Under the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn
You were born. And you are not alone!
All your friends are with you today!
And on this day you can not be sad!
You are a Capricorn
So, coolhorn,
So that you can overcome everything in life,
To conquer difficulties like mountains,
To be the most courageous and stubborn!
You always go the untrodden path,
Therefore, luck enters the house,
Do you like to laugh, joke,
You can cheer everyone around!
You are a Capricorn
And learn the lesson
There are a hundred roads in front of you in life!
You choose yours, follow it
And you will definitely find happiness!
We congratulate you on this day!
Let sadness, sadness disappear shadow!
Let there be no difficulties, worries!
Be happy and loved, our Capricorn!

In Capricorn babies, from childhood, one feels extraordinary maturity and adulthood. They are drawn to adults, preferring them to communicate with their peers. Capricorn likes to spend time usefully, so he is unlikely to go to play in the yard with the guys if there is an alternative option to learn something useful.
Capricorn children have a strong will and always know exactly what they want. Purposefulness is one of the strongest inborn qualities of January children. They know how to set a clear goal and achieve it. It is almost impossible to distract a child from his plans. If the plan is very important for him, the opposition of the parents will only slow down its implementation, but will not be able to turn Capricorn off the intended path.
As an Earth sign, the Capricorn baby strives for an orderly life. He is characterized by the ability to plan and bring the work started to the end. Capricorn from early childhood is distinguished by discipline and accuracy. His toys lie in their places in a strictly established order, but if the parents decide to change this order, then they will have to face the active protest of the baby.

The Capricorn child does his best to achieve independence and restrains his emotions in order to create the impression of complete self-control. He is afraid to seem weak and vulnerable, and therefore behaves emphatically reasonably, hiding his affectionate heart behind this mask.
January children are endowed with a practical rather than a creative mind. The knowledge gained is firmly embedded in his memory. By persevering in studying even those subjects that are difficult for him, Capricorn is able to achieve great success in his studies. Moreover, the measured and well-defined order of educational institutions is the most suitable for this disciplined child.
Capricorn children are born leaders and organizers. Although timid and shy in the presence of strangers, they tend to show commanding tendencies among their friends. Capricorn likes to be appreciated and receive an award for his work, so he will achieve a specific goal with enviable perseverance, whether it is a prize in a competition or an excellent mark in an exam.
In general, Capricorn children are very pleasant and empathetic by nature. Their love of home and attachment to their family lasts a lifetime. All the care and affection invested in them, they will more than return to their aged parents when it is their turn to look after them.

Capricorn girls
Capricorn girls from childhood know perfectly well what they want and how to achieve it. These are born feminists - they try with all their might to take their place in life on a par with men. Independence, self-control and fortitude are the qualities that this young lady seeks to develop in herself. Despite her determination, the Capricorn girl also dreams of recognizing her merits in the family. She will proudly do the chores assigned to her and will be glad that she has been useful to her parents. Capricorn likes to learn and acquire practical skills, so they find something interesting in any job. The Capricorn girl is unusually demanding of herself; she always feels like she could have put in more effort and achieved better results.


  • purposefulness
  • responsibility
  • constancy
  • thoroughness
  • ability to overcome difficulties
  • caution
  • ability to command and obey
  • inflexibility
  • suspicion
  • jealousy
  • prudence
  • lust for power
  • melancholy
  • conservatism

Capricorn is different from others even in appearance. Capricorn boy is a child in whom extraordinary adulthood is felt from childhood.

If your child is a boy according to the horoscope Capricorn

They often look a little older than their peers. A Capricorn child likes to spend time only with benefit, therefore, if there is an opportunity to learn something new and interesting, he is unlikely to just go outside to play with the guys.

They are smart and prudent, but sometimes uncertainty and timidity prevent them from showing their virtues. Capricorn boys prefer the company of adults, because their peers seem to be unreasonable children for them. Inborn tendencies include order and discipline.

One of the strongest qualities of January children is purposefulness. It is practically impossible to distract such a child from what was planned - they set a clear goal and will certainly achieve it. You will only be able to slow down the implementation of the plan, which is important to him, but in no case interfere with the fulfillment of the goal.

