There are a number of inexplicable phenomena associated with the appearance of ghosts and restless souls. For example, in the UK, on ​​the M6 ​​road through northwestern and central England, drivers often see inexplicable things - either a squad of Roman legionnaires that looked like a group of shadows, or the ghost of a truck that is rapidly rushing into the oncoming lane.

No less striking are the deadly stretches of highway passing near mass graves. All these phenomena are associated with the action of restless souls. So what is this phenomenon?

Why do people's souls become restless?

These are the souls of people who, for whatever reason, cannot leave this world. This happens to people who died suddenly, very young, who left this world tragically. Often their death is violent, associated with wars, epidemics, etc. The souls of suicides or the so-called tax collectors, who have done a lot of evil in our world, cannot find peace. Often the souls of victims of murders or the dead who could not come to terms with their death cannot leave this world. And it happens that close people mourn the departed relative so much that for this reason he becomes attached to the world of the living. Regardless of whether they were buried or not, many esotericists believe that the souls of these people cannot go to purgatory, nor to heaven, nor to hell, nor can they be reborn for a new life. So they remain between the worlds, tied to the world of the living. The reason can also be the negative accumulations of a past life, some unfulfilled business or debt. However, we, the living, cannot know all the circumstances and reasons.

What are the dangers of restless souls

Many strange illnesses, inexplicable troubles, failures or sudden death of a person are explained by healers as an outflow of vital energy, vitality from living people in the posthumous negative space between the worlds, into that subtle world where the dead dwell. It is believed that they cause such phenomena.

Let's get back to the stories about the dangerous sections of the highway. In the capital of Belarus, Minsk, there is a highway with a deadly section, the length of which is only about three hundred meters. But every year from 5 to 10 people die in this area. The reason for the appearance of such an anomalous zone is that the soil for asphalt for this section of the road was taken from the territory of the former cemetery.

In the Slavic tradition there is such a thing as "mortgaged" dead. By folk beliefs, it was they who were considered especially dangerous and harmful. If the souls of ancestors who died a natural death were revered as patrons in the world of living people, then those who died a violent death became Navy spirits, close to evil spirits. They can appear in the homes of their loved ones, torment them with nightmares, harm the household, scare people. In the old days, they believed that they could even control the forces of nature: cause hail or drought, thunder or storm.

How to understand that there is a restless soul in the house

It is especially dangerous if the restless soul lives in the house. There are certain signs by which you can determine its presence.

These include:
- a suddenly appeared heavy and gloomy atmosphere in a house or apartment, even if it has recently been renovated and it is beautifully illuminated by sunlight;

The feeling of someone's presence. It seems that someone is walking, watching the owners of the apartment;

Even if the apartment is perfectly quiet, strange sounds will still be heard. For example, it seems that water is dripping from a faucet or the floorboard will creak, etc.;

Lit wax candles in such an apartment always smoke and crackle when burned;

Residents of the apartment experience inexplicable weakness, drowsiness. They have nightmares, the plots of which are connected with the dead, demons or cemeteries;

Family members begin to show a negative desire for drunkenness, drugs, there is a threat of suicide.

