Depending on the plot, a watch in a dream can either rush the sleeping person to do something or keep him from a hasty decision or act.

A dream in which there are wrist watch, always has to do with the sleeper himself, with what concerns him.

To receive a watch as a gift in a dream is an opportunity to realize one's own potential in reality at the expense of others.

If you didn’t like the wristwatch you received as a gift, didn’t match your taste or style, you will be forced to do something that you really don’t have a soul for, however, later it turns out that it brought you considerable benefit.

Every now and then look at the clock on your hand in a dream, not understanding why you are doing this and why you need to know the time - to the loss of a good chance in the area of ​​interest to you.

The fight of the clock in a dream portends trouble.

Breaking a watch is a signal of carelessness and poor life orientation.

A golden watch dreams of a successful undertaking, a great start.

To find them is to catch in reality an extremely rare chance for good luck.

To dream that different watches show different times - to unfair accusations or life's uncertainty. You should make sure that what you are doing is correct and legal.

If in a dream you were presented with a watch, it means that in life you will receive help or an impetus to some kind of action, new beginnings. If you are given a wrist watch, it can also warn of an attempt to interfere in reality with your personal life and even turn it in a different direction. Pay attention to the personality of the donor and the feelings experienced at the same time, did you like the watch received as a gift? Are you faced with the need to wear a thing that you do not like?

I dreamed of stealing a watch - in real life someone abuses you in the most unceremonious way, robs you of time that was meant for something else.

I happened to steal a watch from someone myself - the same can be said about you. In your environment there is a person whom you simply interfere with.

Pay attention to the readings of the clock face, try to remember the numbers indicated by the minute and hour hands. To decipher them, refer to the appropriate interpretation.

If you dreamed of a watch according to Tsvetkov's dream book

In general, the clock seen in a dream is a call for self-control and a reminder of the rapid passage of time.

The watch on the hand is dreaming of a significant event in his personal life.

Tower - something significant is coming in the life of society. Most likely negative.

Buying a watch is a dream as advice to more reasonably allocate your time, enter a regime or make a plan so as not to stagnate and not return several times to the same thing.

To start the clock ahead of the time at which you need to wake up or do something - such a dream suggests that you are used to reinsuring yourself in everything, thereby creating inconvenience to yourself. Live easier.

A golden watch in a dream is a sign that a fruitful period is coming or a time that you will remember as the best in your life.

Also, a gold watch is dreamed of as a reminder that time is precious, and you treat it lightly.

If in a dream you happened to find a watch, a period of active, stormy activity begins, if you try, you can successfully start a new project, master a new type of activity.

If the clock was found in a dream by a young unmarried girl- this is a reminder that time in terms of arranging her personal life does not work for her.

We saw an electronic watch in a dream - you are too conservative. What you spend time doing the old fashioned way can be done much faster and more productively with modern technology.

I dreamed of a broken watch - waste your time on something.

Received a wrist as a gift - get help in some business, a hint or advice. In any case, this will move your affairs forward a lot or get them off the ground.

I dreamed that they were giving a gold watch - this help or advice would be truly invaluable for you.

Steal them - such a dream says that you will steal someone's time or idea, use the results of other people's labors.

If in a dream the watch was stolen from you, you yourself will suffer through someone else's fault. If you are engaged in creative activities, you may become a victim of plagiarism.

Watch repair dreams of trying to systematize or fix something in your life.

The meaning of sleep hours - Hasse's dream book

A golden watch is dreamed of as a sign of the value of the time allotted to a person for earthly life.

Find them in a dream - good sign promising the successful use of the presented opportunity.

If the sleeper found a watch lying in a hidden, hard-to-reach place (in the grass, tree hollow, etc.), then he will be able to use the chance, the probability of which was very small.

A watch on your hand dreams of changes in your personal life.

If they were broken or broken, these changes will be negative.

Buying a watch in a dream is a good change. You can expect a favorable life period, a new undertaking, the realization of your plans - everything that will turn your fate for the better.

Especially favorable is the dream in which you happened to buy a gold watch.

But if you came to the watch store and couldn’t find anything for yourself, make a mistake in choosing in reality.

I dreamed that your wristwatch stopped - you will get into trouble. If you do not take the dream into account and do not be careful, death may overtake.

If the cuckoo wall clock stops, one of your family members may die.

A broken glass in a clock that continues to run is a dream that indicates that you are over-dramatizing what is happening. Life goes on as usual, it has not stopped, and your current troubles will soon be forgotten.