What Parents of a Capricorn Boy Need to Know

There are also many qualities that can repel others from Capricorn:

  • inflexibility,
  • jealousy,
  • love of power
  • prudence.

All these traits prevent Capricorns from easily building relationships with people. In addition, because of their suspicion, melancholy and conservatism, it is difficult for them to get along with the opposite sex, however, those who are lucky enough to become the chosen one of Capricorn, there is no doubt that these are the most reliable and faithful family men.

In general, people born under this sign are very sensitive natures. Their love and affection persists throughout life. All the care and affection given by their parents, they will return with interest in old age, when necessary.

Capricorn child development

As a ward of the elements Earth, the Capricorn boy in particular seeks to streamline his life. They are naturally inherent in the ability to plan and an irresistible desire to bring all the work started to the end.

From early childhood, Capricorn boys are distinguished by accuracy and discipline. Toys always lie in their places and parents will have to face a vehement protest if they suddenly want to change this order.

Purposefulness, constancy, responsibility, caution are the qualities that provide the ability to overcome any difficulties. Also, the advantages of the Capricorn boy include the innate ability to both lead and obey, not forgetting to follow their goals and dreams.

Babies born between December 22 and January 19 are Capricorns according to the zodiac sign. These are quiet and serious children who do not cause any special problems for adults. But it is important for parents to take into account the features of the sign in order to raise an optimistic and self-confident person.

General characteristics of the child

In infancy, Capricorn is distinguished by a serious look and a thoughtful look. The child cries a little, but it is not easy to make him laugh. He is not too burdened by loneliness and allows his mother to calmly go about her business. This zodiac sign is picky about food, eats little and reluctantly. Parents will have to come up with different tricks to feed the baby. Particular attention should be paid to the health of Capricorn: even a common cold can develop into a chronic disease.

Astrologers advise parents to pay attention to such moments in the upbringing of Capricorn:

  • provide a favorable psychological environment in the family;
  • teach the baby to have fun and be happy;
  • follow the daily routine;
  • pay attention to the mood of the child;
  • maintain your authority;
  • do not rush Capricorn and do not make fun of him.

Infancy and early childhood is the most important period in the physical and mental development of the little Capricorn. Parents should create a friendly atmosphere in the family, surround with warmth and love. Baby Capricorn can grow up to be a pessimist or an overly closed person, so you need to teach him to appreciate life and not be afraid to show any emotions.

A child of this zodiac sign may lag behind other children in development. But in the future it evens out and in many ways even surpasses its peers. To do this, he must grow up in a favorable atmosphere and receive full support from his relatives. Despite the apparent adulthood, the sign needs the wise and unobtrusive guidance of the elders. Capricorn likes to live measuredly, so he needs a daily routine and a weekly lesson plan. So he will feel confident in the future.

The problem with Capricorn children is that it's hard for them to relax. The child of this sign treats everything with the seriousness of an adult, but his psyche may not withstand such stress. Parents should monitor not only the degree of educational or other load, but also help the baby relax and not get hung up on problems. There should be more bright, cheerful and happy moments in the life of Capricorn.

It is important for parents not to miss the moment of transition from thoughtfulness to depression in a child. The sign does not make noise, listens to the elders and does not break the rules. Capricorn often becomes simply invisible: everyone gets used to the fact that he has no problems. But, if you do not notice his internal tension, this can lead to negative changes in behavior and psyche. First you need to calm and cheer the child, and only then understand the reasons for the bad mood.

Character traits of a girl

The Capricorn girl is demanding of herself, so it is important from childhood to emphasize her virtues and help fight shortcomings without focusing on them. The baby loves to help around the house and needlework, she is hardy and not afraid of responsibility. The girl of this zodiac sign needs unconditional parental love. Adults should explain to her that they love her just like that, and not for any merit.

Character traits of a boy

The sensible Capricorn boy resembles an adult in short pants. He likes to communicate with older children, neat and disciplined. If the boy of this sign really wanted something, then he will definitely achieve this, albeit not immediately. Little Capricorn can be jealous and demanding, it is important to give him enough attention.