AT THE “ZERO” POINT Surely each of you has met in your life or heard about how a seemingly good, and sometimes even very good and successful person, for unknown reasons, finds himself in a very difficult life situation and loses everything. Or maybe your relatives or friends have experienced this. Or perhaps you yourself are experiencing something similar. The first question that arises is “why”, the second is “what to do”? At these moments, we are trying to see the origins and causes of what is happening and understand in which direction to direct the focus of attention, what to advise the person or ourselves. Point "zero" - a turning point in the development of Personality and Soul To give answers to all these questions, as well as talk about how to get back on the path of happiness and good luck, I want in this article. I will introduce you to such a concept as the Point “zero” - a stage on the path of growth of the Spirit. What is it? If in simple words is a crisis. Not psychological and not even human. Soul Crisis. When the old way is no longer possible, but how the new way is still unclear. Perhaps psychologists will call it an existential crisis, but we, philosophers, look at the world through the prism of the Soul, not the Personality, and we see much deeper and wider, understanding the situation from the point of view of the laws of the Universe. However, first things first. …Once two young men, wanting to be filled with wisdom, went in search of the Teacher. On the way, they performed austerities, purifying the Spirit and the flesh, in order to be ready for the sacrament. Knowing that he lives in the same city Great Teacher they came to his house. The gilded fence, lush greenery, rose bushes, splendor and luxury amazed them: they did not imagine the life of the great Guru like that. But the sight of a crowd of pilgrims thirsting for knowledge nevertheless convinced them to stay. And at sunset, the Teacher appeared to them. Richly dressed, in fragrances, silks and rings, he sat down on the throne with a smile and prepared to “distribute” wisdom. The suffering fellows, unable to withstand such an internal dissonance, fled the "event" in sadness and frustration. At the exit from the city, they saw the Hermit's hut. He was poorly dressed and smelled of the Spirit both literally and figuratively, but his eyes shone. The youths fell on their faces: “O Master, we have been looking for you for so long. Share with us your knowledge. At first we found another Sage, but in our hearts we felt that he was not ours.” “Yes, he is different,” the Hermit whispered sadly, “he has completely freed himself from the power of the material. And I haven't yet." He sat down and cried… “Lower Self” plus “Higher Self” is equal to You Our life is development. Every day we change physically, externally, master new skills. First, we learn to eat, then talk and walk, acquire the skill of interacting with the outside world and, as a result, we become strong, resilient and independent adults. This is a known fact. But man is a multifaceted being. And according to philosophical system in each of us there is not only the "Lower Self" - our innate starting capital - the physical body, Ego and Soul, which we develop anew with each birth. But the “Higher Self” is also the Divine Spirit, a kind of guideline where we all need to strive, which passes with us through incarnations. So we grow up not only physically, but also grow spiritually. Interacting with our “Higher Self”, we change internally, acquiring certain character traits and personality traits, reconsidering our views on life. In a word, our worldview is being transformed. This is what spiritual growth is, and it happens even if we don't think about it. This process can be symbolically divided into levels of spiritual development. At each of these stages, a person has his own tasks. Let's talk about them briefly. Spiritual growth: 7 levels of development Red - the level of survival (childhood: we learn to survive, adapt to society, our goal is to fit into the pack); Orange - the level of curiosity and the search for resources (youth: at school, at the institute, at work, we are looking for the most interesting for ourselves, we get to know this world); Yellow - the level of power (youth: we try our influence on this world and evaluate our importance); Green level - the level of acceptance (maturity: this is a level that not every person reaches, gives us wisdom and knowledge of life); There are three more levels, units grow up to Blue, and the last two are not represented in ordinary modern society: Blue level - carrying out the Divine will into the world; Blue level - control of the energies of the World; The purple level is a change in ideology on a planetary scale: the impact on the layers of people's consciousness. Find yourself in the coordinate system of the Universe How to understand at