I dreamed that you were presented with a wristwatch - you will spend an unforgettable time thanks to the person who made this gift to you.

If you don’t like the watch you donated, you will appreciate this person and what he does for you much later.

A dream in which a dead man gives you a watch indicates that you should be grateful to him for something and pay this lifetime debt with prayers for him.

Why the clock is dreaming - an esoteric dream book

Your own wrist or pocket watch, which is in good condition, dreams of coordinated actions, successful work and the positive changes taking place against this background.

I dreamed that your watch stopped or started to go wrong - everything will go awry and may even end tragically.

An expensive watch in a dream reminds you how precious our time is, and right now you have the opportunity to do something for future prosperity.

Seeing an hourglass in a dream is an indication that you may be late to do something. You put off something for too long, and perhaps you simply forgot about it.

The tower clock dreams of imminent danger. This may concern not only you, but also the people around you and even the whole settlement.

Breaking a clock in a dream is a missed opportunity, someone else will take your place.

Hearing the chimes in a dream is a formidable warning, danger, a fateful moment in the life of the country, which will invariably be reflected in your personal destiny.

The wall clock has stopped or broken - such a dream warns that trouble may come to your house.

If you dream that there are all clocks in your apartment with different times, then there is a discord in the family, a divergence of interests, a disorder of mutual understanding.

An unnaturally large clock in a dream suggests that you lack the willpower, the spirit, to bring at least some semblance of order and self-control into your life.

Received a watch as a gift in a dream - fate will be merciful to you, but you should not waste time in vain so as not to lose Fortune's favor.

If a loved one gives them, you will go through life together.

The dead man is dreaming, and he gives a watch - during his lifetime he did something, the fruits of which you, under a successful set of circumstances, can use.

Buying a watch in a dream is to achieve happiness with your own hands, with work. You will not get anything in life just like that, but you will not miss yours.

If in a dream you tried to repair a watch, you can talk about the action of the mother matrix, which seeks to restore mechanical repeatability.

In some cases, dreaming of a broken watch gives out mental instability, an obsessive state, the presence of an irreversible program in the action of the deviation monitor.

Why the clock is dreaming, Longo's dream book

I dreamed of a watch on my hand - expect imminent changes.

If they were expensive, such that you cannot afford in real life, something joyful, very good will happen in your personal life.

An old watch is dreamed of as a reminder of something not done, for example, an unpaid debt.

Finding such a watch in a dream is a hint that the solution to the issue that concerns you at the moment can be found in your own past, since something similar has already happened to you.

If a woman dreams that she has found a watch, she should pay more attention to the reality of her own appearance and state of health, because both of them will very soon begin to give her not the most pleasant sensations.

Buying watches, choosing them in a store in a dream - to recognize old mistakes, revise principles and routines, and put current affairs in order.

If in a dream you were presented with a watch, someone will pay the necessary attention, help in some way, or just have a good time with you.

A dream in which a woman sees a man's watch on her hand indicates that she has a masculine mindset and is quite capable of achieving a lot herself, but this is partly what repels the representatives of the stronger sex from her.

A woman's watch on a man's hand indicates to the dreamer that he is used to being guided in his real life by feelings, although it would be more logical for a man to listen to the voice of reason.

Clock, English dream book

A beautiful watch on your hand is a dream as evidence that you devote a lot of time to hobbies and fun, and also give a lot of effort and money in reality to furnish yourself beautiful things. To some extent, this comes at the expense of everything else.

To receive a watch as a gift - such a dream promises you another chance to achieve what you want. If you recognize the person who gave them to you - somehow this will happen thanks to this person.

I dreamed that your watch was broken - you will suffer a loss.

Selling watches in a dream - for the long-awaited rest that you have earned.

Start - to routine, monotonous work.

Buying watches for home - such a dream promises a peaceful and harmonious family life.

Choose wrist - your self-esteem will increase, and there will be reasons for this.

A watch without a dial is a dream unfortunately.

Why the clock is dreaming - a modern dream book

Finding a watch in a dream is a warning that your life can hardly be called orderly and stable. It's time to wake up and pull yourself together.

If a sleeping person found a watch that turned out to be faulty, in the coming days you should not make fateful decisions in reality or go on long journeys.

Losing hours in a dream is an unworthy or simply meaningless activity.

I dreamed that they began to look for them - you will fight with bad habit. How successful depends on the search results.

Buy a watch as a gift - such a dream plot suggests that you will try to re-educate someone or warn against erroneous behavior.