The Capricorn boy can show both leadership qualities and be a good performer. Sometimes it is difficult for him to establish relationships with peers, but this does not sadden him too much. Parents need to become the first friends for their son so that the boy understands what friendship is. The sign loves sports and often achieves good success. Often already in adolescence a boy may want to earn money on his own, you should not refuse him this.

Relationships with other people

The child of this zodiac sign is wary of strangers. The already modest Capricorn in the company of strangers becomes isolated and hard to make contact. Large companies do not attract him; a couple of friends will be enough for him for full communication. Children born during this astrological period love to be alone and often withdraw into themselves..

The child of this zodiac sign rarely supports other people's tricks or pranks. He will not betray his peers, but he will not remain silent if someone suffers as a result. Capricorn is demanding not only to his shortcomings, but also to loved ones. Children of this astrological period are accustomed to telling the truth to peers and adults, they try to be honest and fair in everything.

Capricorn can criticize parents and question their authority. To avoid this, it is important to establish a trusting relationship with the child and instill respect for elders even at preschool age.

Hobbies and studies

A sign from childhood is often fond of needlework or crafts, seeks to help parents. The Capricorn child prefers logical games and toys that require concentration: puzzles, constructors, puzzles. At school, he gravitates towards the exact sciences with clear logical connections. For the development of creativity in little Capricorns, music is best suited.

The sign does not learn the school curriculum well, he will need the help of his parents. Do not use ambition as an incentive. Comparison with other children can underestimate Capricorn's self-esteem and even lead to nervous breakdowns. It is advisable to focus on his own victories and show new opportunities for success. Sometimes a child pays full attention to a few items and neglects the rest.

The first years of the life of children born under the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn sometimes pass under the sign of at least minor, but frequent illnesses. As Capricorn ages, he becomes a healthier and healthier child, ultimately enjoying the longest life of any member of the entire Zodiac.

Maybe that's why, being still kids, these children are in no hurry and surprise the environment with their innate wisdom. After all, the stars assign them a unique role in society.

As the horoscope warns, the Capricorn Child loves loneliness already in childhood. He lives in his own little world, he likes to mess with blocks and charades, he does not seek at any cost to get into the company of other children. It happens to be very attached to grandparents, parents, but it turns out to be very restrained in expressing feelings for them. A Capricorn boy or girl is an ideal older brother or sister - just like Scorpio: he knows how, even in exceptional circumstances, to look after younger family members with all responsibility.

Capricorn-child is patient and calm, but somewhere deep down this kid is very afraid of defeat. It is a great misfortune for him when he does not look well in the eyes of adults. He takes his daily duties in all seriousness, does not like changes, noisy crowds and the same environment. Therefore, for example, putting him on a stool to recite a rhyme in front of the guests and forcing him to participate in a crowded home celebration is a mockery.

Horoscope for the zodiac sign Capricorn-child: characteristics of the school period

Little Capricorn takes school very seriously. He has a small circle of friends, and he does not communicate with everyone: some, like noisy Sagittarius and frivolous Gemini, he generally tries to bypass away, because he considers their behavior childish. He loves to read, but he is even more interested in technology and the exact sciences. Capricorn child-boy and even Capricorn child-girl do not like to stand out appearance but frankly suffer when the results of their work and study do not deserve good grades teachers.

How does a child of the zodiac sign Capricorn learn? Systematically, he tries to study his favorite subjects more widely than is provided for by the school curriculum. Reaches for teachers, especially those who are demanding and fair.

The horoscope of the Capricorn child is such that his talents and intellect flourish only in special conditions. For him to be successful, he needs silence, concentration and a large number of repetitions of actions, constant exercises.

Little Capricorns love to compete with others, participate in school competitions and competitions, but sometimes they do not have the courage to put forward their candidacy. Therefore, it is worth pushing them a little (only diplomatically) in this direction.

If not for the legendary stubbornness, little Capricorn would be the perfect child for workaholic parents and perfectionists. Attentive, hardworking and very ambitious Capricorn cleans up toys (both a girl and a boy), shows frugality, already in kindergarten he knows that you can’t spoil clothes, because they are expensive.