what level you are now? If you are not afraid to be left without money, then you have already moved from Red to Orange. Are you making money doing what interests you? You are on Yellow. Most compatriots are doing fine at the red-orange levels. After all, at the first three stages of spiritual development, a person develops his Ego. But many “woke up” and dream of getting to the Green: Some naively believe that acceptance can be obtained in meditation or prayer, traveling to holy places, filled with sacred knowledge or wishing everyone happiness. Others believe that they have been in acceptance for a long time, “negotiate” with their Mind and Ego and tell everyone about their Green level. Well, or they don’t tell, but inside themselves they are sure of their spirituality. Still others confuse the concepts of "acceptance" and "humility" (here - "sacrifice" and "compassion"), forgetting about self-respect and self-worth. They help everyone around, love the whole world except themselves. Fourth - try to jump over the Yellow level ( financial well-being, career achievements, position and respect in society) and erect asceticism on a pedestal, justifying their failures with unpretentiousness and modesty. But all this is a “surrogate” of goodness, self-deception and an attempt to escape in illusion. In fact, the transition to spirituality, to acceptance, always goes first through the accumulation and strengthening of positions in society, and then through suffering and the loss of everything (sometimes figuratively, sometimes real). Through total zeroing… … Here the most interesting begins. The transition to Green - is carried out through the passage of the Point "zero". And this section of the Path is not at all "Paradise on earth and in the Soul." It is always associated with serious strength tests. It happens something like this: The point "zero" is very close (signs) You are successful (or successful), established as a Personality, built a career, most often you have a socially approved personal life (or consciously chose self-sufficient solitude). And suddenly, at the same time, an “enlightenment” comes that there is no happiness. You suddenly realize that despite the external surroundings, you are all alone: ​​the family does not understand you or, even worse, they sit on your neck. And nobody cares about you (your suffering, feelings and emotions). And at the same time, more and more begins to undermine the idea that real life passes by. This is a sign that you are starting to “turn green” and are approaching the “Zero” point - the transition to the Green level, at which the Ego, having fulfilled its function (giving you material support, success in achievement, willpower, etc.), leaves your Personality. Point "zero" has come into your life (signs) We are approaching Point "zero" in the prime of all "bonuses" from our Ego: when we have money, power, power. But suddenly this “locomotive of luck”, which was racing at full speed, starts to slow down. Customers leave, friends turn away, relationships or careers collapse (and sometimes both at once). The man is in shock and bewilderment: he did no harm to anyone, did not violate the laws of Fate. He does everything that previously guaranteed him success, but it no longer works. "Take" the most valuable. Some have a fear of their lack of demand, others have a fear of losing control, and others have a fear of losing their “face”, achievements, love, health, status. What you “cling to” the most will crumble. If you are afraid of loneliness - you will get it, if you are afraid of lack of money - it will come. For what? We are taught to live without fear and in trust, they teach us inner freedom and renunciation of superficial, false and imposed ideals. This is the passage of unlearned "lessons" that do not allow moving forward. Point "zero" helps us get rid of those qualities and dependencies that separate us from God... And at this moment a person is left alone with himself and with the Universe. This is the Point "zero" - a turning point in the development of Personality and Soul. A kind of bridge from the Personality to the Spirit 1. Why does it hurt so much? Any transformation and growth is always pain, in one manifestation or another: parting (we break with our Ego), a quantum leap and growth (the transition from the level of "physics" to the Spirit is an incredible effort), childbirth (allegorically, we are born again, but in a different way). But behind it comes purification, calmness and Light. 