Measuring watches in a store in a dream is a reason to look at what is happening differently, from a different angle. Perhaps this will change something in your life for the better.

Break - to a nervous breakdown, emotional shock.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

change in life; remember the hour and minutes (year and month or month and day of change); buy - the beginning of new business; someone is buying nearby - to conduct unexpected new business, offers from an unexpected place.

Dreamed of a clock

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a watch in a dream means that you will succeed in playing the stock market. To dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be nullified by your rivals. To break the clock - portends troubles and losses. Breaking a glass in a watch is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society. If a woman loses her watch in a dream, this means that domestic troubles will cause misfortune. To imagine in a dream that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation. To give someone a watch means that trouble awaits you. If you hear the beat of a clock, upsetting news is possible.

The meaning of sleep about the clock

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to bring a watch on your hand - such a dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward may not be material. If you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock, then you will be surprised to have sex with a person whom you always thought of as very reserved and dry. It turns out that in an informal setting this person expresses his feelings very clearly, so there is no doubt about his emotionality. If you dreamed of a tower clock, then you have to find out some very important news, and long-awaited. A broken watch is a symbol of bad sex. Perhaps you are too direct and do not want to put up with some, in your opinion, of your partner's eccentricities, and he, in turn, does not want to give up these quirks. Someone has to take the first step, right?

Clock in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Consider in a dream antique clock- a sign that in the future you will repent very much for the mistakes made in the past. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors. Seeing a wall clock in a dream means that in the future you will have something that will radically change your life. If you dreamed of a watch, then such a dream suggests that you will not have enough time to carry out your plan. Perhaps this dream suggests that the ruler, who is now in power in your state, will not have time to implement all his reforms and projects. To determine the time in a dream by a clock that does not have a dial is a bad omen. The event that will happen to you will be unusual, and therefore will greatly upset you. Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream is evidence that one of your loved ones really needs your help. And the sooner this help is provided, the better.

Why dream about a clock

according to Vanga's dream book

If you saw an old clock in a dream, then such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth. If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not allow it to pass you by. Seeing a watch in a dream is a sign that there is very little time left for an important event in your life. To determine the time in a dream by a clock that does not have a dial is a harbinger of serious danger. Such a dream prophesies a great tragedy, which you can survive only by turning to God for help. Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream is a prophecy that your life will not get better for a long time. It will seem to you that God has turned away from you, but this is not so, it’s just that you are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Dream about time

according to Loff's dream book

Time and temporal riddles can be a difficult element in dream interpretation. Since dreams come to us as a phantasmagoria, very few signs can be used to judge how time is perceived in a dream. One dream may appear to be happening in real time: twenty minutes of events in a rem loop; another dream may take place in the form of a series of edited scenes occurring over several days, weeks, years, or an immeasurable period of time; another dream may turn out to be completely outside of any temporal bindings. One way to determine the movement of time in a dream is simply to imagine scenes of situations and try to establish any chronological changes in them. Another way is to dream about numbered objects and associate their numbers with the time frame of your life. If the clock in your dream shows 5:15, then this may be the time, date, or time elapsed between two ages; in the latter case, perhaps five or fifteen years. Sometimes temporary riddles upset and surprise, sometimes they are full of deep meaning: you can easily observe the periodically repeating cyclic structure of life, remember the time when maturity and self-awareness appeared, how long the transition period took. In this way many things can be understood. Sometimes the temporal aspect can influence the emotional environment of the dream; it is likely that a dream in "real time" will have a different emotional underpinning than a dream in "scattered time".

The meaning of sleep about the watchmaker

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a watchmaker in a dream or coming to him to repair a broken watch - a woman to meet a strange man who will tell you what you are causing him desire. If such a dream was seen by a man, then someone wants to deceive him in matters related to work or business.

Dreams give a person the opportunity to at least a little look into the future. When interpreting, even quite ordinary things, such as, for example, a watch, can tell a lot of interesting information. To do this, you need to remember the main details of the plot: what the accessory looked like, what you did with it, etc. It is also important to compare the information received with the events that occur in real life.

Why dream of a watch?

Most often, wristwatches are a symbol important events that are currently happening in life. It may also be an indication that you often spend a lot of time on insignificant trifles and miss real chances to change everything for the better. If you stole a watch, this is a warning about the emergence of influential enemies who will attempt to ruin life. It also indicates the emergence of enemies among colleagues. , where you let the clock down, predicts a reward for the work done, but it will not necessarily be expressed in material terms.

