Far from everyone, abilities appear even in their youth - many people realize their destiny much later. With the help of numerology, you can speed up this process and start developing your talent right now.

To find out what abilities nature has endowed you with, you need to refer to the date of your birth. Add all the numbers of the date until you get a number from 1 to 9 - this will be the number of your talent. For example, you were born on 01/17/1975. We add up all the numbers: 1+7+0+1+1+9+7+5 = 4. The number of talent in this example is 4. When the number of talent is calculated, all that remains is to read its interpretation and find out in which area you will achieve the greatest success .

Talent number by date of birth

1 - a symbol of leadership abilities. You will achieve great success in any collective work, because you will be able to captivate people and lead them along. People who correspond to this number of talent are initiative, persistent, responsible and sociable. They are born leaders. If you are now in a low position, remember that everyone started small - and take action.
2 - a symbol of peace and diplomacy. This number gives its owner the ability to negotiate, win over the most pretentious people and easily resolve any conflicts and disputes. People with such abilities can succeed in almost any field: they make good psychologists, lawyers, diplomats and entrepreneurs.
3 - a symbol of cheerfulness and inspiration. Those who are patronized by this number of talent are distinguished by their rich imagination, energy and craving for creation, as well as the ability to express their thoughts so convincingly that even their close people cannot always distinguish deceit from the truth. The people of Troika are making great strides in artistic creativity especially in acting. 4 - a symbol of practicality and concentration. A high ability to concentrate and close attention to detail help people under the auspices of this number to achieve success even in the most complex and monotonous work. They successfully cope with difficult calculations and make accurate plans, therefore they perfectly realize themselves in the financial sector, as well as in architectural design.
5 - a symbol of curiosity and vigor. One who is born under this number seeks to know the world, analyze and explain its amazing phenomena. And, as a rule, people of the number Five are endowed with an inexhaustible supply of strength in order to discover new horizons of knowledge for themselves and those around them. They make excellent scientists, teachers, archaeologists.
6 - a symbol of duty and fidelity. Nature endowed people with this number of talent huge force which will be fully revealed in the service of lofty human goals. Such people are excellent educators, teachers, doctors. As a rule, even if their field of work is quite far from the above, they show themselves in helping their neighbors: they provide support, give wise advice and bring up children wonderfully.
7 - a symbol of creativity and wisdom. The one to whom this talent number corresponds is endowed with strong intellect and analytical abilities. People of the Seven easily assimilate information, penetrate into the essence of things, establish deep connections between the phenomena of the world. Very perceptive: the ability to "see through people" often manifests itself even in childhood. Successfully realize themselves in any intellectual activity and creativity. In addition, some of them develop psychic abilities over time.
8 - a symbol of will and strength. Those born under the auspices of this number are able to find a way out of the most difficult situations and overcome all obstacles on the way to the goal. Number Eight people achieve great success in any area that requires moral or physical endurance, especially in sports.
9 - a symbol of creativity. Faith in the ideal and the desire to improve the world distinguishes those who correspond to this number of talent. Such people are aesthetically receptive and creative, therefore they realize themselves in creative professions: verbal creativity, acting, musical writing.

Have you ever dreamed of gaining superpowers? But what if you already have them but don't know it? With the help of this free online test, you will be able to assess your energy potential, as well as receive recommendations regarding the occult development and self-improvement.

Despite the fact that this test for magical abilities is compiled in a somewhat frivolous comic manner, it allows you to fairly accurately determine the natural inclinations of a person. As you know, in every joke there is some truth... The effectiveness of the development of superpowers largely depends on the magician's ability to interact with the forces of nature. Therefore, one should not neglect her support in such a difficult matter as the acquisition of magical abilities.

You may be interested in other online divination:

Unleash your superpowers!

Each magician has his own patron who helps him in all ceremonies and rituals. With this magical ability test, you will find out who your patron is. Perhaps this is the legendary sorcerer Merlin? Mysterious Isis, keeper of the secret sciences? Or Shiva - the goddess of destruction and chaos? Take advantage of the free online "I am a magician or how" test to find out immediately!

Human superpowers include not only obvious manifestations magical powers like telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance. They are not subject to many magicians who have successfully replaced the absence of super abilities with astrology and divination practices on Tarot cards, runes, etc. Through the free online testing presented here, you will find out in which direction you should develop your super abilities that nature has endowed every person.