Instead of a nimble and mischievous baby, you have a little old man or old woman, to whom the family treats very respectfully and seriously. And this is a big mistake. Like any child, it is useful for him from time to time to break his knees and put “treasures” found on the street under his pillow. Parents should teach him to enjoy the little things, because their child is prone to melancholy.

For Capricorn children, life is a serious matter. It includes parameters such as respect; rules to follow; goals to be achieved.

In a group of children, Capricorn is a child who carefully studies the rules of the game for each of its participants and makes sure that these rules are followed to the end. He is the responsible leader in the team or the leader's most valuable assistant. The authorities love him because he doesn't create problems.

Being a cardinal earth sign, the typical Capricorn is a realist. He appreciates everything material and practical. He does not sit waiting for favorable opportunities to come to him, but stubbornly achieves what he wants. This driving force makes him enterprising and gives him an advantage over other children, because if Capricorn cannot afford what he wants, then he will not sit idly by, but will definitely do something. He'll open a lemonade stand, wash cars, be a babysitter, whatever.

Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn, symbolizes the limitations that exist in life. The influence of Saturn explains the serious attitude of such children to life and their hard work. Often, Capricorns take on more responsibility in the family than they are supposed to, and may experience dissatisfaction with this. If they are not allowed to openly express their discontent, then it gnaws at them from the inside, which can subsequently cause health problems. Capricorn children benefit from regular exercise, and it doesn't matter to them what kind of sport they play - solo or team. The main thing is to shed the burden of the responsibility placed on oneself.

The typical Capricorn child is emotionally restrained, unless he learns from an early age that it is good to splash out emotions, even such as anger. Otherwise, there is a tendency to suppress the huge potential of its internal energy. By holding back and suppressing their emotions, Capricorn will also cut off access to their dreams, and dreams for such a child can turn out to be a huge information wealth.

Capricorns are very serious people.

It seems that Capricorn is born with a need and a desire to become someone important or achieve something significant in this big world. Sometimes their ambition blinds them so much that they lose sight of the fact that achieving any goal requires appropriate preparation and education. However, Capricorns know how to set long-term goals and tenaciously hold on to them.

Even a young Capricorn is already able to set goals and takes some steps to achieve them. But when such a child is completely absorbed in his goal, this can become a problem for parents. Be prudent - do not put too much responsibility on your Capricorn child! Even if he accepts it with joy (because it is his nature), you can deprive him of a carefree part of his childhood.

Capricorn boy. He loves sports, preferring team sports with well-defined rules. He works hard to improve his athletic skills; he likes the good physical form of his own body, his movements and reactions.

Your son may not have hordes of friends, but the ones he does tend to be loyal and constant. They seem to complement the unexpressed aspects of himself. For example, if he has such a flaw as incontinence, then his close friend in this respect it will be the exact opposite. Or vice versa. He learns to act, as if replacing the lack of knowledge and experience, by observing other people.

The veneration of authority figures sometimes returns to Capricorn like a boomerang, creating a tyrant who rules over his brothers, sisters and friends. Well, if this is a transitional stage - a time when he is trying to determine his role in the overall scheme of life. But it can also be a reaction to excessive responsibility.

Capricorns are very good athletes

Men and women of this sign should feel financially secure. Even at a young age, they understand that money is power, and they like to earn it, hold it in their hands, save and spend it. In fact, the lure of money can encourage them to set goals quite early. My Capricorn nephew at a fairly young age - at nine or ten years old - decided that when he grew up he would be a stock broker, because, as he said, "these people make a lot of money." By the age of 11, he decided that he would be an entrepreneur because these people also make a lot of money and at the same time work for themselves. Next year he wants to be something else. But whoever he decides to become finally, undoubtedly, it will be a profession with huge potential in terms of monetary income.

Your son is devoted to the people he loves, which allows him to make long-term commitments to another person. But it can work against him when he is unable to free himself from uncomplicated personal relationships. In this case, he binds himself in relationships that not only do not bring anything good, but in the end cause damage to him. To break this attachment, he may need the help of someone he trusts, and it is hoped that these people are you - his parents.