2. Is it worth suffering that the breakthrough comes through difficulties? The choice is yours: a baby who is learning to walk also gets bumps, but does not think to be upset: he is stubborn because he wants to learn to walk. 3. Does everyone hit Point Zero? The good news: Point "zero" is planned by the Higher Forces only for the ancient Souls, who at birth have a "Higher Self" above the Green level. Younger Souls are at their own stage of the path, and the spiritual crisis in this life is simply not relevant for them in terms of their tasks. Bye. But they may have to face him in the next life. By the way, this is where the answer to the question lies: why some do what they want, and they don’t care for it, but I’m all “white and fluffy” - in suffering. Bad news: if a person who is supposed to pass this milestone is “stuck” at the first three levels of development and has not passed their lessons, then the “Zero” point may not happen to him in this life, which means that he is degrading (with point of view of the Spirit). Another good news: when a person has acceptance and trust in the world, he makes a "transition" bypassing the Zero Point. 4. Is Point Zero different from other life crises? Undoubtedly! Moreover, as is the case with all significant and global changes, many myths are associated with it. This comes from the desire of a person to justify his action or inaction, infantilism, or because of the desire to wishful thinking. 5. Can you avoid Point Zero if you are already on your way to it? No. The growth program is embedded in our Soul, and it will lead us along this Path, whether we like it or not. And we, like the Phoenix, will have to be reborn from the ashes: for some it takes a long time and painfully, for others - in a lighter version. But it won't be easy for everyone. 6. Can a person independently overcome this "Rubicon"? Certainly. When a person moves along his own Path, conceived for him by God, even if he does not know the name of the process that is happening to him, he will pass the test of the Universe for truth. Moreover, some people intuitively feel how to prepare for the transition: the most important thing during this period, however, as always, is to be sensitive and hear your “Higher Self”. Tasks of the Point "zero": acceptance of oneself and the World To realize one's dependence and attachment to the outside world and to get rid of it - to reduce the importance of these processes; Learn to listen to yourself and your Soul; Accept the freedom of your actions and your responsibility for them as the only option for development. This is how a person moves to the Green level of development, the main task of which is the acceptance of everything that happens around. I have experienced a “second birth” firsthand. And now, having gone through all the paths of transformation, I know how a person feels during and on the eve of the “transition”. It goes through a series of stages: At one fine moment, we have a clear feeling: "there is no happiness." The desire to hear the “Call” of your Soul wakes up. We want to understand why we are here, what is our Mission, what is our Purpose, but… we cannot. We try to communicate with it with the help of the intellect (personal, emotional or existential), but we choose the wrong methods (yes, you will be surprised, but the Mind can help us come to the Soul, you just need to find the necessary “keys” to it); Then we hear the "Call", but do not understand where it is calling; The next stage: we both hear and understand, but we are afraid to go where our Soul wants. Sooner or later, we make up our minds and go ... There, beyond the "zero" point, we are waiting for the events that have been prepared for us. Higher powers, so be bolder! And what's the line? New life after Point Zero As a result, a new understanding of life and new life strategies are born, when a person no longer has any doubts that everything that happens to him is the work of God, Higher Forces and everything is for the good. At the Green level, a person begins to truly love the world, live in harmony with his Destiny and understand that happiness is in service. Status, money, appearance and other ego indicators for him are no longer a measure of either himself or others. He no longer criticizes, judges, or saves anyone. He lives by the motto "Do what you must and be what will be." But this is not indifference to oneself or other people: if close person rolls into the abyss, he will do everything to stop him, but up to a certain point, tk. understands: everyone on earth has his own Path and his own Choice. It's just that he no longer bends this world for himself! And in every moment of his life there is God. Other development tasks await you, you will learn to cooperate with the Ego, connect to the Stream and hear your intuition. And only when you are completely (!) Freed from material attachment, suffering and fears, will Abundance return to you in all areas of life! By the way, you can understand what level you or your friends are at by telling them the parable given at the beginning. According to the reaction of a person, his level will be shown. At Green he will agree with her, at Yellow he will bet, at Orange he will find her curious, and at Red he will consider her nonsense.