Sometimes abilities such as clairvoyance or telepathy develop spontaneously, or as a result of a sharp emotional shock. However, more often they appear as a result of a special set of trainings, including meditation and special practices. But the first step in unlocking your potential is to explore your abilities and inclinations.

By taking advantage of the test for magical abilities, you will save yourself time, which is so valuable for every magician. After all, it is much easier to develop those talents for which a person has an inclination than to try to master something from scratch. Remember - beyond the ability, this is not a gift of the gods or the privilege of the elect, but the properties of a person that are in their infancy present in each of us. Therefore, do not hesitate, take the test for magical abilities, identify your talents, and start developing them. It's about time

The movement of the sun in the sky lays wonderful skills in the natal chart of a person. Even the ancients knew that the location of the stars in the sky at the time of birth plays a decisive role in fate. Some skills are given immediately, while others need to be developed throughout life. For example, astrologers can predict psychic abilities by date of birth, even if the person is unaware of their existence. Learn more about how to recognize your extraordinary skills.

Arcane horoscope

To discover psychic abilities by date of birth, it is not necessary to be an expert in astrology. And without anyone's help, you can determine your capabilities if you focus on magic horoscope. Everyone has a special kind of skill. Knowing their direction allows you to qualitatively improve your life. Therefore, the availability psychic abilities by date of birth everyone should know without exception. Let's look at each sign individually:

1. Aries. Strong point these guys is the ability to foresee;

2. Taurus. In gratitude for the kindness of this sign, the stars generously endow him with material goods;

3. Gemini. They have the magic of the word. Able to persuade any person;

4. Cancer. Cancer's intuition makes it easy to calculate steps ahead;

5. Lev. Representatives of this sign manage to easily manipulate others. Especially when it comes to love;

6. Virgo. Among fortunetellers, most of all representatives of this particular zodiac sign;

7. Scales. They can speak any objects, endow them with energy power;

8. Scorpio. Their penchant for domestic magic serves as a defense to any home;

9. Sagittarius. These natural healers have the gift of self-hypnosis;

10. Capricorn. Born palmists with a sharply developed intuition;

11. Aquarius. Conductors of new spiritual practices and magical rites;

12. Pisces. Unsurpassed masters in creating magical water-based decoctions.

Thanks to the predictive technique, you can find out by date of birth about the presence of extrasensory abilities. They are always present in natal chart individual, even if he is unaware of their existence. However, when calculating psychic abilities by date of birth, one should not assume that they can be used instantly. Some skills take decades to perfect.

All adults sometimes want to have superpowers, but, having caught ourselves in such an infantile thought, we immediately renounce it, arguing that we are no longer children. But the truth of magical abilities has never been so close to us. You have a unique opportunity not only to believe in a miracle, but also to know your magical talent. Based on the date of birth, each of us is fraught with certain abilities.

Today is the most effective way to find out if you have magical abilities is to pass the Zener test, developed according to a unique author's method. He is able to recognize 2 fundamental signs of magical abilities - clairvoyance and telepathy. It works like this:

  • You should have at least 25 cards in your arsenal, which show such signs: a circle, three vertical wavy lines, a square, a five-pointed star and a plus sign. Such simple pictures can be easily made at home.
  • You can pass the clairvoyance test yourself, for this, put a deck of cards face down in front of you and try to guess the top card.
  • Keep guessing cards until the deck runs out.
  • Put the guessed figures aside, and then count them.
  • If you guessed 10 or more cards, this indicates that you have clairvoyant abilities.

Before you start taking the test, isolate yourself from external stimuli: turn off your phone, TV and all sources of noise that you have at home. Take this experiment seriously. Get in a comfortable position and give yourself some time to adjust.

  • For the test for telepathic abilities, 2 people are needed. One will look at the map and mentally repeat the figure to the “experimental”.
  • Guessing cards, also put aside, so that later they can be counted.
  • About the presence of telepathic abilities you should say from 10 guessed cards or more.

The test of the famous psychologist Carl Zehner was invented back in 1930, but still has not lost its relevance. Such a technique is able to determine your inclinations of magical abilities, which, if desired, can be developed to psychic skills. You can also take the Zener test online!