In a dream, they presented a watch, which means that due to frivolous behavior, numerous troubles can arise. For girls, such a dream promises a meeting with a soul mate. If you presented a watch with an expensive bracelet, then you can count on a successful marriage. The loss of such an accessory is an unfavorable sign that promises the destruction of hopes. It is also a symbol of the fact that you often waste time in vain. To see a watch in a dream and admire its beauty means that in reality it will be possible to realize what was planned. Night vision, where a watch is presented, warns that you yourself will harm your plans and interests. For a girl, such a dream portends a meeting with a future spouse. If you give a watch, it means that in reality you cannot cope with the current situation and want to shift the problems to another person.

To give a watch for repair means that a difficult situation that has been tormenting for a long time will end successfully. The dream, where the golden wristwatch appeared, is an unfavorable sign that promises betrayal from the side. loved one. An expensive accessory is a symbol of positive change, excellent health and a stable financial situation. Finding a watch in a dream means that due to rash acts, you will find yourself in a difficult situation. Another such dream indicates that you are in a hurry. Seeing an accessory without arrows means you have to waste time. If you see that the clock is behind, this is a symbol of the slow development of events.

Choosing a watch in a dream means that in the near future you will be lucky, maybe you should play on the stock exchange. If you bought such an accessory, this is a symbol indicating the start of a new business. Buying a watch in a dream means that in reality you are a careless person. The dream interpretation says that you do not know how to make important decisions and get out of difficult situations on your own. An unusual clock is a symbol of attending an interesting event.

Why dream of a broken watch?

If you broke the clock, it means that a difficult time will come in life, you may lose a loved one. Night vision, where the clock slips off the hand and breaks, can be taken as a recommendation that life principles need to be changed so that the future is happy. A broken watch is a warning that you will frighten yourself. It may also be an indication that in real life there is a problem that should be solved as quickly as possible.

Dreaming that they started choosing a watch? New opportunities and promising proposals will appear in the professional sphere. Fate will make a wonderful gift. Using it, you will be able to change your life for the better.

It is necessary to be vigilant and attentive, try not to miss the given chance, as it will not happen again very soon. Remember that recklessness can lead to sad consequences.

Dreamed of an expensive watch

The interpretation of the dream, which featured expensive watches, is endowed with a positive meaning. A profitable, promising marriage awaits you. In addition, it will bring a lot of happiness. Relations with the second half will be distinguished by reliability, mutual understanding.

You are on the threshold of a happy period. Try to get over it good mood, getting rid of recklessness and haste. Stupid mistakes can come at a high cost.

Dreamed of a women's watch

Do you dream of women's watches? There is a possibility that with your reckless actions you will set someone up. The actions performed by you will not become conscious, intentional. However, a person who has fallen into a difficult situation because of you will have a very difficult time.

Try not to make stupid mistakes out of the blue, give up recklessness. Each action must be carefully thought out so that you do not have to later regret what you did.

Seeing a gold watch in a dream

The dream, which featured a gold wristwatch, indicates an increase in reputation and popularity. You will be able to achieve recognition in the team with your decisive actions.

Success awaits in deeds, solving the designated tasks. Due confident decisions, showing diligence and diligence, you will be able to cope with competitors, get a promotion.

Everything can be ruined at the most unexpected moment due to stupid mistakes, reckless actions. Try not to give envious and ill-wishers a chance.

Dreaming of a beautiful watch

The beautiful wristwatch seen in the vision is considered by the dream book of the Oracle from the position of marriage. It will bring mutual benefit and good luck. However, sincerity in feelings may not be. Accordingly, there can be no talk of happiness and family comfort.

Before you make a life-changing decision, consider whether you should be guided by profit alone, or something more is needed.

I dreamed of a lot of watches

Dreamed of a lot of watches? There is a lack of time, you simply do not have time to complete all the assigned tasks at work. This can negatively affect well-being and career.

It is important to be able to prioritize, relegating tasks that do not require prompt intervention to the background. Failure to plan your actions can lead to not very pleasant consequences.

Dreamed of a men's watch

Do you dream of men's watches? Vision is a harbinger of problems in personal relationships that arise due to indiscretion and inattention. With your hasty actions, you risk endangering loved ones.

It is necessary to exercise vigilance and caution in order to prevent such mistakes, to avoid serious problems. Try to improve by providing all possible assistance to a loved one.

In a dream, find a watch

In a dream, we managed to find a watch - I'm waiting for positive events ahead. There will be an opportunity to achieve a career take-off, which you did not even dream of. This can help skills, experience and knowledge.

