, the daughter of the Saxon leader Hengist, and Hengist, becoming Wortingern's father-in-law, simultaneously became the eldest over Wortingern (See Grotto L.P. "How power was inherited and rulers were" called "". 09/15/2011).
Among the Celts and Celtic peoples, the inheritance of power was directly connected with the maternal line, and in marriage a woman personified the earth, that is, she was the embodiment of the country (See Philip I "Celtic Civilization and Its Legacy", Prague, 1961; See T. Powell "Celts. Warriors and magicians", M., 2012).
In Central and Eastern Europe, the cult of the Great Goddess-warrior and ruler dominated (See Grotto L.P. "Spring women's holidays- the oldest tradition "03/08/2014).
Based on the dictionaries of Preobrazhensky, Fasmer, Sreznevsky, the works of A.G. Kuzmin, the very word "Rus" is quite confidently reconstructed as "Goddess". The attitude of the Rus towards Olga, who was forgiven both for her personal baptism and the attempt to baptize the country (See "Deeds of the Rus. The Lost Kingdoms of Europe"), practically the attitude towards her as a representative of the OTHER world, as a sacred ruler, whose family is higher than the family of Igor (See. Tsvetkov S.E. "Russian land. Between paganism and Christianity", M., 2012). The stubborn desire of Svyatoslav to reconquer Bulgaria, i.e. the lands of Danubian Rus, as the legacy of his mother, allows us to state once again that it was Igor’s marriage to Olga that was the key to power in Kiev, an outpost and the sacred center of Danubian Rus in the Dnieper region, since it was Olga who personified actually the Russian land. And both in the Dnieper and on the Danube. Accordingly, her origin was VERY noble. Perhaps (a purely conjectural assumption.I.L) Olga had her origin from Odoacer or from Iron the son of Arthur, who, according to Tidrek-saga, became the rix of the Rus, again on the basis of inheritance through the female line after the death of Valamir (?) / Vladimir the Red Sun (See Veselovsky A. N. "Russians and Viltins in Tidrek-saga" (various editions). Whether it is true or not, the very fact of inheriting power in the Dnieper and Danube regions through marriage and kinship with Olga completely excludes every one of the insinuations of "Eternal Svearika" It remains to be regretted that literally pushing a false pedigree obscured the REAL genealogy of Olga and Igor, which have to be restored with the greatest difficulty (See Tolstov S.P. " ancient history USSR in the consecration of Vernadsky "// Questions of history, 1946, No. 4; See Shmurlo E.F. "Course of Russian history. The emergence and creation of the Russian state", 2nd revised edition, St. Petersburg, 1999; See Kuzmin A.G. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" about the beginning of the Russian land, M, 1963; See Veselovsky A.N. "Epics about Volkh Vseslavich and poems about Ortnit "// Russian folklore, St. Petersburg, 1993, v 27).

The filling of the "vessel" of karma occurs already in the period of intrauterine development. The subconscious of the fetus captures everything that happened to his mother. Including her thoughts, emotions, sensations. Including the negative ones.

After birth, this process continues. The child begins to be brought up in accordance with their worldview, principles and way of life. Parents also pass on their life script to him (the so-called parental programming).

Living in society, the individual accepts many attitudes, patterns and stereotypes that are pleasant in society. By the time a person becomes an adult, he literally loses his true "I", which for the time being lies at the very depths of the unconscious.

And then it starts to float. And a person already lives not as he wants in the depths of his soul, but as he was programmed. Dissatisfaction with life begins, nervousness, depression. Which only increases the amount of dirt in the unconscious.

Karma can be received not only in past life. Karmic reasons your troubles can be inherited from your ancestors. Most often, karma passes from the mother to the child she carries - and this is what we will work with today.

Light 7 wax candles.

Burn juniper or rosemary incense.

Read a prayer to the Mother of God or the Mother Goddess.


“And may this practice benefit all living beings and our entire family.”

Take a comfortable posture for meditation.
And allow yourself to enjoy the experience of relaxation throughout the body, allowing the body to relax more and more. And following relaxation, our imagination and sensations are carried away deeper and deeper into the space of our subconscious. In amazing interstellar space. We dive into the world of stars and galaxies. We fall deeper and deeper among the stars and planets. We see and feel the stars and worlds. We are part of this world and this world is part of us. We sink and swim in this space deeper and deeper, further and further. The body relaxes. Breathing is even and calm. In this amazing inner starry space, find the Milky Way. And in this plexus of lines, find your path. Your maternal lineage. Maybe she will be brighter for you than others, or she will simply attract you to herself. Allow yourself to merge with it. Become one of the light threads in its intricacies. Here is your mother's thread, and here is your grandmother's. But the great-grandmother and those who came before her. Look at these glowing threads. Maybe these threads are tangled, and there are knots on them? Start untwisting and clearing knots. Maybe they need to be untangled with your hands, or maybe it’s enough to blow light on them and they will disappear on their own. Do it the way your imagination and heart tells you.

Fill the lines of your kind with light. Cleanse the female line of your kind. Let the light flow through these threads freely and harmoniously. Do this for as long as you deem necessary. And when you finish cleaning, thank all your female ancestors for their help and support. Send them your love and gratitude from the bottom of your heart. And wish them, wherever they are now, love and light. And with a smile and gratitude, return to the "here and now."

Gently stretch your whole body. Open your eyes. Thank you out loud again Higher power for the help and support of your family and all its women, including you and your daughters.