Magical abilities by date of birth

Surely you will be interested to know what your date of birth can tell about the presence of one or another magical talent in you. You may have noticed that there are people who have a predisposition to subtly feel the other world and vice versa, those who are not given to know the mystery of magic. So wouldn't it be logical to assume that a person is already born with a certain set of talents?

To do this, you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth and turn to the art of numerology. It looks something like this:

  • Take a random date of birth. Let it be 07/19/1975.
  • Now you need to add all the numbers: 1+9+0+7+1+9+7+5=39
  • We add our result again: 3+9=12
  • And again we adjust the result to units: 1 + 2 = 3
  • Thus, the magical ability by the date of birth of this person is hidden under the number 3.

To find out if you have certain mystical abilities, look for the number that is hidden under your date of birth in the list below:

  • Unit. A person who has a unit hidden in his date of birth has an innate oratorical talent. Such people can be more than convincing in their arguments. As a rule, hypnosis techniques are subject to them, so it makes sense to move in this direction.
  • Deuce. You are excellent conductors of energy, which gives you many advantages and directions for development. Your magic may be in séances and communication with the dead, or the ability to heal with the help of hands, incantations, etc. You also charge water perfectly and various items. Perhaps it would be useful for you to engage in the manufacture of amulets and amulets.
  • Troika is the number of luck. You were born with the precious gift of communicating with the universe. You are always very lucky, and your thoughts quickly become reality. But you need to be careful with such a strong connection with higher powers, so try to control negative emotions and words spoken in the heat of the moment.

  • Four. You have excellent patrons in the other world who protect you. It is difficult to jinx or damage you. Your aura immediately sweeps away everything energy attacks your enemies and envious people. You know how to save energy, but sometimes it harms you. Try to learn how to circulate it so that your channels are always clear. To do this, it is enough to at least occasionally show empathy for other people.
  • Five. You have an innate skill of intuition. Sometimes even the most pragmatic atheists surprise you. Your gift is very hard to ignore and ignore. You have everything you need to discover in yourself the magical abilities of clairvoyance and prediction.
  • Six. You are a very cynical person who is not characterized by infantile naivety. You have one useful skill - to expose your opponents. You only need to look at a person once to create in your head full view about a human. You are not so easy to deceive or pity. You do not have deep magical knowledge in the field of magic, but the gift of "seeing through people" is quite enough for you.
  • Seven- this is the most magical figure of numerology, therefore, people whose dates of birth hide the number 7 have a very valuable gift - to see prophetic dreams. This gift is easy to develop if given due importance. Try to write down all your dreams and try to interpret them yourself.
  • Eight. You are a born telepath. It often happens that a person did not have time to voice a thought, and you already know what he wants to tell you. You have the makings of reading people's minds, but this gift needs to be developed. At least from time to time, practice silence, so it will be easier for you to tune in to the flow of information of the person who is next to you.

  • Nine. Your date of birth has awarded you with many talents that you notice in yourself in turn throughout your life. You can ask for help from world of the dead and communicate with deceased relatives, as well as receive important information from the Universe. You have many talents that require attention.

How to develop magical abilities?

After reading the above sections of our article, you must have found some undiscovered talent in yourself. Now it's up to the small thing - to develop the inherent skills that you possess. There are several exercises that, if repeated regularly, should help you, and we will gladly tell you about them. If you're itching to learn how to develop your magical abilities, check out the list below:

  • Energy connection. While on public transport or in line at the doctor's office, try to find yourself a "guinea pig", it can be anyone. Your task: to try to mentally penetrate into his body. Try to guess what he is thinking or if he has children. Try to see the world through his eyes. This exercise will help you establish an energy connection, which will be useful in the occult sciences.
  • Lucid dreaming. To develop the gift of prophetic dreams, you need to develop any action to automatism. For example, try to look at your hands several times during the day and be aware (where you are and what you are doing now). Sooner or later you will remember this habit in a dream and realize yourself in it. In this way, you will be able to consciously connect with the entities that come to you in a dream; ask them for help or look for an answer.
  • Sixth Sense. Many people know that we have 5 senses: touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste. Surely you have heard of such a phenomenon as blind reading. People who are deprived of this or that feeling (in this case, vision) compensate in excess with other physiological factors of receiving external information. Thus, it is possible to develop the 6th sense - the mental perception of the world. We recommend that you experiment with your senses from time to time: walk around the apartment blindfolded or read lips with earplugs.
  • Trust your intuition. Have you ever wondered why animals are able to predict trouble? There are millions of testimonies that before the death of their master, dogs howl for several days in a row; and shortly before a fire or other unpleasant event, they behave very restlessly and try to attract attention to themselves or even take the family out of the apartment. Animals are relatively primitive and unconscious beings. They completely trust their instincts, which we should learn from. People tend to feel trouble, but often we ourselves convince ourselves of the absurdity of our thoughts. Trust your intuition!