You can achieve dizzying results only if you start to act, putting maximum effort, showing vigilance and caution. Don't expect everything to work out by itself.

Dreamed of a new watch

The meaning of the dream, where the new wristwatch was featured, indicates excessive carelessness, frivolity. Because of this, you are unable to make important decisions in difficult situations, navigate in emergency situations.

Approach your duties responsibly, be careful in business, be careful to avoid stupid mistakes. Remember, frivolity will not help to achieve good results.

Dreaming of a stopped wrist watch

Did the watch stop in a dream? There will be drastic changes in the future. They can be both negative, affecting well-being, and positive, bringing success in professional and personal life.

Try to take good care of your health. Neglect can lead to complications, and then to death.

Gave a watch in a dream

Dreaming that they gave a watch? A new period will begin in life. Personal relationships will change especially. There is a high probability of meeting with the second half, marriage.

Be attentive, vigilant in order to avoid making stupid mistakes that can ruin your mood before fateful events.

A wrist watch was presented by a husband in a dream

Did you dream that your husband gave you a watch? According to the Oracle's dream book, this symbol is negative. Not very pleasant events will begin to occur in personal relationships, there is a high probability of divorce. What feelings the changes will bring can be suggested by the emotions experienced in dreams.

It is important not to give up because of failures, not to fall into depression. Realize that problems were inevitable, start living full life, to wait for new emotions, unknown sensations.

Buy a watch in a dream

Had a dream that you were buying a watch? You want to achieve great heights in professional activity, without making any effort, without showing diligence. However, desire alone may not be enough.

If you decide to change something in business area to achieve dizzying success, you just need to start acting. Otherwise, dreams run the risk of remaining just dreams.

Lost watch in dream

Dreaming that you lost your watch? In life, too, a loss awaits, a friend may turn away from you. This can undermine self-confidence, bring a lot of negative emotions.

The plot of the vision predicts that a promising opportunity in professional activity will be missed. Accordingly, you will not be able to achieve a promotion, material well-being in the near future.

The loss of hours to a woman portends the occurrence of unpleasant events associated with her own inattention and neglect in personal relationships. Small misunderstandings can turn into serious conflicts.

The plot of the vision does not portend positive changes and events. Therefore, it is necessary to gather strength, show care and caution in order to avoid stupid mistakes that can complicate an already difficult situation.

Dream of a broken watch

The meaning of sleep, which featured a broken watch, says that you cannot get rid of memories, past events with an unpleasant ending. Such a circumstance prevents success, both in personal relationships and in the business sphere.

Things can only get worse if you don't take action. Try to think about the current situation, find a way out of it, cope with unnecessary memories.

Seeing a watch on your hand in a dream

The dream where the watch was on the hand describes the sleeping person as a well-organized person. You are able to follow the established rules, which helps to achieve success not only in business, but also in the love arena.

What is the clock for? In general, seeing a clock in a dream is a complex symbol that requires a clear analysis of the situation in a dream. A watch in a dream can indicate both the state of health of the sleeper and his age. A dreaming hourglass indicates that time is running out, and if you do not hurry, then all opportunities may be lost.

A dreaming clock can mean changes in the future. Seeing a clear time in a dream (hours and minutes) is the month and day of an event that can turn your life around.

To see the tower clock - soon you will find out important and long-awaited news. Hearing the chiming of the tower chimes - to changes in the state that will directly affect your life.

If in a dream you understand that your clock is in a hurry, this indicates that you have little time left to make a very important decision. Wasting away on the clock face is a sign of good health.

Trying to determine the time by a watch that does not have a dial - a serious danger awaits you. A pocket watch means that in the future your family problems will be resolved, and life will get better.

Why dream of a watch

A dream in which you see a wrist watch is considered a sign of obligations that occur in real life. Often it can indicate the sleeper's anxiety about the timing of the execution of important matters. Wearing a watch is a reminder that you need to properly allocate your time.

Looking at a wrist watch means that you have a strong anxiety about things expected in the future. Perhaps this is an important meeting that you would like to hurry. If you dreamed that you were late for something, looking at your watch, it means that in real life you have problems with the deadline for completing the tasks assigned to you. Looking at your watch and seeing the pronounced number "5" - in society you are impersonating someone other than who you really are.

If the dreaming watch does not have hands, then a carefree pastime and a waste of life are expected. It can also mean that a sleeping person is waiting for circumstances under which he will forget about time (falling in love).

To dream of a fancy watch or a watch with a very beautiful dial means that very interesting moments are happening in a person’s life.