Restless souls

From time immemorial, the curse of the soul for eternal wanderings was considered a particularly severe posthumous punishment. The warlocks and occultists of Mesopotamia and Babylon, Egypt and Greece, Rome and Judea perfectly mastered this sacred ritual, designed to close the soul of a person - his subtle etheric body- the entrance to the other world and thereby doom her to eternal suffering "between the worlds." The great masters of such curses were the pagan sorcerers of Kievan Rus, who later passed the secrets of the craft to the Novgorod and Pskov magicians, from where they moved to the Arkhangelsk lands, and then to Siberia.

Previously, it was believed that if a person who was cursed by someone during his lifetime was buried in a cemetery, his restless soul would not give rest to the other dead. The legend of one of these phantoms is remembered by the old-timers of Narym. In the 19th and in the first half of the 20th century, a transparent figure of a tall woman appeared from time to time in the old cemetery, cursed by one of the inhabitants of this town for stealing her fiancé from her. After the cemetery was demolished in the mid-1950s and a cultural center was built in its place, the ghost began to appear there as well.

It is believed that ghosts cursed for eternal wanderings eventually begin to acquire the ability to physically influence objects of the material world, sometimes causing them significant harm. According to a number of parapsychologists, the mysterious cases associated with the destruction of tombstones and monuments in old cemeteries are often the result not of hooligan actions, but the fruit of the "violence" of such restless entities...

A similar incident occurred in the 1980s in one of the motorized rifle units near Krasnoyarsk. For almost ten years, the “main attraction” of this military unit was the ghost of a soldier, who appeared on its territory from time to time. This mysterious creature The “grandfathers” frightened the recruits, and the officers themselves more than once saw the ghost of a soldier floating through the air, but they preferred not to talk about it.

In the 1960s, the childless family of Vladimir and Marina Eltsov lived in Leningrad. Marina, bored by the dull everyday life, found solace in the arms of her colleague-lover. One day she told her husband about everything and asked for a divorce. Distraught Vladimir, in a fit of rage, attacked his wife and strangled her. Then, having come to his senses and thought it over well, the man for several days made a niche in the brick wall of the apartment and walled up the body there. Soon he moved to Vladivostok, where a year later he was drunk under a speeding train. The missing woman was never solved. The ghost of Marina began to appear after about two years - the neighbors began to notice how a restless soul began to wander around the entrance. The residents of the damned apartment suffered especially: mountains of broken dishes in the kitchen, wallpaper torn from the wall ... Only thirty years later, the ghost of Marina appeared in a dream to the new owner of the apartment, Victoria Vlasova, and told about his murder and where the body was. The hostess did not immediately believe the dream, but doubts were dispelled when a few days later she came face to face with the ghost. At first, the woman was pounding with fear, but then, calming down, she asked the spirit what he needed. The ghost said briefly: "Peace," and pointed to the peeled wall. The next morning, Vlasova called the police and asked to open the wall. And what was the surprise of those present when, behind the brickwork, the body of a young woman, dried up to the state of a mummy, appeared! In the archive, there was a case filed once about the disappearance of Marina Eltsova ... The murdered woman was buried and finally found peace.

In 1989, while repairing the boiler building under a brick wall, builders stumbled upon a skeleton with a broken skull in a half-decayed military uniform. As a result of the investigation, it was possible to establish that these are the remains of a soldier who for many years was considered a deserter. In 1980, during a fight, he was killed by colleagues who, in order to cover up the traces of the crime, decided to immure his body in the wall. But, apparently, the soul of the guy remained restless, frightening his colleagues with his appearance, as if reminding him of a past insult.

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I must say that restless souls are vengeful. However, their revenge cannot affect people physically. It can only negatively affect the emotional state. But there are individual cases when an intangible formation acquires mystical power and begins to quite realistically influence the people around. We will now consider one of these amazing phenomena.

A terrible crime happened in the city of Saratov. The brother killed a sister named Vika by stabbing her in the chest with a knife. The offender was imprisoned, and his wife and young son Alexei remained to live in the ill-fated apartment. Three years passed, and the woman died, and shortly after that, the murderer himself died in prison. The grandmother moved in with the boy and began to raise him. Years passed, and the boy gradually turned into a young man.

Everything was going fine, but one day my grandmother had a terrible dream. Vika appeared to her and said: “You warmed the murderer's son on your chest. I will destroy him, as he has no right to live on this earth." Grandmother woke up in a cold sweat and realized that the restless soul of the victim was wandering in the world of the living and longing for revenge.

A couple of weeks have passed since that unpleasant dream. Grandmother was baking pancakes in the kitchen, when she suddenly heard a voice behind her: “Why are you, my dear, spoiling the son of a murderer. The apple never falls far from the tree. He will kill you as his father killed me." Hearing this, the old woman froze in place, not daring to look back. But then she still plucked up courage, turned her head and saw Vika with a knife with a black handle sticking out of her chest.