Everything in our world has its place and time, so do not be discouraged if you fail to get in touch with the souls of the dead or anticipate numbers lottery ticket. The main thing in the development of magical abilities is perseverance and self-confidence. Do not give up at the first defeat, this is contrary to all the magical dogmas that you are so eager to know. You can't learn to ride a bike without bleeding your knees. Be persistent on your path, and one day you will know the mystery of magic.

Video: “How to develop magical abilities? Where can I find a magic teacher?

Who it white ma g and how to determine it by date of birth- perhaps you are one of them? There are several techniques developed by numerologists to help deal with this issue. Light magicians have unique abilities. They can sacrifice their own energy and direct their potential to help those in need. Sacred texts uttered by such gifted people acquire extraordinary magical power.

It is important that he learns to manage the skills given to him by nature. And then incredible miracles can be performed by him. You should not bury your abilities deep inside - give people good, and the Universe will not forget about you.

Energy and magical abilities by date of birth

The energy potential of each person does not always develop to the maximum. Often personal abilities are not used, because we are not aware of them.

Starting from the first moment of life, we have a magical beginning. You can learn about its strength through two methods:

  • special numerological calculation;
  • lay out tarot cards.

To know your magic number According to numerology, you should add up all the numbers that make up your date of birth. And gradually reduce it to simple.


Date of birth: 03/12/1987


And then you need to turn to the interpretation of your magic number:

  • Unit

The dropped one indicates your leadership position in life. You have the ability to influence other people's opinions. Many hypnotists belong to this group.

  • deuce

These people are healers. Their energy can be transmitted through special channels and have a healing effect. But do not forget to restore strength on time, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to your body.

  • Troika

If you get a triple, then remember - any word you say can come true. Keep a close eye on everything that comes off your tongue. You have a unique opportunity to do good and bring it to people. Don't let your speeches become destructive.

  • Four

Fours are not threatened by alien witchcraft. All negativity bounces off you. Perhaps a manifestation of psychic abilities.

  • Five

This group of people sees the future: in images, in dreams, in various signs. The main thing is to constantly develop and listen to the inner voice.

  • Six

Possessors of telepathic abilities. Someone's secret plan is unlikely to hide from such a person.

  • Seven

Sevens are associated with dreams. They are often prophetic images that indicate the right decision.

  • Eight

If you get this number, it indicates your ability to transmit information at a distance.

  • Nine

Such people can contact other dimensions. They discover the mysteries of the universe. Voices are often heard from other worlds and communicate with the dead.

But the second way to determine the white magician - divination by Tarot cards - is best used with a specialist. Only a professional tarot reader and interpreter will be able to decipher the alignment that has fallen.

How to find out by the date of birth of a white magician?

According to the above method for calculating a personal number, you can determine whether you have the basics of white magic. Usually white magicians belong to nines .

They perfectly control their internal energy forces and know how to direct them wherever they wish. Light wizards never waste their own potential on unimportant details.

Interesting on the topic:

But, if someone really needs help and support on a mental level, they will not refuse and share some of their personal energy. They themselves do not take other people's powers. Huge energy power is within their biological field. But, if you do not develop this ability, the potential will gradually come to naught.

Transforming into a good wizard is a long and very laborious process. It is necessary to make efforts and strive for continuous development. And only after a series of obstacles and a long road you will be able to show everything that you are capable of.

How to find out by the date of birth of a black magician?

Number 4 says that a person has every chance to turn into a black magician. There is only one thing that connects them with White: they also control themselves perfectly. All their emotions, behavior and actions are constantly under personal control.

Depending on the surrounding circumstances, the black magician can take a neutral position. But, when he needs additional strength, he will not hesitate to take them from any of the people. Without difficulty, a black magician can transform his state and be transformed.

Test for magical abilities from birth (video)

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author