Capricorn girl. In her early teens, she can be very attached to her family. She gets along well with people who are older than her, and in everyday terms she has wisdom. Indeed, the Capricorn girl is very comfortable in the company of adults, and she easily enters into communication with them. But she is still a child, and she needs games with children, participation in a group of boy scouts, girls, the opportunity to laugh at the boys.

Like the opposite sex of this sign, your Capricorn daughter often attracts people who have qualities that are not expressed in herself. This is true for all of us, regardless of when we were born. But the influence of Saturn on Capricorn interferes with the development of some elements of their personality to a greater extent than the ruling planets of other signs.

Capricorn girls attract friends like a magnet

The people who act as mirrors in your daughter's life may be those she loves, or knows very superficially, or even total strangers. If your Capricorn daughter is endowed with athletic abilities, she may have a friend who does not have these qualities. If she is too categorical in her beliefs, she may attract someone who will force her to become more flexible.

If the Capricorn girl learns to recognize and use "intuitive messages", then she will take a huge step forward in understanding herself and her motives. Learning to recognize such messages may not be easy for her, but if she at least learns (at a young age) about their existence, life will become much easier for her.

Age stages of the Capricorn child

Capricorn from birth to seven years. The Capricorn baby looks at you with the eyes of an old man, as if he was born with the knowledge that he was connected with you back in past life. And when a child learns to speak and express his desires, it will often seem to you that he sees something. that he should not have to see that his gaze penetrates the secret that is hidden inside you, in your spouse or family members.

By school age, most of this penetrating insight is depleted. Capricorn absorbs the thrill of making new friends and new surroundings, and his soul forgets what it once knew.

Capricorn child from seven to fourteen. With a Capricorn child, in all likelihood, you will not have to go through the stage of open rebellion; even his individuality is subject to certain rules.

At a young age, the child obeys only his intuition.

But at the same time, he can offer considerable resistance when he is in search of his own code, norms and rules. Get ready for a direct question: why are you right? Remember: this is what the future responsible leader or entrepreneur says in it.

Teenage Capricorn from fourteen years to twenty-one years. Just when you think you have already comprehended your child, puberty sets in. He is attracted to belief systems with many rules and regulations. One month your daughter thinks she will become a nun; the next one decides to be a cop. You cannot fight it. You will not win an argument with a Capricorn child.

But you can try to help him understand the deeper order that governs his life. As soon as he realizes this, everything will begin to take shape in his favor. Capricorn will meet people who will help him reach his potential. He will gain a sense of inner security that will be with him all his life, to the very end.

Capricorn after twenty-one. At some point during college, your Capricorn becomes committed to some person, or ideal, or lifestyle, or profession. Or maybe all of the above.

At a young age, Capricorn is looking for a spirit partner and friend.

Obligation, fidelity and inner strength support him in difficult periods of life.
As for love affairs, Capricorn is looking for a partner whose ambitions would match his ambitions. However, in such a partnership, the problem is that ambition can form the core of this relationship, and Capricorn will be blinded by their own materialism. This will leave him vulnerable to potential partners who may deceive him.

The Inner World of a Capricorn Child

The need for this sign in a rigid structure dictates its approach to spiritual problems. If Capricorn joins an organized religion, then he does it with full responsibility and sincere participation. If he does not adhere to the rules of traditional religion, he will set his own parameters and rules. In any case, the main thing for Capricorn is to somehow use their spiritual research to delve into the process of self-discovery and determine their role in this world.

If Capricorn begins to develop his intuition and allows it to flourish, he can become an excellent medium. Such people can help the police using their clairvoyant abilities, work as spiritual healers or consultants, relying on their incredible intuition. But, no matter what field Capricorn chooses, he always works within established boundaries and rules.

Capricorns are very strong internally.

A developed Capricorn has a large supply of vitality and is trying to change something in this world. But in order to do this, he must first overcome the restrictive nature of Saturn. Since Saturn rules the sun sign Capricorn, at times he feels that he is fighting in vain, going against the current, and is not able to change anything even in his own life.

But once he realizes that he can direct his energies towards the development of mental vision, it will not be difficult for him to satisfy his ambitions.