This terrible vision caused the grandmother to faint. When she came to herself, she found that she was lying not on the floor in the kitchen, but in the room. At that moment, a scream came from the kitchen. Overcoming weakness, the grandmother rose to her feet and hobbled to where this plaintive sound, pleading for help, came from.

She saw Alexei on the kitchen floor. He sat leaning against the wall, shaking with fear. Directly above his head, a black-handled knife stuck into the wall. The grandmother, as best she could, reassured her grandson, and he said that when he came home, he immediately felt the smell of fresh pastries coming from the kitchen. He was delighted, entered the kitchen and saw that an unfamiliar woman was standing with her back to him at the stove. The stranger turned, looked at the young man with an evil look, pulled out a knife from a protruding in her chest and threw it at Alexei.

The young man screamed in fright, instinctively crouched, and the knife stuck into the wall right above his head. Immediately after that, the stranger disappeared into the air, and the grandmother soon entered the kitchen. Alexey told all this, being in a state of great fright. He could not calm down all night and was afraid to fall asleep. It seemed to him that the mysterious evil ghost would come again and finish the unfinished villainy.

In the morning, the grandmother, along with her grandson, went to the familiar sorceress. She listened attentively to the visitors and said: “A restless soul is a danger to you. She has an extremely strong energy, since she is able to influence material objects. But I know very effective prayer of repentance. If you do everything right, then the suffering soul will forever leave the world of the living and go to the dark realm of the dead.”

After that, the sorceress told the following: “Alexey will go to the grave of the murdered Vika, ask her for forgiveness. After that, he will go into the church, put a candle for the repose and say a prayer of repentance. The prayer is: Accept, Lord, sincere repentance for the grave sins of my deceased parent. Do not execute me, renew my soul, do not deprive me of your intercession. Cleanse me, your servant, from the sins of free and involuntary. I trust in your boundless mercy, in your mercy. Do not deprive me, Lord, of your intercession, so that the devil does not rejoice in my soul. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!“After such a prayer, everything should work out.”

Alexey did everything exactly as the sorceress ordered. Three years have passed since then, but Vika's restless soul has not come to him or her grandmother again. Apparently, she found eternal rest in another world, and the prayer of repentance helped in this.

” Scientists called the Solaris effect - the phenomenon of the ghosts of deceased relatives and close people. Following Stanislav Lem, a science fiction writer, they believe: people and images that live only in our memory can come to life in reality.”

"The Solaris Effect"

“For humanity, the temptation of the unknown, otherworldly has always been very great,” says Ryan Rudolf Nesmelov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician. “People in many cultures believed that something remained alive after the physical death of the body. Examining the numerous testimonies of people who allegedly visited the next world, I came to the conclusion: we have no reason to believe that the patients actually died, because clinical death is one thing, brain death is another.
All authors describe a borderline state close to death, but no one describes death itself. Many of us have experienced similar states in our dreams without dying.”

” The same can be said about states of incorporeality, when a patient who is in a coma, as if seeing himself from the outside, can hear the conversation of doctors and nurses next to his body. Such visions only indicate that the patient's brain continues to work, fixing visual and auditory sensations. These states include dream-like fantasies, sometimes mixed with fragments of reality.”

American scientists in recent studies found that in America 60% of women and 40% of men often have dreams about deceased relatives who come to them. In dreams, the living and the dead hug, talk, understand each other. Scientists from the US are trying to understand if there are patterns in these dreams that can explain the inexplicable. An imaging study of the brain leads them to believe that the prefrontal cortex is the region responsible for logical thinking, – turns off during sleep. Then the parts of the brain that are more associated with imagination and emotions are activated, and this can explain visiting dreams.