It is considered a bad sign to see a watch in a dream that has stopped, as a rule, such a dream can speak of someone's death. Losing a watch is a nuisance caused by a rash act.

If the time on the dial goes counterclockwise, then the person is in an extremely difficult situation, from which he cannot find a way out. Wiping a watch with a cloth in a dream means that you have to spend the rest of your life in a foreign land.

Summing up the hands on a wristwatch indicates the nearest reward for the work done, but you should not expect wealth, since most likely it will just be the praise of an influential person. Wind up the clock - changes for the better are expected.

A dream in which your acquaintance accidentally leaves his watch with you is considered a precursor to a long relationship with this person.

Golden watch in a dream

A dream in which a person sees a gold watch can be contradictory. It can portend unpleasant events, such as the betrayal of loved ones or the theft of a loved one. If a gold watch does not show time, it means that in real life a person is engaged in unnecessary things.

Seeing a gold watch in a dream can mean that intrigues are woven around a person that can disrupt the state of mind of the sleeping person. Finding a gold watch is good news from loved ones.

Some sources interpret a dream in which a person sees a gold watch as an early gain in authority and recognition among others. Seeing expensive watches - to wealth and good health.

Why do wall clocks dream

To hear the ticking of a wall clock in a dream - to an extreme situation, the development of an illness or sad events. If the ticking comes from a watch that has been out of order for a long time, then the sleeper is in danger of serious problems related to his financial situation or health.

Seeing an old clock in a dream is a sign that you should think about the past and the future. Is life lived worthy, and what trace will be left after you. Examining an old watch - in the future, repentance and shame awaits for past actions.

To see a wall clock used for its intended purpose means that a sleeping person does not value his life and time at all. And also such a dream portends a situation that can radically change your life.

Starting an alarm clock in a dream may mean that in the near future you will have to face unfair accusations that can unsettle you. Hearing the alarm clock - it's time to make an important decision.

A cuckoo wall clock implies a long life. A clock with a pendulum usually symbolizes the work of the heart. Seeing an electronic wall clock is an argument with relatives or close friends.

To dream of a wall clock with a prominent number "1" - in a month, a person who cares about you will pay attention to you. If there is only the number “1” on the dial, this indicates your selfishness, which in the future may affect your relationship with loved ones.

If the arrows on the dial are curved, after a victory in real life, a losing streak will follow, which can drag on for quite a long time.

Why dream of a broken or broken watch

Seeing a broken or broken watch in a dream is a harbinger of a problem that will require urgent resolution. Repairing a watch - in real life, your attempts to stop the inevitable situation will not work. If the watch is intact, and only the factory is broken, this may symbolize that you will soon deceive your heart.

If in a dream you yourself break the clock, this can be considered a sign that a delicate situation or bad news awaits you. Breaking the glass in a watch is a sign of frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society for a sleeping person, which can end in an unforeseen situation.

A dream in which a broken watch appears suggests that one should not forget that everything changes and does not stand still. A broken clock symbolizes a difficult situation from which at the moment you cannot get out.

Dropping a watch in a dream, without breaking it - expect good luck in resolving a case that everyone considered hopeless.

What does it mean to find a watch in a dream

Find a watch in a dream - to loss and loss. Find a pocket watch - symbolize small problems. Finding a large wall clock is a big problem. The reason for such problems may be your lack of punctuality. The dream reminds you that you should take your responsibilities, both professional and family, more seriously.

If a woman dreams that she is losing her watch, it is a harbinger that everyday troubles can cause great misfortune. Stealing a watch means that someone is trying to tarnish the reputation of the sleeper. If a watch was stolen from you in a dream, ill-wishers are trying to destroy your happiness.

Why dream of buying a watch

Buying a watch in a dream may indicate your excessive carelessness, as well as your inability to independently cope with the prevailing circumstances and make difficult decisions. Also, such a dream reminds you that you need to take life more seriously and not waste your time.

The dream in which you buy a watch may indicate that you lack self-confidence. Also, such a dream can be interpreted as an early receipt of a gift that will be very valuable to you.

What does it mean if a watch was presented in a dream

To receive a gift in the form of a watch in a dream means that a new acquaintance awaits the sleeper in the near future. The presented watch fully symbolizes the person with whom the acquaintance will occur.

If you don’t like the watch, then the acquaintance will be unpleasant. If the gift drives you crazy with its beauty, you may meet true love in the future.

Give a watch in a dream - to trouble, in love affairs this may mean that you are wasting your time with a person with whom you will have nothing in the future.