Let the candles burn out.

Working with karma requires realizing oneself as a spiritual being and taking responsibility for oneself. Your thoughts and actions. Acceptance of life and life situations as they are. Reflection on life, life situation and making decisions for positive work. If you do not realize yourself as a spiritual being and do not take responsibility, then there can be no question of any karmic work. If you deny fate and resist its blows and unpleasant situations, you thereby deny God's justice, sent to you for your good.

This is the karma of your lineage. For example, if your father was the most spiritually developed in the family, and he had five brothers and sisters, but he was probably the carrier of "energy blockages" in the karmic family line. He bears this burden from the moment of his birth and will bear it all his life.

This is a way of passing energy: either through physics and literature, or through the subconscious. And it affects how we interact with our family on an unconscious level.

If you consider yourself a sensitive person, and your parents are spiritually burdened people, then you can bear a double burden. Many of the people do not get along with their parents, and often this is due to the energy of past experiences.

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This is because everything is based on energy, and our consciousness exists beyond the physical understanding of time.

family karma

Each of us has been on earth before, only in a different guise. Many people in your family knew you in past lives, so they decided to "get together" again. Depending on the paths of your past lives, you came into this world to live a more or less intense life to balance your karma.

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We are the Source that consciousness projects onto itself for a better understanding of its essence. From this point of view, there is no good or bad, something just is. Therefore, many have chosen to come into this life as a killer and gain more understanding of both points of view, as well as a better understanding of the nature of reality.

You and your mom may have had karmic experiences in the past, something that keeps you from learning your lesson. Everything must be balanced, so if you did a lot of bad things in a past life, then it is quite possible that in this life you will be very unhappy.

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Family patterns are passed down throughout the genus, from the earliest ancestors: from great-grandfathers to grandfathers, from grandfathers to parents, from parents to you. For example, your grandmother was very soft. She always cared about others, allowing everyone to use her. Grandfather in this case may be, for example, an alcoholic and a heavy smoker.

Then your mother's energy, which she received from her mother, turns into self-sacrifice. This can manifest itself in unfocused attention, lack of love for yourself or your children. These features are conveyed in the same way that oppression, hierarchy, and "false" truth work. This perpetuates the system and keeps mass consciousness at a low level.

Miscellaneous karma

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You, as the child of your parents, are the carrier of the DNA of the karma of what has been passed on to you. It could be something very good, or extremely dangerous, or just plain bad. This is very specific to each of us.

You can do a simple diagnostic exercise to demonstrate that gender has a huge impact on us. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, let your breathing become even and calm.

Remember your feelings. Imagine now that your parents are behind you. What did you feel? Now imagine the parents of the mother and father behind the backs of each of them. Did you feel something different? And now, for each of the grandparents, "put" their parents, it doesn't matter, at the same time, whether you know them or not.

Now you can turn around and look at them. Behind you are 4 generations, and only 31 people! Just think that the existence of each of these people determined your existence, each of them contributed to the fact that you are now living in the world. Feel the energy that comes from the depths of centuries.

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Remember your feelings. If they are pleasant, you felt warm, bright and joyful energy, which means that the strength of your Family is with you, and all the people behind your back are helping you. Your kind is the bearer of huge resources and abilities. It is perfectly.

However, the sensations can sometimes be very different after this exercise. If they are unpleasant, then most likely you should work out your own family history.

Birth Karma

Here are some signs that indicate that the family system is destructive and in trouble.

1. Syndrome of repetitions

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Carefully study the dates of the most important events in your life (birthdays, dates of weddings, births of children, diseases, deaths, etc.) for repetitions.

2. Greater significance of a particular name

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The name of each of us is one of the most important foundations of human identity. Surname, name and patronymic of a person can reveal the position of a person in a three-dimensional coordinate structure (time, space, history).

If the same names are found in several generations, then it is worth considering and analyzing the reasons for choosing this name, as well as what expectations are associated with it. As Sigmund Freud wrote, the names of children make ghosts.

3. Models of relationships and role expectations from each family member

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Analyze the relationships between people within the family, study the patterns of relationships in several generations, you will probably find similar ones.

4. Family secrets

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If there are unspoken and shameful secrets in the family (rape, mental health problems, incest, imprisonment, etc.), this is not obvious, but it has a devastating effect on descendants.

The influence is manifested in inexplicable actions, unexpected attacks of anxiety and fear, and other oddities that come out of the family members.

5. Family traditions

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When there are customs and rituals in the family, it usually holds the family together, gives a sense of belonging, helping to feel safe in a familiar environment. However, sometimes a rigid family framework does not allow family members to develop, and can even adversely affect psychological health, showing itself in the form of various symptoms.

6. Tragic events repeated from generation to generation

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If accidents, miscarriages, the same diseases, premature deaths, etc., constantly occur in the family, then this can most likely indicate a transgenerational transmission or a transgenerational repetition.

7. There is unfinished mourning in the family.

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These are family members who left but were not buried or mourned.

8. Dead Mother Syndrome

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This happens when a child loses its mother at a very early age, or when the mother becomes depressed in the first year of her baby's life.

9. Substitute baby syndrome

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If new person perceived as compensation for the loss of another loved one, husband, child, brother, then this is also an occasion to study your family.

Karma of life

It is important to add that the above signs are not diagnosticians of the problem, they only help to determine the circle where you can find the thread that will allow you to unravel the tangle that prevents a person from living peacefully.