But by the way, the researchers note, many Americans dismiss everything that cannot be scientifically proven. It's a tragedy because people who have these dreams feel embarrassed about it, says Jeffrey Long, an oncologist who founded the Post-Death Communication Research Foundation.”

“Women are more open to potential sleep cues, while men are less likely to talk about it,” experts say. Bill Guggenheim - The scientist suggested that men are afraid that they will be considered eccentrics or unnecessarily absorbed in grief. It matters to them what their bosses and friends think of them,” he says.”

” Annual conferences are held in Michigan, self-help groups for parents whose children have died. In July 2006, approximately 1,100 parents attended the conference. Participants learned that typical dreams of sadness are often fragmentary and full of symbols. They have common plots, for example, a trip: the sleeping person gets off the plane or train, and the deceased loved one goes on without him.”

The meeting was chaired by Carla Blowey (Colorado). Her five-year-old son, Kevin, was hit by a truck while riding his bicycle in 1991. He died in her arms. Since then, she has been keeping a dream diary, and this seems to her healing.

” Some conference attendees said they couldn't see their loved ones. Sarah Brummel, 26, from California, offered this advice. Since her brother Gregory died in his sleep in 2003, she often dreams of him. And her mother really wanted to see Gregory in a dream, but she could not. Brummel advised her mother to stop watching TV before bed and instead spend a few minutes in quiet reflection. After that, the dreams started to come,” said Brummel.”

Whether these dreams are ghost visitations or simply expressions of our deepest longings, researchers are not sure yet. This is a dispute where it is impossible to find an answer. But, as Blowey told grieving parents, a dream about a dead loved one is often a gift: Don't get too deep into it. Accept it gratefully.”

Restless souls

Of course - communication with deceased relatives, a phenomenon of the subconscious, which is in a state of severe stress. Visions, conversations with ghosts - one of the ways out of this state. And besides, as parapsychologists assure and warn, the connection with other world very dangerous, and not always a deceased relative who came in a dream is a gift.

The dead people who could not rise from the earth because of their attachments, for example in Russia, have long been called tax collectors. At the same time, publicans are one of the varieties of restless souls that appear to people after their death. Such a soul is waiting for the scales in heaven to tip towards heaven or hell. The discarded astral shell of the deceased is able to exist for several years. The body of a living person, with whom the dead man had some kind of sensual connection, becomes the source for such a shell.

The living most often themselves provoke the souls of the dear dead to sin, immoderately lamenting that they left this world. And how nice it would be if the father (mother, grandmother, grandfather) were resurrected... Such thoughts evoke a sharp feeling that awakens the sleeping shell of the deceased. There is a double negative effect here: the existence of an empty shell that no one needs is prolonged and the energy of a living person is wasted, his health worsens. That is why spouses who have lived together for many years often leave for another world one after another with a small interval in time.

Honoring the ancestors and remembering the dead is a wonderful tradition. You just need to avoid the explicit and, if possible, implicit desire to revive the dead. By the way, such feelings, especially in the first forty days, interfere with the separation of the invisible bodies of the deceased, which inflicts heavy blows on his eternal soul. Therefore, it is useful to carry out funeral procedures according to religious canons, which give the soul correct guidelines in the invisible world and help it in the separation of bodies.

The publican is a restless creature that gives a person a lot of trouble: strange sounds are heard in the room, it seems that someone walks at night, breathing heavily by your bed, but often this is not a poltergeist or a brownie. The publican may appear before us in an ordinary human shell.

Alien from the astral world

... A great grief happened: Elena was left alone, with two children in her arms. The husband died in Chechnya, near Khankala. Elena did not want to share her grief with anyone and experienced the loss alone: ​​Andrei was dear to her as a husband, as a friend who understood her and felt her mood at a distance.

The meeting took place late in the evening. The children went to bed long ago, Elena was still busy with the housework. And then the doorbell rang, causing the woman's heart to clench involuntarily. The call was repeated, and Elena opened the door. Andrey was standing on the landing!

“Don’t be afraid, I’m alive and well, let me in.” I'm cold and I'm very tired from the road.

In the room at the laid table, Elena sat opposite her husband, not believing her eyes that here he was, next to him, the one whom she had buried a month ago.

The man looked tired and exhausted. He ate slowly and was silent, looking sadly towards the sleeping children. Then he spoke:

I'm alive, no doubt about it. You were informed of my death incorrectly. It was not I who blew up on a mine, but my friend, and I hid, fled. I will now come to you only at night, but so that not a single soul knows about me, otherwise they will judge me as a deserter.

“At night they went to bed together. There was something alien, repulsive in this native person. Elena could not understand what, or simply did not want to understand, and therefore tried not to pay attention to it.

Early in the morning, as soon as it began to get light, Andrey left, the woman saw his figure flashing outside the window on the street. She was neither afraid nor surprised. This went on for a week: early in the morning he disappeared, at night he appeared again.

Elena stopped crying and visibly cheered up. Once talking with a neighbor, she, despite her husband’s ban, confessed to her in great secrecy that Andrei comes to her at night, and they live with him, as before.

The neighbor at first thought that she had lost her mind, and in her heart she felt sorry for her. But Elena told her everything in great detail. Realizing what was happening, the neighbor, who was versed in such matters, replied:

“Well, you are stupid! Remember, I told you: Do not cry hard, do not kill yourself for the dead! You do not let his soul leave this world calmly, you create obstacles with your tears. It’s not your husband who comes to you, but the publican!”

Elena thought about these words. Only now did it really dawn on her that she was committing the unforgivable sin. For the first time in days, fear gripped her.

- What should I do? she asked, her voice cracked with excitement.

- And you read a prayer before he appears. Today I will run to you, we will sprinkle the apartment with holy water, and I will bring you the prayer that you will need to read.

“When the clock struck midnight, my husband rang the doorbell. Elena opened it, but Andrey did not enter. He leaned his shoulder against the doorframe and was silent, and his eyes were angry and shone with a menacing brilliance. The woman cringed at this look, clutching a leaflet with a prayer to her chest.

- Ah, I guessed! She finally heard his voice.

Andrei hit the door with his fist and ... disappeared into the air! After that, a huge weight began to put pressure on Elena, the exhausted woman clutched her head and sobbed ...

Close all the mirrors in the house!

Employees of the Association for Mental Astrology and the Protection of the Anthroposphere give the following advice to people who, for various reasons, “broke to life” publicans.

After a funeral or cremation, it is necessary to close all the mirrors in the house where the deceased lived and died as soon as possible, as well as close all the glasses that give reflections. Through reflection of any kind, the soul is delayed, attracted to the Earth.

After the funeral, you must definitely order a prayer, put a candle for the repose of the soul of the deceased. By doing this, you, as it were, illuminate the path of the soul to God.

You should not sob, calling on the deceased in memories, to disturb his peace. It is better to endure the loss as calmly as possible, remembering all the good things in life together, and bless his path to God.

“It is desirable to have holy water in the house. And if, after the funeral, the above-described symptoms of the presence of a tortuous soul appear in your apartment, all sorts of oddities - sprinkle all the corners in the house, drink yourself and give water to all family members. And never open front door if no one answers your question. Time will pass, the calls and knocks will stop, then open it, sprinkle the threshold and the door with holy water to protect the house from troubles and misfortunes.

Even when the deceased caused you and other household members a lot of trouble and suffering, forgive him! Forgive all his sins, all that was bad in his life. It is with these thoughts that it is necessary to remember him on the ninth and fortieth days after his death, and subsequently only remember him with goodness in the church when you light candles for the repose of his soul.

If the first five rules do not help, contact a clergyman or psychic with a request to clean the house. After the cleansing procedure, it is advisable to go to church yourself for communion.

Gennady Fedotov
